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SFP#1 on Day Against DRM with Cory Doctorow


We have a Podcast! Starting with this episode, we will talk once a month with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In our first episode of our Software Freedom Podcast, we address the issue of Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) together with Cory Doctorow, a British-Canadian writer, political activist, and co-editor of the blog boingboing.net. Cory Doctorow is a prominent supporter of software freedom and a less restrictive copyright law. His books are published under Creative Commons licenses.

When we planned the first episode, we exchanged some ideas for possible guests. When we heard that the Day Against DRM will take place in October we thought: we have to get Cory Doctorow as our first guest on Digital Restrictions Management. In this episode of the Software Freedom Podcast, we talk about the difference between books and an e-books with DRM, how authors and artist can make money without DRM, security implications of DRM, regulation of the so called "Internet of Things", and other questions related to this issue.

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