"Ask your candidates" 2009

Because of the German federal elections in 2009, FSFE called on all German Free Software supporters to ask the parties' candidates about their positions on Free Software and Open Standards. FSFE set up a page about the German Bundestagswahl to help asking questions, and to collecting answers.
During the campaign politicians from many parties have recognised the potential of Free Software and Open Standards for Germany. In response to questions from supporters of FSFE, they explained that Free Software equals more competition, promotes innovation and provides cost savings.
FSFE collected the candidates' answers and wrote an overview of the parties' programmes where they concern Free Software (in German). Our Fellows, volunteers and the German team asked 35 questions and got 26 replies.
FSFE's publications
- 2009-09-08: Press release "German Election: Ask your candidate about Free Software!"
- 2009-09-10: Matthias Kirschner's question to Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD and Germany's Vice-Chancellor) (in German)
- 2009-09-15: Torsten Grote's question to Martina Krogmann (CDU) (in German)
- 2009-09-16: Matthias Kirschner's question to Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU and Germany's Minister of the interior) (in German).
- 2009-09-17: Thomas Jensch's question to Guido Westerwelle (FDP) (in German).
- 2009-09-21: Press release "Free Software hits German election campaigns"
Selected media coverage
- 2009-09-09: Gulli: "Kandidaten nach Freier Software löchern!".
- 2009-09-09: Netzpolitik: "Wahl09: Fragt die Kandidaten nach Freier Software!"
- 2009-09-10: Heise: "Free Software Foundation Europe startet Aktion zur Bundestagswahl"
- 2009-09-10: Pressetext: Hatte mich am Telefon interviewt und "Freie Software als Wahlkampfthema" geschrieben
- 2009-09-10: Pro-linux: "FSFE startet Kandidaten-Befragung zur Bundestagswahl".
- 2009-09-14: Computerwoche: FSFE startet Kandidaten-Befragung Freie Software als Wahlkampfthema
- 2009-09-21: Heise: "Freie Software: Die Positionen der Politiker"
- 2009-09-21: Pro-Linux: "FSFE stellt Politiker-Antworten zu freier Software vor".
- 2009-09-22: OSOR: "DE: Interior minister: 'Open source reduces vendor lock-in and monopolies'" (in English).
- 2009-09-22: Pressetext: "Politiker zeigen Interesse an freier Software -- FSFE bemängelt fehlendes Gesamtkonzept deutscher Parteien".
- 2009-09-25: Heise: "Mit dem "Steini-Girl" und "3 Tage wach" in den Wahlkampfendspurt"