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News Archive for 2001

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FSF Europe appoints new Vice President

28 November 2001

Jonas Oberg was appointed new Vice President of the FSF Europe: "The future of Free Software depends a lot on what we do today. I plan to work to preserve the ability to use and develop Free Software in all of its forms, for example by helping to extend the efforts already underway against software patents and helping the media, government and companies understand the underlying issues of Free Software."  

We Speak about Free Software

19 November 2001

Launch of the "We speak about Free Software" campaign: There are compelling reasons to think and speak about Free Software and its philosophy. It is rather common knowledge this applies to society as a whole, but it has not yet been widely understood that it benefits companies, as well. Therefore the FSF Europe launches this campaign on behalf and with support of several Free Software companies.  

FSF Europe receives charitable status in Germany

20 September 2001

FSF Europe e.V. (the central association) receives confirmation of its charitable status in Germany by the authorities.

FSF Europe in German magazine

16 July 2001

The FSF Europe is mentioned in the German magazine FOCUS issue 29/2001, page 106 in a story about the GNU/LinuxTag.