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Reclaim your device at Linuxtag 2013

FSFE organises the track "Reclaim your device" at Linuxtag in Berlin. A lot of IT vendors make it difficult to use Free Software on devices like you want. The track shows how you can take back control over your software and therefor your device. More information about the event is available on the Linuxtag website.


Other talks

Beside that Matthias Kirschner will give a talk at the Open IT Summit about "Free Software in the Political Mainstream", participate in a panel discussion about Open IT from cities to the EU, and Karsten Gerloff will talk about procurement.

Free Software Booth

FSFE's booth will be located in front of New York III at the corridor to the other booths. Inform yourself about FSFE's work, meet FSFE's staff and volunteers, and if you like what we do join the FSFE Fellowship to support FSFE's work.