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European Commission needs to come up with dedicated budget for Free Software solutions


After the recent news that funding for the Next Generation Internet initiative would be cut for the next phase of Horizon Europe, the European Commission has expressed vague support for Free Software. Unfortunately it is failing to provide concrete examples on how to do so. This has highlighted the fragility of funding for Software Freedom and the need for change in the long-term.

Illustration with a EU map in the background in blue, the sentence Next Generation Interent in white and some yellow stars

A couple of weeks ago, we shared the news that the European Commission has made the decision to stop funding the Next Generation Internet initiative (NGI) in its then current draft for the Horizon Europe 2025 Work Programme. Since 2018, the European Commission has supported the Free Software ecosystem s through NGI, that provided funding and technical assistance to Free Software projects. The FSFE has always been a part of this initiative as a consortium member in the NGI Zero (NGI0) sub-group, where we provide legal and licensing support to hundreds of Free Software projects funded by the initiative.

Update from the European Commission: nice words but not long-term plan

The FSFE community has reached to the EU institutions and the Head of Unit of Next Generation Internet (DG CNECT), answered. In this letter, it is stated that the European Commission intends to support Free Software solutions, but it is not clear how and if there will be a budget for it:

“The Commission will continue to support Open-Source solutions and the community supported in the NGI programme, in various initiatives notably to harness its potential to contribute to the transition of digital networks to a Connected and collaborative computing and the evolution towards Web 4.0. Both topics are present in the draft 2025 work programme to be approved by relevant Committee of Member States and Associated Countries.”

While this is not a confirmation of renewed funding support for the NGI initiative, it does indicate a vague level of intent to continue supporting Software Freedom and Free Software development in the EU. Nevertheless, without any concrete programmes where this funding can go, and how it will be disbursed to grass-roots organizations that support Software Freedom, the future of financial support for Free Software in the EU remains sadly uncertain.

Sustainable funding needed

This development unfortunately exposes a larger issue: that software freedom in the EU needs more secure, long-term financial support. That this funding could so easily be left out of the Work Programme discussions demonstrates how precarious its position has been all along. Software Freedom needs to be consistently supported with public funds, and such support should not be easily displaced by decision-making that favours popular trends in technological development.

Pressure helps – continue your efforts

This statement from the European Commission is a sign that our persistence as well as from our community and various organizations about the lack of proposed funding for NGI’s future has effect. Following the news of the proposed cut in funding last month, there was an outcry by us and from other Free Software organizations about how this would negatively impact Free Software development in the EU.

Nevertheless, more work is definitely needed to continue to push for funding support for NGI and Free Software. This is why the FSFE is already in touch with various EU officials and decision-makers to make sure this funding is secured for the future, and we call for you to do the same to keep the pressure on the EC high on this topic.

Reach the European Commission to ask for a sustainable funding

The reply from the European Commission shows that individual actions are helpful: since our last news item on this subject, as we’ve already seen how contacting officials has been helpful to shift opinions. As the allocation of funds for Horizon EU 2025 is still going on, there is still a chance to get funds available for NGI:

Did you receive a response?If so, we kindly ask you to also share these responses with us at contact@fsfe.org.