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SFP#4 about REUSE with Carmen Bianca Bakker


In the monthly Software Freedom Podcast we talk with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In this episode, we talk with Carmen Bianca Bakker about the REUSE project. By this we are covering the very broad topic of software licensing and the problems there, which REUSE is able to solve with three simple steps.

With the first episode of 2020 and the fourth episode of the Software Freedom Podcast we aimed at the broad and sometimes complicated topic of software licensing. For this we invited Carmen Bianca Bakker who is together with Max Mehl working on the REUSE project. The REUSE project helps with the licensing of software by making licensing easy for humans as well as for machines. Together with Carmen we discuss the problems that occur with licensing, talk about the REUSE tool and the next steps in its development.

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