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Report of Document Freedom Day 2012


Document Freedom Day 2012 was a great success! America, Asia, Africa and Europe celebrated together Open Standards at 54 events. It is no doubt that DFD is growing and we believe that it will be even more successful next year. So what about having look at what happened around the world on 28th of March? And what has the Pope to do with Open Standards? Read our detailed report to find out.

DFD around the world

This year was the most powerful DFD day in the history! And we are proud to say that. Our DFD team and amazing volunteers managed to get on board more than 50 local organisers all around the world. One of the most active countries that deserves our respect is Venezuela with 10 events in a single country. The Document Freedom Day 2012 was celebrated in 22 countries and in 19 world languages. Our fifth year of organising this event got considerable press coverage with almost one hundred articles. All this was possible thanks to the support of our two main sponsors, Google and Oracle, and help of hundreds of volunteers and 38 partners spread in all the corners of the world.

So what did all of these people actually do to raise the awareness about the Document Freedom?

Read our detailed report on the DFD website to find out.