Les Logiciels Libres sont la clé d'une concurrence loyale. Nous plaidons pour une application stricte et efficace de la loi sur les marchés numériques (Digital Markets Act) adaptée aux développeurs. Aidez-nous en faisant un don !

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News Archive for 2002

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La FSF Europe appelle à participer

18 December 2002

Communiqué de presse de la FSF Europe : "La Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) invite toutes les sociétés, organisations et instituts de recherche interessés par des projets de Logiciels Libres financés par la Communauté Européenne à joindre leurs efforts."  

La FFII est partenaire de la FSF Europe

13 June 2002

L'Association pour une Infrastructure Informatique Libre(FFII) est maintenant un partenaire officiel de la Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). La FFII est la première organisation partenaire de la FSF Europe basée en Allemagne.  

FSF Europe completes successful first year

27 May 2002

On May 26th 2002, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSF Europe) finishes its second general assembly, completing the first year of activities. Members from Sweden, Italy, Germany and France drew a summary of last years activities, analyzed the current situation of Free Software and exchanged plans and visions for the upcoming year.  

Recommendation by the FSF Europe and supporting parties

30 April 2002

The FSF Europe and supporting parties has submitted a recommendation for the 6th European Community Framework Programme: "Free Software is a concept that has fundamentally changed the way some parts of the IT sector are working towards a more stable, lasting and sustainable approach with higher dynamics and increased efficiency. It is obvious that the first region to adopt and support this principle on a larger scale can profit enormously and get a head-start in the information age."  

FSF Europe present at first LiLit meeting

24 April 2002

On Friday 26 April 2002, the Free Software Foundation Europe will be present at the first LiLiT meeting in Liège, Belgium. During this evening (night ?-) session, we will focus on the best means to explain the ethical value of Free Software. A global view of the on going actions will hopefully allow everyone to figure out how to promote and defend the Free Software ideals.  

FSF Europe at the Free and Open Source Software Developers Meeting

31 January 2002

Between the 16th and 17th of February, 2002, the Free and Open Source Software Developers Meeting will take place in Brussels, Belgium. Among the visitors will be Richard M. Stallman, president of the Free Software Foundation and Georg C. F. Greve, president of the Free Software Foundation Europe. The FSF Europe welcomes all members of the press who wish to meet the members and volunteers of the foundation.  

ANSOL becomes associated organisation of the FSF Europe

18 January 2002

"This collaboration is a very important step for the Portuguese and European free software community. Problems faced by the free software community in Portugal are similar to those faced in other European countries; by joining forces with FSFE we can solve this problems more efficiently" said Jaime Villate, founding member of ANSOL.