List of pages tagged "infobooth"
- [2023-01-23]Ready for FOSDEM 2023?
- [2019-09-30] Be part of this year's FSFE community meeting
- [2025-03-22T09:00:00Z]Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2025 in Chemnitz, Deutschland
- [2025-02-15T16:00:00Z]Ada and Zangemann reading at Tiraboschi library in Dalmine (BG), Italia
- [2025-02-14T18:30:00Z]I Love Free Software Day in Netherlands
- [2025-02-14T13:00:00Z]I Love Free Software Day in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2025-01-18T10:00:00Z]FSFE-booth at national NLLGG-meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2024-12-27T08:00:00Z]38c3- Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany
- [2024-12-19T19:00:00Z]I love Free Software day informative call (online)
- [2024-12-01T11:00:00Z]Infostand beim Lichtermarkt am Rathaus Lichtenberg in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2024-11-23T09:00:00Z]FSFE-booth, presentation and book reading at LocHal Open Source Event in Tilburg, Netherlands
- [2024-11-23T08:00:00Z]FSFE booth at Campus du libre in Lyon, France
- [2024-11-16T09:00:00Z]FSFE-booth at national NLLGG-meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2024-10-25T15:00:00Z]Linux Autumn 2024 in Rybnik, Poland
- [2024-09-21T10:00:00Z]FSFE-booth at national NLLGG-meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2024-09-21T09:00:00Z]Bits&Bäume Saar in Saarbrücken, Germany
- [2024-09-21T08:00:00Z]Software Freedom Day 2024 Cologne/Köln in Cologne, Germany
- [2024-08-17]FSFE bei der FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin, Deutschland
- [2024-08-03T00:45:00Z]COSCUP in Taipei, Taiwan
- [2024-06-22]Tübix in Tübingen, Deutschland
- [2024-06-15]FSFE Infostand bei Suppe und Mucke in Berlin, Germany
- [2024-06-01]FSFE at T-DOSE 2024 in Geldrop, Netherlands
- [2024-04-28]Stand beim Umweltfestival in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2024-04-20]20th Linux-Infotag, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany in Augsburg, Germany
- [2024-03-16]FSFE-infobooth at national NLLGG-meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2024-03-16]Chmenitzer Linux Tage in Chemnitz, Germany
- [2023-10-07]FSFE information stall on Veganmania Rathausplatz in Vienna, Austria
- [2023-08-25]FSFE information stall on Veganmania Donau Island Vienna in Vienna, Austria
- [2023-08-15]Chaos Communication Camp 2023
- [2023-08-05]FSFE bei der FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin, Deutschland
- [2023-04-29]19th Linux-Infotag, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany in Augsburg, Germany
- [2023-03-11]Chemnitzer Linux-Tage in Chemnitz, Deutschland
- [2023-02-14]I ♥ Free Software Day in Lisbon, Portugal
- [2023-02-04]FSFE goes to FOSDEM 2023! Brussels & online
- [2022-11-26]FSFE booth and talk "For an inclusive and ethical artificial intelligence" in Lyon, France
- [2022-09-30]FSFE ko-organisiert Bits & Bäume 2022 in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-09-17]FSFE booth and Upcycling Android session at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2022-08-26]FSFE information stall on Veganmania Donauinsel in Vienna, Austria
- [2022-08-20]FSFE in FrOSCon in St. Augustin, Germany
- [2022-08-20]FSFE booth in Open Door Days of the Environmental Ministry in Berlin, Germany
- [2022-05-21]FSFE-booth at NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2022-05-14] in Saarbrücken, Deutschland
- [2022-02-05]FOSDEM booth & Legal and Policy Devroom (online)
- [2021-11-12]FSFE with sustainability track and talks at SFSCon, Italy
- [2021-08-27]FSFE booth at the "Veganmania" in Vienna, Austria
- [2021-02-06]FSFE with booth, talks and dev room at FOSDEM
- [2020-11-21]FSFE booth and FSFE BNL meeting at the Dutch LUG meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2020-04-18]CANCELLED: Maker Fair 2020 in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2020-03-21]CANCELLED: FSFE booth and FSFE BNL meeting at the Dutch LUG meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2020-03-14]ABGESAGT: Chemnitzer Linux Tage in Chemnitz, Germany
- [2020-01-18]FSFE booth at NLLGG meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2019-12-27]The FSFE assembly at the Chaos Communication Congress 36C3 in Leipzig, Germany
- [2019-11-16]FSFE booth at NLLGG meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2019-11-15]The FSFE Community Meeting 2019 in Bolzano, Italy
- [2019-11-02]LocHal Open Source Event in Tilburg, Netherlands
- [2019-10-19]Die FSFE mit einem Stand auf dem LinuxDay in Dornbirn, Österreich
- [2019-10-19]FSFE with an infobooth at OGGCamp in Manchester, Great Britain
- [2019-10-11]The FSFE with a booth at FOSSCOMM 2019 in Lamia, Greece
- [2019-10-06]The FSFE with a booth at the Tierschutzlauf 2019 in Vienna, Austria
- [2019-09-21]Software Freedom Day in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2019-09-20]Die FSFE mit einem Stand und Vortrag auf den "Kieler Open Source und Linux Tagen" in Kiel, Deutschland
- [2019-09-14]The FSFE with a booth at TechParty2019 in Madrid, Spain
- [2019-09-13]FSFE talk and booth at BalCCon in Novi Sad, Serbia
- [2019-08-24]The FSFE's information stall at Veganmania in Donauinsel in Vienna, Austria
- [2019-08-24]Die FSFE mit einen Stand beim Rotlintstraßenfest in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- [2019-08-21]The FSFE with an assembly at the Chaos Communication Camp in Mildenberg, Germany
- [2019-07-06]Tübix in Tübingen, Deutschland
- [2019-06-20]FSFE with a booth at OpenExpo in Madrid, Spain
- [2019-06-07]Information stall at Veganmania in Vienna, Austria
- [2019-05-25]FSFE Booth at Corso Leopold Street Festival in Munich, Germany
- [2019-05-17]Maker Fair Berlin 2019 in Berlin, Deutschland
- [2019-04-27]FSFE booth at FLISoL 2019 in A Coruña, Spain
- [2019-03-25]Taller de Periodismo de Datos 2019 in Madrid, Spain
- [2019-03-16] Dutch Linux Usergroup NLLGG in Utrecht, Netherlands
- [2019-03-16]Talk and booth at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Chemnitz, Germany
- [2018-12-27]The FSFE assembly at the Chaos Communication Congress 35C3 in Leipzig, Germany
- [2018-11-10]FSFE with a booth at OSHWDem in A Coruña, Spain
- [2018-08-25]FrOSCon in St. Augustin, Germany
- [2018-06-13]FSFE booth at FOSS Backstage in Berlin, Germany
- [2018-05-25]FSFE with a booth at Maker Fair in Berlin, Germany
- [2018-03-05]Public Money Public Code at the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia, Spain
- [2018-03-01]FSFE with a booth at T3chfest in Madrid, Spain
- [2017-11-11]FSFE booth at OSHWdem 2017 in A Coruña in A Coruña, Galicia/Spain
- [2017-08-19]FrOSCon in St. Augustin, Germany
- [2017-05-24]Veganmania, Vienna, Germany
- [2016-11-05]FSFE mit Vorträgen und Informationsstand auf der OpenRheinRuhr in Oberhausen, Germany
- [2016-08-20]FrOSCon 11 in St. Augustin, Deutschland
- [2016-06-23]FSFE booth at Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario, Italy
- [2016-05-05]FSFE booth and talk at OpenTechSummit in Berlin, Germany
- [2016-04-28]Linuxwochen Wien 2016 in Vienna, Austria
- [2016-01-30]FOSDEM 2016, Brüssel, Belgien
- [2015-12-27]FSFE Assembly auf dem Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, Deutschland
- [2015-11-04]FSFE at the Copycamp in Warsaw, Poland
- [2015-09-18]FSFE auf den Kieler Open Source und Linuxtagen in Kiel, Deutschland
- [2015-08-29]Freedom not Fear Demonstration in Cologne, Germany
- [2015-08-22]FrOSCon 10 in St. Augustin, Deutschland
- [2015-08-15]DebConf15 in Heidelberg, Germany
- [2015-08-13]Chaos Communication Camp, Germany
- [2015-07-23]Euskal Encounter in Barrakaldo, Spain
- [2015-05-16]FSFE with a booth at Chaos Cologne in Cologne, Germany
- [2015-05-14]FSFE Booth at Open Tech Summit in Berlin, Germany
- [2015-05-07]FSFE with a booth at Linuxwochen in Vienna, Austria
- [2015-03-21]Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Chemnitz, Germany
- [2012-11-17]FSFE at JDLL in Lyon, France
- [2012-09-15]Software Freedom Day booth in Vienna
- [2012-08-25]7th Froscon, St.Augustin, Deutschland
- [2012-08-18]OggCamp 2012 Liverpool
- [2012-03-31]Sustainability festivals in Manchester and Leicester, UK
- [2012-03-24]FSFE at Open Rights Group ORGCon, London
- [2011-08-14]FSFE at OggCamp 2011 Surrey, UK