"L’interopérabilité du DMA viole les droits fondamentaux", Apple conteste. La FSFE n'est pas d'accord. Si vous pensez également que l'interopérabilité est essentielle à la liberté des logiciels, soutenez-nous !

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7 days left for the PDF readers fundraising campaign, last chance to donate!


7 days until the fundraising is over! Once again, thanks to everyone who has donated and is helping us to reach our goal. Yet, we need a last "push": we have reached 82% so we need 188€ more. If you still have not donated, please do it!. With only a small contribution (the average donation amount is 23€) you will help us to achieve our goal.

Do you want to get more involved while we are enhancing the PDF Readers campaign website?

And if you can code and want to help us to enhance our website or you just have a great idea about how to improve this campaign, please contact us!

Last but not least, remember that we advise you to block JavaScript before you enter the donation website.