El Software Libre es fundamental para garantizar una competencia leal. Abogamos por una aplicación estricta y eficaz de la Ley de Mercados Digitales de una forma respetuosa con los desarrolladores. ¡Ayúdanos a conseguirlo con un donativo!

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Free Software Foundation Europe

Free Software Foundation Europe es una organización benéfica que potencia a los usuarios el control de la tecnología.

El software está profundamente involucrado en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. El Software Libre otorga a todo el mundo el derecho a utilizar, comprender, adaptar y compartir el software. Estos derechos ayudan a respaldar otros derechos fundamentales como la libertad de expresión, la libertad de prensa y la privacidad. Aprenda más...

Ada and Zangemann screening in a cinema: an image of the animated movie in an old cinema with red seats and children there. The picture was taken from the back so you can see the people's back and the screen

Share “Ada & Zangemann” with your friends: spread this animated movie and gift the book!


Thanks to our supporters and volunteers, the inspiring story of Ada & Zangemann has been translated into several languages! While we work, and gather funds, to publish the book and the animated movie in even more languages, we need your help: share the movie with your friends and post it around! The book is also a perfect gift for local libraries and schools.  

A official building in Berlin with the sentence 'Public Money, Public Code'

FSFE symposium: Public Money? Public Code! in practice


Free Software is indispensable for public authorities to overcome dependencies and achieve technological sovereignty. Therefore, the need of the hour is "Public Money? Public Code!" The Free Software Foundation Europe's symposium in Essen on 08 April 2025 will open up practical perspectives on how administrations can move forward in this direction.  

illustration of a golden cage, from which illustrated birds break free. In the background a EU flag

DMA & Free Software: what Free Software organisations need to know


On 24 March the FSFE will conduct an online Q&A session about the Digital Markets Act and its importance for representatives of Free Software organisations. The DMA was designed to limit the power of the "gatekeepers" and boost fairer digital markets. But what does its enforcement mean for Free Software? Join us for this strategic discussion.  

Nuestra comunidad Actúa...

The FSFE does great work to further software freedom locally, nationally and in the EU and I enjoy the podcast and the News RSS so it felt natural to become a supporter. I also want to be more involved with the free software community.

Einar Mostad (English teacher, musician, IT student)

Si el software se licencia como software libre, podemos auditarlo, y estar seguros de que hace lo que dice que hace (y nada más). Las instituciones públicas desarrollan software, y contratan a empresas para hacerlo, y los ciudadanos deberían poseer y reutilizar todo ese código. Contribuyo al software libre con traducciones, soporte a usuarios, encontrando alternativas de software libre en la Universidad... pero no puedo llegar a los que hacen las políticas, ni a las personas e instituciones en otros países.

Laura Arjona Reina (Técnica auxiliar de Informática en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y contribuidora de Debian)

The most fun part about engaging for FSFE is meeting real people and exchanging substantial information about relevant issues. These can be anything from rooting your cell phone, to learning Git, to understanding Free Software based business, to speaking up for the use of open standards in public organisations.

André Ockers (Logistics)

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