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Carmen Bianca Bakker

Carmen Bianca Bakker is the coordinator of REUSE. When she joined the FSFE as an intern in 2017, REUSE was in its infancy stage. Although she was supposed to be working on some internal account management software, she quickly adopted the young project and authored its missing component: a linter. She remains the project's co-maintainer and coordinator.

Outside of the FSFE, Carmen is active in the Belgian cooperative and social economy sectors, and occasionally translates Free Software projects to Esperanto. She has an international focus, speaking six languages and having lived in four European countries.


Pronouns: Zij, she, ŝi, elle, sy, sie
Languages: Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, West Frisian, German
Email: carmenbianca@fsfe.org
Website: www.carmenbianca.eu
Mastodon: @carmenbianca@todon.eu