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And the winner of the election for FSFE's Fellowship GA seat is…


Election results

Daniel Pocock

Daniel Pocock

Daniel Pocock! The election period for this year's Fellowship GA seat has ended on April 24, 2017. FSFE is proud to have such an interested and active community to have had seven outstanding candidates who were running for office this time. Now, Daniel Pocock is happy to take over the GA's Fellowship seat from former representative Nicolas Dietrich.

Thanks to all candidates and Fellows who participated in the process and interesting discussions. You made this a valuable experience for the FSFE and our community. We had a voter participation of 17,23% this time.

Please see FSFE's wiki for more background about 2017's candidates, including our public hustings. You can alse see the detailed Fellowship elections results.

Result details

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Daniel Pocock - 110 123 121 139 166 125
2. Carsten Agger 99 - 119 123 134 163 130
3. Florian Snow 88 92 - 121 127 153 124
4. Maurice Verheesen 79 85 82 - 105 138 112
5. P. Moelands 53 58 63 67 - 126 101
6. Joe Awni 39 39 44 52 50 - 79
7. Thomas Kandler 14 13 13 20 19 38 -