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Event Archive for 2017

FSFE Community Meeting 2017 in Berlin, Germany

25 – 26 November 2017

The community meeting is the once-in-a-year opportunity for all people engaged inside FSFE to come together, share knowledge, grow projects, hack, discuss and get active. This year we are running multiple sprints and discuss the latest developments inside FSFE.  

FOSS4SMEs in Thessaloniki, Greece

13 – 14 November 2017

Between the 13th and 14th of November 2017, the FSFE will participate in the kick off meeting for the FOSS4SMEs project in Thessaloniki, Greece. The project, which launched this October, is a collaboration between Atlantis Engineering, Open Forum Europe, University of Skövde, DLEARN and the Dublin Institute of Technology, aimed at bringing education on free software to small- and midsize enterprises.

    FSFE Berlin Meeting: Talk about self hosting, FreedomBox, PirateBox in Berlin, Germany

    09 November 2017

    Is there a cloud, after all? Tobias and Michael present FreedomBox and PirateBox, two somewhat complementary distributions aimed at taking over server tasks typically associated witn "the cloud". As customary for our regular Thursday meetings (every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the month) this will take place at the e-Lok [3], near Bahnhof Ostkreuz. Start will be at about 19:30, although some of us meet earlier to have a meal and chat. Visitors welcome!  

    Open Source Strategy Forum in New York, United States

    08 November 2017

    On Wednesday, November 8, 2017, FSFE's executive director Jonas Öberg will be at the Open Source Strategy Forum in New York where the next release of FSFEs REUSE practices will be unveiled.  

      Talk about Public Money? Public Code! on Linux Day Milano, Italy

      28 October 2017

      As FSFE Local Group Milano, we will be present at Linux Day Milano to celebrate Linux Day, a national manifestation to discuss about Linux and free software. Folks from the Local Group will present two talks, one about Public Money? Public Code! and one about Privacy and anonymity through containerized and virtualized Tor environments. The event will be from 9:30 at Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Informatica, Via Comelico, 39 - Milano - Italy. The talks are in Italian and admission is free.

      Open Source Summit 2017 in Prague , Czech Republic

      23 – 26 October 2017

      The FSFE will be present at the Open Source Summit 2017, in Prague, Czech Republic. Matthias Kirschner will give a talk about "Limux: The Loss of a Lighthouse", and Polina Malaja will present on "DSM, EIF, RED: Acronyms on the EU Level and Why They Matter for Software Freedom".  

      The FSFE at the Copycamp in Warsaw, Poland

      28 – 29 September 2017

      Polina Malaja, our policy analyst and legal coordinator, gives a talk at CopyCamp in Warsaw, Poland, about the implications of the current EU Copyright Directive proposal for the collaborative software environment, and our campaign Save Code Share. Carmen Bakker and Erik Da Silva, current interns at the FSFE, give a talk about our Public Money Public Code campaign 

      Special meeting FSFE Franken on September 20, 2017 in Nuremberg

      20 September 2017

      On Wednesday, September 20, 2017, starting at 6:30 pm, the local FSFE group Franconia will have a special meeting in the Lederer Kulturbrauerei in Nuremberg with special guests from the local FSFE group Düsseldorf. All Friends of Free Software are hereby invited! If the weather is nice, we will be in the beergarden, if it rains or if it is too cold, we will be inside. Either way, you can recognize us as an FSFE group by our t-shirts and our table decorations. If you are planning to come, please drop me a line at floriansnow@fsfe.org so I know how many seats to reserve.  

      "Public Money Public Code" in the Digitale Woche in Kiel, Germany

      18 September 2017

      Erik Albers will speak about "Public Money Public Code" in the first Digitale Woche Kiel (digital week Kiel). The talk will highlight the benefits that arise when publicly funded software development is released as Free Software. In particular he will talk about the situation in Kiel and the promises of the current government. The talk will happen at 10:00 in the Literaturhaus in Kiel.  

      FrOSCon in St. Augustin, Germany

      19 – 20 August 2017

      FrOSCon is a Free Software conference, organised by the computer science department of the University Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and other local initiatives. Visitors will be offered an exciting program with talks and workshops for visitors of all ages. The FSFE will be present with a booth and a talk. We are looking forward to have a chat with you about Free Software, technology, and politics. 

      FSFE village at SHA-Camp in Zeewolde, Netherlands

      04 – 08 August 2017

      From August 4 to 8, the FSFE will host a village at the SHA-Camp, in that we offer a common space to discuss, meet, hack and organise. There will be several self-organized sessions about Public Money Public Code, F-Droid, Free Software in the Dutch public sector, Secure communications hardware, Ask your candidates and trustworthiness of our systems. In addition, people can participate in the ultimate Free Software challenge and in multiple Free Software sing-along sessions at the FSFE village.  

      #DayAgainstDRM Conference of Dr. Richard Stallman on Digital Restrictions Management in Genova, Italia

      09 July 2017

      Venue: Sala della Società di Letture e Conversazioni Scientifiche. Palazzo Ducale. Piazza De Ferrari. Genova - Time: 17:00 - 20:00 - Program: 17:00 Welcome 17:00 Marco Ciurcina remembers Stefano Rodotà. 17:30 Conference of Richard Stallman * 18:30 Debate and questions 19:00 Answers by Richard Stallman 19:30 Conclusions * the speech will be in English with a sequencial translation into Italian by Daniela Vigatti Free entrance. 19:45 #DayAgainstDRM flashmob for digital rights with STOP DRM banner in Piazza De Ferrari. Contact the organizers at info(at)softwareliberoliguria.org  

      Local FSFE Group Milan - International Day Against DRM 2017

      06 July 2017

      As FSFE Local Group Milan, together with Game Over Milano, also this year we will celebrate the International Day Against DRM, a journey dedicated to promote initiatives and information about the threat of DRM into HTML5, ebooks, music, games etc. The event will be at the Game Over Milano Room - Leoncavallo, Milano, Italy from 19:30. There will be technical talks and then the usual 8-bit party: Fighting threats to Digital Freedom with good information and good music. Please join and help us to make it a greater one! Contact us at milano@lists.fsfe.org  

      RMLL/LSM 2017 in Saint-Etienne, France

      01 – 07 July 2017

      Les Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (Libre Software Meeting) are a series of freely accessible conferences, workshops, and round tables on Libre Software and its uses. This event takes place in a different city each year since 2000. Gathering a crowd of thousands, the 17th Libre Software Meeting will take place for the first time in the city of Saint-Etienne, located in the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France) from the 1st to the 7th July, 2017. As a global event, speakers from all over the world come to present and discuss their projects with an attentive and large audience. Beyond free software, other domains sharing the same concept of freedom will be present, such as free hardware (Hackerspace, Fablab,...) and artistic creation under free licences (graphism, music, cinema...).  

      MAKER FAIR Berlin in Berlin, Germany

      10 – 11 June 2017

      IT-tinkering is only possible with Free Software, that's why FSFE is going to be present with an information and merchandise booth on MAKER FAIR BERLIN at the weekend of 10th and 11th of June 2017. On Saturday, MAKER FAIR is open for school classes and their teachers, free of charge. MAKER FAIR is a come-together of makers and visitors interested in various DIY-ideas. At FSFE’s booth, visitors can inform themselves about Raspberry Pi as a computer for standard applications especially suitable for education, about how to ‘free’ Android-Smartphones and about email-encryption. 

      Bended Realities Festival & Make A Change in Offenbach, Germany

      10 – 11 June 2017

      Bended Realities ist ein Fest für Digitalkultur und eine maker-Faire für Engagement und Bildung. Die Free Software Foundation Europe wird vor Ort sein mit einem Stand zum Thema Freie Bildung und Freie Software. -- english: Bended Realities is a festival for digital culture and a maker-faire about engagement and education. The Free Software Foundation Europe will be present with a booth and inform about Free Education and Free Software. 

      Workshop: What is Free Software? in Munich, Germany

      02 June 2017

      Use. Study. Share. Improve. Software that gives us these Freedoms allows a more meaningful interaction with our computers and - more importantly - with our fellow human beings. What makes Free Software so fascinating and how Free Software may make the world a better place, the FSFE Fellowship Muich tries to convey in a workshop on Friday, June 2nd 2017 (starting 18:00) at WikiMUC; Angertorstr. 3; Munich. There is no previous knowledge required and people who consider themselves not that technically inclined are escpecially welcome. We are looking forward to seeing you!  

      OpenExpo in Madrid, Spain

      01 June 2017

      OpenExpo is an Annual Conference about Free Software and Open Data that will happen on June 1, 2017 in Madrid. The Free Software Foundation Europe will be present with a booth to inform visitors about the organisation and its work.  

      Keynote "Limux: the loss of a lighthouse", Nürnberg, Germany

      26 May 2017

      At the openSUSE conference 2017, Matthias Kirschner will give a keynote about Limux and discuss what the Free Software community can learn from it. The openSUSE Conference is the annual openSUSE community event that brings people from around the world together to meet and collaborate. The keynote takes place from 10:00 to 11:00 at the main hall in Z-Bau, Frankenstraße 200, Nürnberg. 

      FSFE booth at OpenTechSummit in Potsdam, Germany

      25 May 2017

      Erik Albers, FSFE's Community and Communication Coordinator, will give the opening speech at the Open Tech Summit 2017 about "The Digital-o-Mat or how to set Free Software as a topic for democratic elections". The FSFE will also be present with a booth. Open Tech Summit is a conference about technological developments and Free Software. 

      Veganmania, Vienna, Germany

      24 – 27 May 2017

      From 24 to 27 May we have an info booth at Veganmania, a vegan sommer festival. We are looking forward to discuss Free Software topics with the participants there.  

      FSFE @OSCAL 2017 in Tirana, Albania

      13 – 14 May 2017

      Matthias Kirschner, FSFE's President, Polina Malaja, Legal Coordinator and Policy Analyst, and Daniel Pocock, FSFE's newly-elected Fellowship Representative will be present with their talks at OSCAL (Open Source Conference Albania) 2017, the first annual conference in Albania organized to promote software freedom, open source software, free culture and open knowledge. The event takes place from 13 to 14 May in INSTITUTI HARRY T. FULTZ, RRUGA ASIM VOKSHI, at Tirana.  

      "Linuxtage" in Graz, Austria

      29 April 2017

      At the annual event in Graz, lots of presentation talks and information booths offer visitors the possibility to catch up on information about GNU/Linux, Free Software and related projects. The event location is the FH Joanneum. FSFE will be present with an information booth.  

      foss-north 2017 in Göteborg, Sweden

      26 April 2017

      The foss-north conference is a free software conference covering both software and hardware from the technical perspective. It takes place in Gothenburg and provides a meeting place for Nordic foss communities to come together. FSFE supporter Johan Thelin will host the conference which will also feature others from the FSFE as speakers. 

      FSFE at the 16th "Augsburger Linux-Infotag"

      22 April 2017

      FSFE is present with an information and merchandise booth at the 16th "Linux-Infotag Augsburg". The event takes place on 22 April 2017 from 9:30 to 17:30 in the IT faculty of the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Admission is free.  

      FSFE Booth @LiMA17 in Berlin, Germany

      03 – 04 April 2017

      On Monday and Tuesday, 3-4 April, the FSFE will be present with a small info and merchandise booth at the spring edition of the Linke Medienakademie. The theme of this edition is #Polarisierung. We will be there from 10:00 till 17:00, during both days. We are looking forward to meet and discuss with you!

      the relevant wiki page

      Location: Linke Medienakademie e.V. Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin - Foyer (1st floor), near S-Bhf.Ostbahnhof 

      Wiki Caretakers Meeting in Essen, Germany

      31 March – 01 April 2017

      The Wiki is an important tool for FSFE staff and activists to share knowledge, to document activities, and provide information about local groups. It is important that its use is casual and inviting and that information there is well structured, so it can be easily found and expanded. This requires continuous maintenance, of the content and workflow design. This meeting shall provide a foundation for this maintenance activity. It will kick off the annual Wiki Sprint. 

      Matthias Kirschner's talk at ISCTE in Lisbon, Portugal

      28 March 2017

      On March 28, 2017 the President of FSFE, Matthias Kirschner is going to give a talk, under the title "The long way to empower people to control technology" at ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon. The event is organised by our associated organisation, ANSOL and kindly supported by MOSS, the Open Source Masters programme in ISCTE, and ISCTE's ACM Student Chapter.

      The talk will be held in English, and will be followed by a Q and A session, where typical misunderstandings surrounding Free Software will be discussed.

      Location: Auditório JJ Laginha, ISCTE, Lisbon

      Time: 18:00 to 20:00 

      FSFE Group Meeting Linz in Linz, Austria

      24 March 2017

      The next meeting of the FSFE Group Linz will be held on March 24, 2017. Schedule: 16:00 - 17:30: Linuxwochen Linz 17:30 - 18:00: Agenda 18:00: Socializing Every person interested in Free Software is invited to join. Afterwards, participants are welcome to stay and socialize. Information will be published on this page as it is available.  

      Discussion about the role of Free Software in Open Science in Berlin, Germany

      20 March 2017

      On Monday, March 20 the FSFE will be present with a discussion session concerning the role of Free Software in Open Science at the Barcamp Open Science “Putting Open Science into practice”. The Barcamp is the pre-event of the International Open Science Conference, which is organised by the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0 in cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland and takes place on 21-22 March. The session will consist of a short presentation by Olga Gkotsopoulou about the FSFE's position paper for the endorsement of Free Software and Open Standards in Horizon 2020 and all publicly-funded research and an interactive discussion part.

      Time: 9:00 a.m. – 5.15 p.m.

      Location: Wikimedia Deutschland, Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24, 10963 Berlin  

      Talk by Matthias Kirschner about Limux @58. Netzpolitischer Abend in Berlin, Germany

      07 March 2017

      Matthias Kirschner, the FSFE's President is giving a talk on Tuesday, 7 March during the 58. Netzpolitischer Abend, organised by the Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. Title of the talk: „Limux: Wenn einem Leuchtturm der Strom abgestellt wird“ ("Limux: if you power off a lighthouse") . The event takes place at the c-base, Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin. The doors open at 19:15 and the talks start at 20:00. The entrance is free. Hashtag for the event: #npa058  

      Open Source Leadership Summit in Lake Tahoe, CA, United States

      14 February 2017

      On Tuesday the 14th of February, FSFE's executive director Jonas Öberg will give two talks as part of the "Futures" section of the conference. In "From EXIF to SPDX: How Persistent Metadata is Changing the World", Jonas will talk about why provenance for source code is increasingly important and in "OpenChain for Projects and SMEs" he will share some experiences from OpenChain for Free Software projects.  

      Richard Stallman gives a talk in Münster, Germany

      13 February 2017

      On Monday, February 13, the founder of our sister organisation is giving a talk about Free Software in Münster (Northrhine-Westphalia). FSFE supporters will organise a small information booth and are looking forward to talk with the audience about Free Software in Europe.  

      FOSDEM 2017, Brussels, Belgium

      04 – 05 February 2017

      FOSDEM, Europe's largest Free Software conference, takes place on February 4 and 5 at Campus Solbosch of Free University Brussels (ULB). Admission is free.
      As usual, FSFE is present with a booth and presents latest news from its work, a wide range of information material, stickers, and postcards, and of course the latest FSFE fashion.  

      Local FSFE Group Meeting with Matthias Kirschner in Berlin, Germany in Berlin, Germany

      12 January 2017

      This Thursday January 12, Matthias Kirschner will give an inspiring talk about "The long way to empower people to control technology" for the FSFE Berlin group meeting. This is a replacement date for the cancelled talk of November, 10 2016. New guests are welcome! Official start of the talk is at 20:00 but many of us will be there from 19:30 to grab some affordable and tasty snacks at the e-lok. Location: e-Lok Jugendclub, Laskerstraße 6-8, 10245 Berlin