List of pages tagged "pmpc"
- [2025-03-04]El Rincón Legal +++ Informe FOSDEM +++ Ada en español
- [2025-02-12]German elections +++ I Love FS Day +++ DMA, Ada, Router Freedom
- [2025-02-06]German Elections 2025: We demand public code, secure funding for Free Software, and transparent measurement of progress!
- [2025-01-30]SFP#29: How South Tyrol is taking a step in the direction of software freedom
- [2025-01-14]FOSDEM & DMA +++ YH4F 2025 +++ Nuestra visión para 2048
- [2025-01-03]T minus 23 years until 2048
- [2024-12-19]SFP#27: Policy and EU: Free Software hearing in the German Bundestag
- [2024-11-19]SFP#26: Policy and EU: the need of long-term funding and the NGI case
- [2024-09-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2024
- [2024-08-06]La UE recorta la financiación del Sofware Libre +++ Libertad del Router +++ SFP
- [2024-07-26]Linqa: a Free Software bilingual collaboration platform developed with public money
- [2024-07-01]Europe needs Free Software to master its digital infrastructure
- [2024-06-04]Elecciones UE +++ DMA & Apple +++ Herramienta REUSE
- [2024-05-30]EU election: FSFE Netherlands Coordinator joins Amsterdam's Digital City Debate
- [2024-03-21]Let’s advocate together for Free Software in the European Elections
- [2024-01-16]Podcast episodes +++ Router Freedom tech wiki +++ Become our policy intern
- [2023-12-05]Arranca YH4F +++ Carta Abierta de UpA +++ Libertad del Router en Bélgica
- [2023-11-30]SFP#22: All about "Public Money? Public Code!" with Johannes Näder
- [2023-11-08]Join us at SFSCON 2023!
- [2023-10-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2023
- [2023-09-21]Sovereign workspace openDesk: German Ministry of the Interior provides answers
- [2023-09-06]The Netherlands: Important points for the election
- [2023-08-29]Halftime for the German government: Thank you for the fine words, now let the deeds speak!
- [2023-07-28]SFP#21: Exploring Software Freedom in European Politics with Lina Ceballos
- [2023-07-04]Europa Interoperable +++ Ley de Ciberresilencia +++ Ley de IA
- [2023-06-06]Germany: dPhoenix on the road to failure?
- [2023-06-06]Ley de IA e Interoperabilidad + Encuesta de la Libertad del Enrutador + Podcast varios, YH4F & Ada
- [2023-05-09]Tack foss-north 2023!
- [2023-02-27]¡FOSDEM 2023: echa un vistazo a nuestras charlas informativas!
- [2023-01-19]Municipalities need Free Software: Recording and new mailing list
- [2023-01-10]Noticias prometeroras de Bélgica y Dortmund +++ Seguridad TI +++ Oferta de empleo
- [2022-12-15]Event: Municipalities Need Free Software - Dortmund is a Reference Municipality
- [2022-12-06]EU Declaration of Digital Rights and Principles falls short of its ambitions
- [2022-11-15]FSFE gana el Datathon de la UE + Premios YH4F y nueva ronda + No chat control
- [2022-10-27]SFP#17: Citizen participation through Free Software with Petter Joelson
- [2022-10-04]Software Libre en Francia +++ Espacio jáquer en Albania +++ Trabajo
- [2022-09-28]Software Freedom in Europe 2022
- [2022-09-06]Librem 5: un PC en tu bolsillo +++ Vuelven los stands informativos
- [2022-08-23]Support “Public Money? Public Code!” with a SharePic
- [2022-07-05]Podcast en sostenibilidad +++ Oferta laboral +++ Libertad del Enrutador griega
- [2022-06-07]Municipalidades utilizando Software Libre +++ viaje PMPC por Italia
- [2022-06-02]German administration is re@di for the use of Free Software
- [2022-05-31]Volunteers organise ‘Public Money? Public code!’ tour in Italy
- [2022-05-04]EU Declaration of Digital Rights: Free Software included by European Parliament
- [2022-05-03]European Parliament votes for Free Software in AI resolution
- [2022-04-14]EU Declaration of Digital Rights & Principles: Free Software should be included
- [2022-03-30]Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act: Free Software is key!
- [2022-03-28]Anchor Free Software in the 2022 German Federal Budget!
- [2022-03-15]Germany: 100 days of coalition agreement - hardly one day for Free Software
- [2022-02-08]I love FS +++ 0 A.D.: El Ascenso de los Imperios +++ FOSDEM +++ FSFE20: becarios
- [2022-01-12]El folleto ¿Dinero público? ¡Código público! ya disponible en Español
- [2022-01-11]La Neutralidad del Dispositivo: una realidad +++ Estocolmo +++ FSFE +++ IA
- [2021-12-16]Lack of public code cost the city of Stockholm €100 million
- [2021-11-24]Evento de lanzamiento del folleto ¿Dinero público? ¡Código público! ahora en Español
- [2021-11-18]Dutch government formation: open letter on Free Software and Public Money? Public Code!
- [2021-11-10]Software Freedom in Europe 2021
- [2021-09-20]Entrevistas para las elecciones federales alemanas de 2021
- [2021-06-11]Netherlands: Participation app remains closed to the public
- [2021-05-18]Dutch Digital Autonomy must be based on Free Software and Open Standards
- [2021-04-27]Bundestag Election 2021: Demands for a Digitally Sovereign Society
- [2021-03-31]Dortmund relies on Free Software – This paves the way for Public Money? Public Code!
- [2021-03-18]From Uri to Bern: Free Software will revolutionise the world
- [2020-12-16]CWA sin Google +++ Cooperación al desarrollo internacional +++ Entrevista KDE
- [2020-12-10]Public code for publicly financed international development cooperation
- [2020-11-25]Libertad del Software 2020 +++ Estrategia Open Source UE +++ Nuevo personal
- [2020-11-12]How (not) to set up a public warning system
- [2020-11-10]Software Freedom in Europe 2020
- [2020-10-23]EU Open Source Policy: good analysis, missing concrete next steps
- [2020-10-23]35 años de FSF +++ Participación en la SFSCon +++ Oferta de empleo de técnico
- [2020-09-23]"Un lugar para el código público" +++ Promoción FSFE +++ Oferta de trabajo
- [2020-09-10]Plataforma colaborativa de software libre para las administraciones - Ideación
- [2020-08-26]Consulta europea +++ 100 días en Munich +++ Coordinador de Ciencia Abierta
- [2020-08-10]100 days of 'Public Money? Public Code!' in Munich
- [2020-07-22]Benigànim firma la Carta Abierta +++ Entrevista con la ciudad de Bühl +++ Nuevo Podcast
- [2020-07-20](Y)our recent successes towards software freedom in Europe
- [2020-06-30]The public sector of Bühl uses Free Software
- [2020-06-29]Denmark keeps source code of Coronavirus tracing app secret
- [2020-06-16]La Libertad del Enrutador en Europa +++ Hamburgo en pro del Software Libre +++ Parlamento Europeo
- [2020-06-10]Hamburg wants to focus more on Free Software
- [2020-06-09]Etalab shows how Free Software can be made available for the public sector
- [2020-05-14]La FSFE da un toque de atención respetuoso a un proyecto de respiradores mecánicos de emergencia propiciando una licencia de Software Libre
- [2020-05-12] Jakatones Públicos +++ Munich apoya el Código Público (Public Code) +++ Nuevos Podcast
- [2020-05-06]Munich commits to "Public Money? Public Code!"
- [2020-04-24]Netherlands commits to Free Software by default
- [2020-04-08]COVID-19 Hackathons: Only Free Software creates global solutions
- [2020-04-02]Toda app para el coronavirus debía usarse de forma voluntaria y deberia ser Software Libre
- [2020-03-10]Expert Brochure to Modernise Public Digital Infrastructure with Public Code - Translated Versions Online
- [2020-02-28]Security scandal around WhatsApp shows the need for decentralised messengers and digital sovereignty
- [2020-01-22]Report from the 36c3, about:freedom - about:fsfe
- [2019-12-17]La CDU quiere código público +++ Reunión Comunitaria +++ 36C3
- [2019-11-28]The last 12 months in the light of software freedom
- [2019-11-27]Boletín de la FSFE - noviembre de 2019
- [2019-11-25] La FSFE recibe con satisfacción la decisión de la CDU de hacer obligatorio el Software Libre
- [2019-11-12]Get Active: “Public Money? Public Code!” in the Kassel city parliament
- [2019-10-22]Annual report of the Free Software Foundation Europe 2019
- [2019-09-27]Boletín de la FSFE - Septiembre de 2019
- [2019-08-06]The Impact of Free Software on competition by Prof. Dr. Simon Schlauri
- [2019-05-20]Three conclusions to draw from Google denying Huawei access to software
- [2019-05-16]FSFE Newsletter - Mayo 2019
- [2019-05-15]Public Money, Public Code: Munich one step back - others two steps forward.
- [2019-05-15]Free Software in Munich - FSFE thanks cabaret artist Christine Prayon
- [2019-05-14]Cómo el Parlamento de Asturias decidió firmar la carta abierta que solicita "¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!" - entrevista con Iyán Méndez Veiga
- [2019-04-24]FSFE Newsletter - April 2019
- [2019-02-12]FSFE Newsletter - February 2019
- [2019-02-05]Huawei case demonstrates importance of Free Software for security
- [2019-01-24]La FSFE publica un folleto de expertos sobre “¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público!"
- [2018-12-05]The FSFE needs you to continue spreading software freedom in Europe!
- [2018-11-05]Annual report of the Free Software Foundation Europe 2018
- [2018-09-19]Boletín de la FSFE - Septiembre 2018
- [2018-09-17]"Go open today, there's no excuse not to" - interview with Timo Aarnio, GIS expert at National Land Survey Finland.
- [2018-07-26]«¿Dinero público? ¡Código público!»: más idiomas, más apoyos, mayor repercusión
- [2018-07-05]La utilización de Software Libre en la construcción de una sociedad digital más democrática, incluyente y sostenible: entrevista con Francesca Bria, responsable de Tecnología en Barcelona
- [2018-06-01]Cómo se reutiliza el software en las administraciones españolas: entrevista a Elena Muñoz Salinero sobre buenas prácticas.
- [2018-03-19]Boletín de Noticias de la FSFE - Marzo 2018
- [2018-02-20]Boletín de Noticias de la FSFE - Febrero 2018
- [2018-02-19]La FSFE en Italia pregunta a los partidos políticos su posición sobre el Software Libre
- [2018-02-15]European Free Software Policy Meeting 2018: more joint activities important for Free Software in Europe
- [2017-12-07]FSFE Yearly Report 2017
- [2017-12-06]el gobierno holandés libera un importante proyecto como Software Libre
- [2017-11-09]32 European ministers call for more Free Software in governmental infrastructure
- [2017-10-23]FSFE Newsletter - October 2017
- [2017-09-18]FSFE Newsletter - September 2017
- [2017-09-13]¿Dinero Público? ¡Código Público! 31 organizaciones piden mejoras en la contratación pública de software
- [2016-12-02]Ayúdenos ahora a crecer más y marcar la diferencia en el 2017
- [2020-10-17]Talk on 'Public Money? Public Code!' at the online-event Open Web Lounge / CMS Unconference
- [2020-05-04]CANCELLED: Digitale Souveränität und Modernisierung der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Berlin, Germany
- [2018-06-07]Keynote and panel by Max Mehl about "Public Money? Public Code!" at OW2Con in Paris, France in Paris, France
- [2018-03-05]Public Money Public Code at the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia, Spain
- [2017-12-07]Talk about Public Code by Erik Albers in the Eigenbaukombinat in Halle, Germany
- [2017-10-28]Talk about Public Money? Public Code! on Linux Day Milano, Italy
- [2017-09-28]The FSFE at the Copycamp in Warsaw, Poland