Nous avons besoin de votre aide à long terme aujourd'hui : devenez un supporter de la FSFE, afin que vous puissiez continuer à défendre votre liberté et celle des générations futures.

Free Software Foundation Europe

La Free Software Foundation Europe est une association à but non lucratif qui offre aux utilisateurs les moyens de contrôler la technologie.

Le logiciel est profondément ancré dans tous les aspects de nos vies. Le Logiciel Libre donne à chacun·e le droit d'utiliser, de comprendre, d'adapter et de partager des logiciels. Ces droits permettent de soutenir d'autres droits fondamentaux comme la liberté d'expression, la liberté de la presse et la vie privée. En savoir plus...

A closed lock in a electric light green surrounded by a circle and the letter cyber security in a greenish background

CRA and NIS2: Protecting Free Software ecosystem in implementation

Together with NLnet Labs and the Open Source Security Foundation, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) submitted feedback on the NIS2 implementation act, pointing to the need of protecting the European Free Software ecosystem. 

Illustration showing a network termination point, consisting in the end-user private network, a router, and the public communication network, the access to the Internet, which is the domain of the ISP

Belgian court’s decision impacts the future of Router Freedom

In an historic ruling within the EU, a Belgian court has upheld the decision of the country’s regulator to introduce Router Freedom for fiber networks. The objections, raised by a local internet service provider, were deemed unfounded. This landmark decision represents a significant victory for consumer rights, and we urge other national regulators to follow this example. 

DMA & Apple +++ Openwashing, EU infrastucture & more


The July issue is full of news! We continue to monitor and raise our concerns about DMA compliance. We call upon the EU to use Free Software for its digital infrastructure and are asking for your experiences with openwashing. And we also bring you updates on REUSE, YH4F, Ada & Zangemann...  

Notre communauté Devenir actif...

I was a solitary voice for years, explaining the principles behind Free Software and its importance for people in my country in numerous articles and blog posts. I wanted to belong to an organization with the goal of building the digital society on 100% Free Software, and supporting the FSFE and gaining access to its blogging and fellowship infrastructure seemed like a logical first step.

Carsten Agger (Software Engineer)

I believe that Free Software can help us change our society fundamentally for the better and I believe the best way to do so is together with other volunteers from all over Europe!

Alexandra Busch (IT specialist)

Nowadays we use social networks, laptops and mobile devices every day. And very frequently we lose the important social and political vision of Free Software in all of them. Thanks to FSFE, FSF and other similar organizations and many local groups, we maintain the torch of a different world where everyone can use and share a lot of programs and code, no matter the country you live in or how much money you can afford to spend on it.

Dani Gutiérrez Porset (Free Software Consultant)

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