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Event Archive for 2019

The FSFE assembly at the Chaos Communication Congress 36C3 in Leipzig, Germany

27 – 30 December 2019

As in previous years, the FSFE will be present with an assembly during the Chaos Communication Congress from December 27 to 30 in Leipzig, Germany. The FSFE assembly will be part of the cluster "about:freedom" and running its own track. Among other talks this year we cover software sustainability and software obsolescence, Free Software in science and Open Science, censorship and encryption, Public Money Public Code and experiences from running complete Free Software environments. If you are going to 36C3, check out the regularly updated wiki page

GNU Health CON 2019 - Public Money Public Code - Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software in Liege, Belgium

13 – 15 December 2019

The FSFE Policy Manager Alexander Sander will give a talk on "Public Money? Public Code!" Campaign. This will happen as part of the three-day conference - GNU Health CON 2019, where you’ll have the opportunity to attend different thematic sessions and free workshops, share experiences, learn about and discuss implementation cases and, of course, network with GNU Health community members from around the world!  

Public Money Public Code – Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software in Utrecht, Netherlands

09 December 2019

The FSFE Policy Manager will give a talk during the "Online Participatie in Actie!" Congress. What is Free Software? Why is it good when administrations rely on Free Software? How does Free Software contribute to security and transparency of state digital infrastructure? Which steps can public administrations take? These and more questions are answered in this talk.  

The FSFE Community Meeting 2019 in Bolzano, Italy

15 – 16 November 2019

The FSFE will run its Annual Community meeting for 2019 in cooperation with the SFScon- one of Europe’s most established Annual Conferences on Free Software, happening every in November in Bolzano, Italy. On Saturday, November 16, there will be a public FSFE-track in the morning, and our internal workshops and sessions during the afternoon. There will be social activities in the evening and you can find all up-to-date information on the dedicated wiki-page.  

LocHal Open Source Event in Tilburg, Netherlands

02 November 2019

On November 2nd, from 12:00 to 16:00 there will be the fourth edition of LocHal Open Source Event in Tilburg. This year all labs of the library will participate and even KunstLoc Brabant is involved in the program. The FSFE will be represent with an infobooth and a presentation by the Dutch country coordinator Nico Rikken. 

FSFE talk about REUSE at Open Source Summit in Lyon, France

28 – 30 October 2019

Max Mehl, the FSFE Programme Manager, gives a presentation about the REUSE project at the Open Source Summit Europe in Lyon. He will guide through the REUSE principles, discuss opportunities for projects and enterprises, and update on the latest exciting developments of the REUSE project. Max' talk is part of a whole track about software license compliance.

With around 2.000 participants, the OSSEU is a large event, mainly focused on an industry audience. There is an admission fee to participate in the conference, but the talk will be recorded. 

Chaos Hacktoberfest FFM in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

19 October 2019

On Saturday, 19th of October starting from 13:37 the Chaos Computer Club Frankfurt and the FSFE local group Rhein-Main invite you to join our Hacktoberfest. We welcome every people. No matter if you're a beginner and want to learn first steps in contributing to Free Software or if you're a professional. The Hacktoberfest is a one month celebration of Free Software. 

FSFE with an infobooth at OGGCamp in Manchester, Great Britain

19 – 20 October 2019

OggCamp is an unconference celebrating Free Culture, Free and Open Source Software, hardware hacking, digital rights, and all manner of collaborative cultural activities and is committed to creating a conference that is as inclusive as possible. FSFE will be present with a info booth to spread our message about empowering people to control technology. 

The FSFE with a booth at FOSSCOMM 2019 in Lamia, Greece

11 – 12 October 2019

The FSFE's Local Group will host an info-booth at the FOSSCOMM (Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting). This is an annual Greek conference aiming at Free Software enthusiasts, developers, and communities. It has been hosted in various cities around Greece and this year will be hosted in Lamia. The aim of the event is to promote the use of Free Software in Greece and bring enthusiasts together. 

The FSFE Local Group meeting on Next Generation Internet in Berlin, Deutschland

10 October 2019

The FSFE's Project Manager Gabriel Ku Wei Bin will give a talk about the "Next Generation Internet" Initiative", that the FSFE is currently involved in. In short, the project, which is funded by the European Commission, gives grant funding opportunities to people developing software, that can help transform the internet into a platform, that respects human and societal values, privacy, participation, and diversity. Gabriel will talk about FSFE's role in all this and how interested people can apply to get financial and technical support from this Initiative.

The meeting will start at 19h, but the talk will start at about 20h at E-LOK (Laskerstraße 4-6, near train station Ostkreuz). If you would like to follow the Berlin Local Group activities, you can do so on the Friendica platform

The FSFE with a talk at the Open Source Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal

04 October 2019

Why does programmed software with taxpayers’ money is not released as a Free Software? We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence.

If it is public money, it should be public code as well. Code paid by all people should be available to all people!

This talk of our Policy Manager Alexander Sander will provide a brief overview of the Free Software Foundation Europe’s (FSFE) previous and ongoing activities to foster software freedom in Europe, on the levels of politics, legal work with enterprises, and general public awareness. Find out more on: https://publiccode.eu/ 

FSFE with a booth at Software Freedom Day in Utrecht, The Netherlands

21 September 2019

The FSFE will be present with a booth at the Software Freedom Day at the NLLGG meeting in Utrecht. If you are interested in Free Software and the FSFE, pass by and get to know the people from our community and our work. We will be there from 10.00 in the morning until 16.00 o'clock. The address of the location is: Kranenburg Praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Looking forward to interesting talks. 

Stand promocional de la FSFE en el TechParty2019 en Madrid, España

14 September 2019

La FSFE va a ser en el TechParty2019 con un stand informativo y promocional. El TechParty es una conferencia sobre temas relacionados al hacking, programación, economía social, reciclaje tecnológico, hardware libre y ciberseguridad la que pasará en La Nave de Madrid. Se expectan más de 100 participantes y un registro previo es necesario. 

FSFE talk and booth at BalCCon in Novi Sad, Serbia

13 – 15 September 2019

In his talk, FSFE Programme Manager Max Mehl will explain how Free Software can be the solution to many pressing security problems. He will look at pros and cons and use concrete examples to illustrate why security and openness are not contradictory.

The FSFE will also be present with a booth in the assembly area. The BalCCon confence takes place at the in Novi Sad, Serbia, from 13 to 15 September. It is one of the most significant hacker events in this area. Tickets are available at a relatively low price. 

A discussion on Supporting non-IT organisations in Frankfurt, Germany

04 September 2019

The local FSFE Rhine-Main group hosts a meeting in Frankfurt on September 4th between 19:00h and 21:30h . The theme of the gathering is "Supporting non-IT organisations!". As more and more processes are involving software, Human Rights and other non-IT centred organisations face the need to better understand software. This knowledge becomes crucial for their work and during the meeting we will discuss ways to support such organisations and raise with them awareness of Free Software.

If you are interest in talking about power relations in our society that are influenced by software, what Free Software is and how it could be helpful, please join us. The meeting takes place at the Coworking Zentrale, Berger Straße 175 | 60385 Frankfurt and registration is not required. 

The FSFE's information stall at Veganmania in Donauinsel in Vienna, Austria

24 – 25 August 2019

The Veganmania summer street festivals in Austria are well known and thousands of people are visiting them each year. This is the second Veganmania for this year. Its on the Danube island directly at the city center which is a well known and beloved recreation area. In previous years the festival gave us the opportunity to introduce many people to the Free Software and its philosophical background, as well as give practical advices on how to get and use it. These festivals have been proven to give us much more outreach than any of the Linux weeks events that would normally be the environment for such stalls. And of course it is fun to have such a stall in the middle of stands with many delicious treats. 

The FSFE "Freedom to go" workshop at the CCC camp in Mildenberg, Germany

23 August 2019

At the Chaos Communication Camp Erik Albers, Programme Manager of the FSFE, gives a workshop about "Freedom to go": After a short introduction about possible (non-existing) freedoms in Android and its Custom ROMs the workshop will explain functions and possible usage of F-Droid and G-Droid as well as the best (according to his opinion) android-based Free Software apps including methods of anonymization and encryption. The workshop's format is an interactive one and participants are asked to present their own favorite apps. The workshop will be at 15:00 in the cluster about:freedom, the camp is sold out. 

FSFE talk on sustainability of software at the CCC camp in Mildenberg, Germany

21 August 2019

Erik Albers, Programme Manager of the FSFE, talks "About the sustainability of Software" at the Chaos Communication Camp. Software is essential part and resource of our service and knowledge organisation just as our infrastructures. Based on this finding, the talk reflects the special characteristics of the "Resource Software" and how to use it to create sustainable software, ready to be preserved for the future. The talk is at 21 in the Three Headed Monkey Village. The camp is sold out but there will be a live-stream as well as a recording 

Tübix in Tübingen, Germany

06 July 2019

Tübix is a yearly event around GNU/Linux and Free Software. Its fifth incarnation takes place on 6 July 2019 from 9:30 to 18:00 in the rooms of Wilhelm Schickard Institute for IT, auf dem Sand, Tübingen, Germany. Admission is free.

In room V2 at 13:00, Reinhard Müller will give a presentation about the development of web applications with Python, SQLAlchemy, and Flask. He has successfully used this technology for the development of the new online FSFE community portal. The talk is in German. Besides that, FSFE will also present information about its work, a rich assortment of promotion material, and the current FSFE fashion at an information booth.  

Max Mehl talks about IT security at Pass the SALT in Lille, France

01 – 03 July 2019

In his talk, FSFE Programme Manager Max Mehl will explain how Free Software can be the solution to many pressing security problems. He will look at pros and cons and use concrete examples to illustrate why security and openness are not contradictory.

The Pass the SALT confence takes place at the Polytech engineer school in Lille from 1 to 3 July. It intends to "build bridges between Security communities and Free Software hackers". A registration to the conference is required. 

Libertybits Conference 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria

25 June 2019

The FSFE's Policy and Project Managers Alexander Sander and Galia Mancheva will be speaking at Libertybits in Sofia, Bulgaria. Alexander will be presenting the "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign and Galia is going to talk about the recent update of the Copyright Directive and what that means for the future of Free Software development. The event will take place in Sofia Tech Park in Sofia, Bulgaria. 

The FSFE with a lecture at the University of Tübingen in Tübingen, Germany

25 June 2019

Throughout history technology has influenced society. Reading, writing, arithmetic, agriculture, printing and radio are all examples of developments that changed the way we interact through trade, art and science. The most important cultural technology of the 21st century is software. It runs our workplaces, laptops, mobile phones as well as less obvious places like trains, cars, televisions, washing-machines, fridges, and many other devices. Today it depends on software how the government can implement laws, who will be able to join which university or job, or if and how long people might end up in jail. As people and companies who create software, we should consider how our actions influence the distribution of power in our society — and thereby our democracy.

On June 25, from 20:15h to 21:45h, Matthias Kirschner, President of the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), will explain what Free Software is, why software developed with public funds should be available to all and how Power relations in our society are influenced by software. The lecture will take place in Kupferbau HS21, Hölderlinstraße 5, 72074 Tübingen. Admission is free and no registration is required.  

FSFE con un taller sobre F-Droid en La Ingobernable in Madrid, Spain

21 June 2019

Erik Albers esta haciendo un taller "Libertad para llevar" sobre software libre en Android en la ingorbernable en Madrid, España. Después de una introduccion en las (faltas de) libertades en Android y Custom-ROMs, se presentará la función y las posibilidades de uso de F-Droid, el repositorio tanto como el cliente. Próximamente se introduce la aplicación G-Droid, un fork del cliente de F-Droid, con que se puede acceder al mismo repositorio de aplicaciones de Software Libre pero lo que ofrece nuevas opciones. Al fin se presentarán algunas de las mejores aplicaciones de software libre en el repositorio F-Droid, así como posibilidades ampliadas de mantener el anonimato y de la encriptación. El taller empieza a las 19:30.  

FSFE with a booth at OpenExpo in Madrid, Spain

20 June 2019

The FSFE will be present with a booth at the OpenExpo in Madrid, Spain. If you are interested in Free Software and the FSFE pass by and get to know the people from our community and our work. Looking forward to interesting talks! 

Matthias Kirschner keynote about Free Software in our society at OW2con in Paris, France

12 – 13 June 2019

On June 13th, the FSFE's president Matthias Kirschner will give a keynote about Free Software in our society at OW2con. He will argue that as people and companies who create software, we should consider how our actions influence the distribution of power in our society — and thereby our democracy. The event takes place on 12 and 13 of June. Entrance is free of charge but with prior registration required. 

Information stall at Veganmania in Vienna, Austria

07 – 10 June 2019

The Viennese FSFE supporters group had made it a tradition to participate every year at the Veganmania summer street festival. This year they will again be present with an FSFE information stand. Every day thousands of people pass by the stand and use the opportunity to learn more about Free Software while enjoying street food and drinks. Visit the stand and meet the great local FSFE community. 

Erik Albers talks about research software and digital resources in Potsdam, Germany

05 June 2019

Since research is usually directly or indirectly financed by public funds, it is obvious to publish this research software under free licenses, so that everyone can benefit from public software. The Free Software Foundation Europe has adopted this simple principle under the slogan "Public Money? Public Code". Erik Albers will discuss the basics of this campaign at the Conference for Research Software Engineers in Germany and how they can support sustainable software management and consumption. 

Erik Albers gives F-Droid workshop "Freedom to go" at Gulaschprogrammiernacht in Karlsruhe, Germany

30 May 2019

Erik Albers gives a workshop about Custom-ROMs, F-Droid and G-Droid at the Gulaschprogrammiernacht in Karlsruhe, Germany. Focus of the workshop lies in understanding of the feature-rich fdroid- and gdroid-applications, on anonimity and offline-sharing and a sample of the editor's choice of the best available Free Software apps. Participants are welcome to install and test all applications mentioned during the workshop. 

Talk about FOSS legal trends in Saarbrücken, Germany in Saarbrücken, Germany

29 May 2019

The FSFE's legal intern Lucas Lasota will give a talk about the latest developments with legal questions concerning Free and Open Source Software at Libre Graphics Meeting's Pre Event in Saarbrücken, Germany. The event is organized by the Opensaar e.V., an association promoting Free and Open Source Software initiatives in the Saar-Lor-Lux Region. The event has no entrance fee.  

FSFE Booth at Corso Leopold Street Festival in Munich, Germany

25 – 26 May 2019

Corso Leopold is a bi-annual Street Festival on Munich's Leopoldstraße. Because we believe Free Software is an essential part of a Free and Open Society, FSFE Group Munich will be present at Corso Leopold with a booth. We are happy to see Munich's FLOSS community growing further and we feel honored to have our booth next to the booths of several like-minded organizations (digitalcourage e.V, Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung and Wikipedia e.V.)

We're looking forward to meet new people as well as old friends, to thought-provoking discussions and to nice conversations. 

FSFE's web-a-thon 2019 in Frankfurt (Main), Germany

24 – 26 May 2019

The FSFE's web-a-thon is a meeting among friends and supporters of the FSFE with the intend to have a great time with each other and to collectively work on our homepage. The web-a-thon 2019 will happen from 24th to 26th of May in the rooms of the local Chaos Computer Club Frankfurt (Main). There will be a public social event, please check the wiki-page for the latest updates.  

Erik Albers talks about software sustainability at the Magdeburger Developer Days in Magdeburg, Germany

21 May 2019

Software is an essential resource for our communication, infrastructure and society. To guarantee stability of these developed systems, we have to safeguard the existence of this resource as well as sufficient amount of the resource. At the Magdeburger Developer Days, Erik Albers will discuss how we can achieve a sustainable use and consumption of software with the goal of an intergenerational justice and preservation of our resources. 

Alexander Sander talks about Public Money? Public Code! at OSCAL in Tirana, Albania

18 May 2019

Why is software that is programmed with taxpayers’ money not released as Free Software? We want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for public sector must be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence. If it is public money, it should be public code as well. Code paid by all people should be available to all people!

This talk of Alexander Sander, FSFEs Policy Manager, will provide a brief overview of the FSFE's previous and ongoing activities to foster software freedom in Europe on the levels of politics, legal work with enterprises, and general public awareness. 

Maker Fair Berlin 2019 in Berlin, Deutschland

17 – 19 May 2019

IT-tinkering is only possible with Free Software, that's why the FSFE is going to be present with an information and merchandise booth at the Maker Fair Berlin from 17.05.2019 until 19.05.2018. On Friday 17 May, the Maker Fair is open for school classes and their teachers, free of charge. The Maker Fair is a get-together of makers and visitors interested in various DIY-ideas. At the FSFE’s booth, visitors can inform themselves about Raspberry Pi as a computer for standard applications especially suitable for education, about how to ‘free’ Android-Smartphones and about email-encryption.  

FLISoL 2019 - mesa informativa de la FSFE in A Coruña, Spain

27 April 2019

El FLISoL es el evento de difusión de Software Libre más grande en Latinoamérica y está dirigido a todo tipo de público: estudiantes, académicos, empresarios, trabajadores, funcionarios públicos, entusiastas y aun personas que no poseen mucho conocimiento informático..

El FLISoL se realiza desde el año 2005 y desde el 2008 se adoptó su realización el 4to Sábado de abril de cada año. La entrada es gratuita y su principal objetivo es promover el uso del software libre, dando a conocer al público en general su filosofía, alcances, avances y desarrollo.

El evento es organizado por las diversas comunidades locales de Software Libre y se desarrolla simultáneamente con eventos en los que se instala, de manera gratuita y totalmente legal, software libre en las computadoras que llevan los asistentes. Además, en forma paralela, se ofrecen charlas, ponencias y talleres, sobre temáticas locales, nacionales y latinoamericanas en torno al Software Libre, en toda su gama de expresiones: artística, académica, empresarial y social.

Max Mehl gives keynote about IT Security at Grazer Linuxtage in Graz, Austria

26 – 27 April 2019

On April 27th (Saturday), the FSFE Programme Manager Max Mehl will give a keynote about Free Software as a solution to many pressing IT security problems at the Grazer Linuxtage. He will look at the pros and cons and use concrete examples to illustrate why security and openness are not contradictory.The event is an annual 2-day conference around Free Software and Hardware, taking place at the Campus Inffeldgasse of the Technical University Graz.  

FSFE Community Meeting Bonn - Free Software Licenses (RA Dr. Michael Stehmann) in Bonn, Deutschland

08 April 2019

We are a group of Free Software friends who meet once a month in Bonn to exchange about Free Software (aka Open Source). This often happens in the form of lectures or demonstrations, and this time RA Dr. Michael Stehmann will present and discuss with us Free Software Licenses.

FSFE-Community-Meetings in Bonn take place on the second Monday of the month at 19.00 in BonnLAB, Zingsheimstraße 2, 53225 Bonn-Beuel. The meetings are free for everyone interested in free software. As FSFE community, we're bound to the Code of Conduct of FSFE to ensure a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere.


Panel about Digitally empowering citizens and administrations in Barcelona, Spain

08 April 2019

The FSFE's Policy Analyst Alexander Sander and Programme Manager Erik Albers will give a presentation on the FSFE's "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign and afterwards join a panel and discuss public policies around Free Software, public money and public administrations in a conversation lead by Monica Bernardi, from Dimmons. The event is organised by our associate Barcelona Free Software Group and without entrance fee. Sander and Albers will be available for further discussions after the panel. 

Open Education Day in Berne, Switzerland

06 April 2019

Marcus Moeller, the FSFE Coordinator in Switzerland, will give a presentation about promoting the sustainable use of electronic equipment for educational purposes and thus also promoting free software. Furthermore, the FSFE is represented with a booth table.

The conference is aimed at teachers, responsible persons for school informatics or people interested in education, who would like to introduce or promote Free Libre Open Source Software, Open Content or Open Hardware at their school. With a wide range of lectures, workshops and short presentations, the free of charge conference provides knowledge and experience on open source technologies, open content and IT skills for teachers in Switzerland. 

FSFE at the 18th "Augsburger Linux-Infotag"

06 April 2019

FSFE is present with an information and merchandise booth at the 18th "Linux-Infotag Augsburg". The event takes place on 6 April 2019 from 9:30 to 17:30 in the IT faculty of the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Admission is free.  

Open Platforms for Open Data? in Vienna, Austria

03 April 2019

FSFE has launched the campaign “Public Money, Public code”, which promotes legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector is made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence. The demand to support Free Software is also important for the open data debate. More and more administrations make open data available, which is used by different actors in different ways. However, these actors often resort to closed source solutions, which contradicts the idea of openness.

At this event the FSFE Policy Manager, Alexander Sander will discuss challenges and contradictions with this model as well as provide ways forward on how to shape the open data debate in a way that systematically promotes the public interest. 

Talk and booth at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage in Chemnitz, Germany

16 – 17 March 2019

Chemnitzer Linux-Tage is one of Germany's biggest Free Software conferences. It is a longstanding event for educating about Linux and Open Source. The event includes workshops, lectures, and beginner talks in the central building of the Technical University in Chemnitz.

The FSFE is present with an information booth, and on Sunday at 10:00, Erik Albers, FSFE Programme Manager, will give a workshop about F-Droid and other useful Free Software apps and help interested people to use more Free Software on their mobile phones. 

Winterkongress Digitale Gesellschaft in Zurich, Switzerland

23 February 2019

The "Winter Kongress Digitale Gesellschaft" is an annual meeting about the digital society in Switzerland. On Saturday, February 23rd, hackers, programmers, activists and other interested parties will meet for the second time at the Karl der Grosse Center in Zurich to exchange views on information technology and its effects on our society. The FSFE will be present with two talks: The FSFE's European public policy programme manager Alexander Sander will speak about "Public Money? Public Code!" and the FSFE's Coordinator Switzerland Marcus Moeller together with Michel Ketterle will present the next version of Freedomvote 

Meeting of Local Group Zurich, Switzerland

14 February 2019

Our monthly meetings serve as a way of communication and lively discussions on current Free Software related topics. People who are interested in Free Software and who want to champion the ideals of Free Software are welcome to join. The Monthly meetup of the Zurich Local Group is changing locations every month. Please check the wiki page for this time's location 

Copyleft Conference in Brussels

04 February 2019

Björn Schießle, Germany coordinator at FSFE, gives a talk at this years CopyleftConf in Brussels on "Using strong copyleft to build a sustainable business", sharing his experience of building a sustainable business based on strong copyleft licenses.

Copyleft Conference brings a host of experts, professionals, activists, and students together to discuss copyleft as a method for advancing software freedom around the world 

FOSDEM 2019, Brussels, Belgium

02 – 03 February 2019

FOSDEM, Europe's largest Free Software conference, takes place on February 2 and 3 at Campus Solbosch of Free University Brussels (ULB). Admission is free.
As usual, FSFE is present with a booth and presents latest news from its work, a wide range of information material, stickers, and postcards, and of course the latest FSFE fashion.  

Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum 23 January 2019 Barcelona

23 January 2019

The FSFE's European public policy programme manager Alexander Sander will be on a panel in the context of the Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum meeting that will be held in Barcelona on 23-25 January 2019, and coordinated from the Technology and Digital Innovation Office of Barcelona City Council.

Eurocities is the network of more than 140 governments of the major European cities. Barcelona will host the meeting of the thematic group Knowledge Society and will focus on Digital Ethical Standards, Technological Sovereignty and Responsible Artificial Intelligence in cities. Alexander Sander will be on the panel to discuss not only the whys of the actual situation, but most importantly, how to move forward and how cities and public administration can foster FLOSS and involve the local ecosystem in developing digital services based on open source software and open standards.