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Free Software Foundation Europe

Free Software Foundation Europe é uma associação sem fins lucrativos que fornece os meios aos utilizadores para controlar a tecnologia.

O software está está profundamente envolvido em todos os aspetos da nossa vida. O software livre possibilita a todos o direito de usar, entender, adaptar e partilhar software. Esses direitos ajudam a promover outros direitos fundamentais como a liberdade de expressão, liberdade de imprensa e privacidade. Saiba mais...

German parliamentary buildings. The Bundestag on the background and in the foreground, another German parliament building with the sentence Give Free Software a chance projected on that builiding walls

German Elections 2025: We demand public code, secure funding for Free Software, and transparent measurement of progress!

Press Release

The next German government must finally push for the controllability, security, and sovereignty of the public digital infrastructure. As Free Software is a prerequisite for this, the FSFE is making 4 key demands: "Public Money? Public Code!", securing long-term funding for Free Software, deepening Free Software knowledge in administrations, and monitoring progress. 

FSFE Booth during FOSDEM 2024: FSFE team and volunteers, male and female, posing behind the FSFE booth full of stickers and info material. One person, male, is also posing before the booth, with one of this arms on the booth table.

Join us at FOSDEM 2025!


FOSDEM 2025 is almost here, and guess what? We want you to be, once again, part of it! Mark your calendars for 1 and 2 February 2025. The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) will be there with a keynote on our Apple court case, talks, devrooms, workshops, and of course, a booth where you can meet us, chat and share ideas. Stop by and say hello! 

illustration of a router with wings and the wifi sign on top of it

Router Freedom in Germany: A victory for consumers!


After a failed attempt by internet providers to exclude Router Freedom from fiber networks, the German regulator BNetzA has confirmed Router Freedom in the country. The FSFE, which has been pushing for this since 2013, will continue to monitor implementation and compliance.  

A nossa comunidade Participe...

The FSFE does great work to further software freedom locally, nationally and in the EU and I enjoy the podcast and the News RSS so it felt natural to become a supporter. I also want to be more involved with the free software community.

Einar Mostad (English teacher, musician, IT student)

Se um programa for licenciado como Software Livre, nós podemos auditá-lo, e ter a certeza que ele faz o que é suposto fazer (e nada mais). Instituições Públicas desenvolvem software, e contratam empresas para o fazer, e os cidadãos deveriam ser donos e reutilizar todo esse código. Eu contribuo para Software Livre com traduções, ajuda ao utilizador, encontrar alternativas em Software Livre na Universidade... mas não consigo chegar aos decisores políticos, nem a pessoas e instituições noutros países.

Laura Arjona Reina (Assisstente IT na Universidade Técnica de Madrid e contribuidora do Debian)

The most fun part about engaging for FSFE is meeting real people and exchanging substantial information about relevant issues. These can be anything from rooting your cell phone, to learning Git, to understanding Free Software based business, to speaking up for the use of open standards in public organisations.

André Ockers (Logistics)

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