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FSFE's goal for February 14th: More love reports than bug reports!


Free Software Foundation Europe asks all Free Software users to show their love to Free Software on February 14th

"Let's be honest: In the Free Software community, we exchange a lot of criticism. We write bug reports, tell others how they can improve the software, ask them for new features, and generally are not shy about criticising others. Sometimes we forget to say "thank you, for all your work". As in the last years, we want to change this, at least for one day. So on Tuesday the 14th of February we will celebrate the "I love Free Software" - Day , says Matthias Kirschner, FSFE's #ilovefs campaign manager.

FSFE has several suggestions how to show your love to the people behind Free Software, including:

You can help spread the love by sharing the campaign banners , by e-mail, (micro)blog or by spreading through any social network (please use the hashtag #ilovefs for this).

"Free Software is about putting people first", says Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's president. "Technology is important, but we're passionate about technology because of what it enables us to do with others, not for its own sake. So this is the perfect time to say 'thank you' to those people out there who make technology better for all of us."

If you live in Germany, you can join our whole day event with bands and workshops in the Unperfekthaus in Essen.