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Document Freedom Day celebrated around the world


Today, activists in 37 cities around the world are raising awareness for Open Standards and open document formats. In workshops, talks and other events, they are explaining why Open Standards and Free Software are crucial to a free and competitive information society.

"It's great to see the power of the community behind Document Freedom Day", says campaign coordinator Fernanda Weiden. "I am very proud of the effort that so many people are putting into showing the world that Open Standards and digital freedom are essential."

The City of Munich, Germany, receives this year's European Document Freedom Day prize. "Munich shows in an exemplary manner what a large public body can achieve with Free Software and Open Standards. The LiMux project gives Munich a leading role in Europe. We hope that many others will come to share this progressive approach", says Karsten Gerloff, President of the Free Software Foundation Europe.

Various events are taking place around the world. In Brazil, the Federal Data Processing Company - Serpro - is holding events in 10 cities. In the European Parliament, experts are discussing Open Standards as a means to guarantee access to cultural works in the long term. Groups in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Greece, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom are participating in this year’s celebration.

Open Standards are a common language, publicly documented, that computer programs can speak. They are central to interoperability and freedom of choice in technology. Open Standards allow Free Software developers to create programs that can interoperate with other solutions, so users can migrate away from proprietary solutions.

There is still time to join this celebration! Check for a nearby event at http://documentfreedom.org/2011/events/events.en.html and participate!

Document Freedom Day 2011 is facilitated by the Free Software Foundation Europe, and supported by campaign patrons Google and Oracle.