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SFP#29: How South Tyrol is taking a step in the direction of software freedom


For our 29th episode we have something very special for you. Marta Andreoli, the Italian deputy coordinator, talks to Paolo Dongilli about the FUSS project. Together they unravel how FUSS is helping the schools in South Tyrol take a step towards software freedom.

Paolo Dongilli, the technical inspector for the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano, South Tyrol, is the brains behind the FUSS project. FUSS stands for Free Upgrade for a Digitally Sustainable School, a complete operating system based on GNU+Linux. The system is currently used by 1900 teachers and 16.000 students. FUSS is installed on 4500 computers.

How did South Tyrol's schools start relaying on Free Software and what are the social implications of this decision? These and more topics are discussed in this episode by Marta and Paolo.h

Listen to our 29th episode and find out what all the fuss is about!!

Show notes

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