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FSFE awarded Mozilla grant


Free Software Foundation Europe has been awarded a grant from Mozilla. As announced during this weekend's FOSDEM conference in Brussels, FSFE will receive EUR 25,000 to support its work for freedom in the information society.

"We are very grateful to Mozilla for their support. It's great to see the hard work of everyone in this organisation recognised in this way," says Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's President. "The challenges to our freedom are coming thick and fast, and Mozilla's grant gives us a real boost in addressing them."

"Mozilla has picked FSFE as a grant recipient due to its impressive track record when it comes to software freedom and user sovereignty. This is especially important at a time where user control is threatened, particularly on the legislative (SOPA / PIPA & ACTA) and technology (cloud & social networks) fronts", says Tristan Nitot, Mozilla spokesperson and co-founder of Mozilla Europe.

Mozilla awarded grants to six organisations further strengthen open web, promote Free Software and free technologies, and strengthen user sovereignty on the Web in Europe. Along with FSFE, grants were awarded to APRIL, FOSDEM, Framasoft, Modern Poland Foundation, and Participatory Culture Foundation.