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FSFE is looking for an intern for Document Freedom Day

, :

Every year, the FSFE is organising the "Document Freedom Day", a global campaign to highlight the importance of Open Standards for our freedom of communication, interoperability and indepedence from vendor lock-in. For this campaign, FSFE's Berlin office is looking for an Intern PR / Campaigning in full time from January 1st until March 31st.

Your tasks will be:

and this is how you can convince us:

What you can expect from us:

Please send your application only digital to eal@fsfe.org (PDF). You are welcome to encrypt your application. You find the public key on the keyserver (8639DC81)

We pay 450 Euro/month and you receive gratitude by volunteers all over the world (priceless).

Application deadline is November 7, 2014.