Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

Tato stránka může být zastaralá oproti originál. Pomozte nám s překladem této a ostatních stránek na fsfe.org, tak aby ostatní je mohli číst ve svém rodném jazyce.

Free Software Foundation Europe

Free Software Foundation Europe je charitativní organizace, která usiluje o uživatelskou kontrolu nad technologií.

Technologie je nedílnou součástí našeho denního života, která ne vždy respektuje Vaše soukromý a invidualní potřeby. Proto vzniknula iniciativa za svobodný software, která usiluje o Vaše právo studovat, přizpůsobovat a sdílet. Tato práva také pomáhají podporoval i další základní práva jako je Vaše svoboda projevu, svoboda tisku a soukromí. Dozvědět se více...

 Illustration explaining why Router Freedom is important. It has four bubbles explaining the importance of upgrading your router, avoiding router monopoly,securing your connection, and choosing your own router

Exceptions against Router Freedom undermine users’ rights in Italy

News Item

In 2018 Italy implemented Router Freedom. However regulatory decisions in 2019 and 2023 introduced exceptions for fiber networks. The Free Software Foundation Europe has now urged Italy’s telecom regulator, AGCOM, to remove these restrictions and fully restore users' rights to choose their own equipment to connect to fiber networks. 

Ada movie premiere +++ EC consultation +++ Apple litigation


The story of Ada & Zangemann is now available as an animated movie! We’d also like to thank everyone who contributed feedback to the EC consultation, urging European policymakers to establish long-term sustainable funding for Free Software Additionally, we’ve submitted our arguments in the ongoing Apple litigation. And great news, our hoodies are back! 

European Commission building in Brussels

The FSFE demands EU Commission sustainable long-term Free Software funding

Press Release

In the wake of the recent €27 million cut in the NGI funding, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is responding to growing concern by participating in a public consultation of the European Commission. The FSFE is stressing the urgent need for sustainable, long-term financial support for Free Software to ensure Europe's technological independence. 

Zobrazit všechny události...

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)
18:00 – 20:00 UTC 23 October 2024

Linux Autumn 2024 in Rybnik, Poland
15:0025 – 15:30 UTC 27 October 2024

FSFE at the Milan Linux Day 2024 in Milan, Italy
09:00 – 17:30 UTC 26 October 2024

Naše komunita Přidej se k nám...

Software is becoming more and more a fabric which permeates our society. We are more and more unaware of the ways in which it influences, sometimes forces our decisions. That's why software freedom concerns fundamentally and very concretely our society. That's why I am convinced that groups like the FSFE are vital for the evolution of a free society.

Tomás Zerolo (Self-employed IT specialist)

In a world where software influences virtually every single aspect of our lives, Free Software is a precondition for a free society.

Reinhard Müller (Software Developer)

I became a supporter of the FSFE because I'm seeing more and more that writing free code is ultimately not enough to foster a culture where Free Software is seen as an integral part of society. Free software should not be a fringe topic supported solely by geeks.

Johannes Zarl-Zierl (IT Professional)

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