Les Logiciels Libres sont la clé d'une concurrence loyale. Nous plaidons pour une application stricte et efficace de la loi sur les marchés numériques (Digital Markets Act) adaptée aux développeurs. Aidez-nous en faisant un don !

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Your input wanted: How do we build a better future? [closed]


Free Software has progressed in leaps and bounds since we founded FSFE in 2001. But we still have a long way to go until we can all be in control of our computing, our data, and our digital lives.

This is why at FSFE, we are currently working to develop a strategy to deliver software freedom to as many people as possible. Please help us do this by sharing your views and knowledge with us.

We have compiled a survey where we invite you to tell us how you view our work, and what issues you think FSFE should dedicate its attention and resources to.

The survey also includes a few questions about yourself. While these are optional - like all questions in the survey - we encourage you to answer them. The information you provide will give us a better idea of how we will have to adapt FSFE's work in order to meet your needs and interests.

The survey is anonymous. If you want, you can also enter your email address, we can contact you for further clarification if needed. Any information you provide will only be used for internal evaluation purposes.

The survey is open until August 11, 2014. We look forward to your input!

The survey is available here.