The story of Ada, available now in English worldwide
From 29 August the English version of the book "Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream" is available internationally. The book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software and realises how important it is for her and others to control technology.

“Ada & Zangemann" not only inspires children to tinker and create, but the tale also helps adults understand the importance of controlling the technology on which our society depends. Aimed at readers aged 6 to 106, the book, written by Matthias Kirschner and illustrated by Sandra Brandstätter, is published under a Creative Commons By Share Alike licence, making it a great gift for our loved ones, as well as a donation to libraries and schools!
"What a fun read! I recognize myself in Ada at many moments."
"Such a powerful message on what a community can achieve."
You can make a big difference by helping us to reach more people about software freedom with the book. For example:
- Suggest the book to your public library. Often you can recommend new books to libraries.
- Donate the book to a public library. This is a good option for cases when a library does not have the budget to buy the book, but you can afford it. Your copy will make many people happy.
- Give your feedback to book-stores about the book, so they recommend it to others.
- Write a review if you bought the book online so you help to reach a wider audience.
- Offer schools, youth clubs, your hackerspace, or your family and friends to read the book there. The tale is a good way to talk about software freedom. These slides can be used as a background while you read with a projector.
"An uplifting parable for our greed- and power-infused times."
The book is currently available by the following publishers:
- in English by No Starch Press can be ordered from your preferred book store world-wide with the ISBN 978-1-718-50320-5.
- in German by O'Reilly Germany / Dpunkt Verlag (affiliate link - the FSFE gets 12%) and can be ordered from your preferred book store with the ISBN 978-3-96009-190-5.
This book is licensed under the free cultural license Creative Commons CC-BY-SA. You can share, copy, and redistribute the material in any medium or format. You can adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. Several volunteers from the FSFE and other organisations started with community translations of the book which can be found in the book's git repository.
"I love this book and I love that it can be shared and translated and adapted easily because licensed freely under a Creative Commons license (BY-SA)."
Join the first reading of Ada & Zangemann in Italian! Celebrate with us on September 16th Software Freedom Day listening to the story of Ada while eating homemade ice cream.