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Hacking for freedom: Web Team comes to Manchester


Manchester will be hacking for freedom this month when FSFE's Web Team sprint comes to the UK. Web team coordinators, together with a variety of international volunteers, will gather in a concerted effort to improve website features and infrastructure.

FSFE's Web Team Coordinator complete redesign, we hope to fix lots of bugs, offer new functionalities and more importantly, have a great deal of fun!".

How you can help and join:

The sprint will take place in OpenSpace co-working space, which is Co-Directed by UK Coordinator Sam Tuke. During their stay the team will have an opportunity to visit Manchester's MadLab Hackerspace, and meet others who are hacking for freedom.

Help with travel and accommodation for international visitors can be found on the 2012 Web Sprint Wiki page. Please contact the web team for more information.