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Congratulations to the FSF on its thirty-fifth anniversary


The FSFE's sister organisation, the FSF, celebrates its thirty-fifth anniversary this week. Thirty-five years of working for software freedom and inspiring many people and organisations to take a stand for user freedoms deserve big congratulations. Watch and read the congratulatory speech by FSFE President Matthias Kirschner.

35 years ago the Free Software Foundation was founded to work for users' software freedom to use, study, share, and improve software. In hindsight this seems to be an obvious step; in the 1980ies it was visionary.

Over the years more and more people, organisations, companies, and public administrations learnt why Free Software is important for a free society.

Meanwhile there are many different people and organisations out there contributing to software freedom every day.

Together we can ensure that all humans can understand how software works, use the software for any purpose without discrimination, share it with others, and adapt it to their own specific needs. Together we can ensure the continued growth and success of the Free Software movement, which the FSF started.

Thank you to the FSF, for preparing the ground for the Free Software movement, and for inspiring many organisations and people out there, including the FSFE and myself, to work for users' software freedom in the next decades to come.

Thank you and happy anniversary!

There will be an online celebration via live stream and IRC on 9 October, also featuring guest speakers from the FSFE.