The translation for this page is very outdated, so it is using english instead. Please help us to translate this and other pages on, so people can read our message in their native language.


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A official building in Berlin with the sentence 'Public Money, Public Code'

FSFE symposium: Public Money? Public Code! in practice

10 March 2025

Free Software is indispensable for public authorities to overcome dependencies and achieve technological sovereignty. Therefore, the need of the hour is "Public Money? Public Code!" The Free Software Foundation Europe's symposium in Essen on 08 April 2025 will open up practical perspectives on how administrations can move forward in this direction.  

Composición de imágenes con una ilustración de Ada & Zangemann; el logo PMPC; y una foto de la ponencia durante FOSDEM 2025 donde se puede ver el escenario principal desde detrás de la sala, desde la perspectiva de los asistentes.

El Rincón Legal +++ Informe FOSDEM +++ Ada en español

04 March 2025

En estas últimas semanas publicamos nuestro primer artículo del Rincón Legal y las grabaciones de nuestras charlas informativas en FOSDEM. Estuvimos contentos viendo las fotos de las celebraciones del 'I love Free Software Day' y no podemos esperar más para conocerte ¡en el CLT 2025! Estamos organizando una sesión remota de preguntas y respuestas sobre la DMA (Ley de los Mercados Digitales) y el Software Libre, ¡y Ada está finalmente disponible en español!  

Ada and Zangemann postcard with a blue LED, a group of FSFE volunteers at the I Love Free Software Day celebration in Zurich, FSFE staffers playing SuperTuxKart,   Sharepic with a I Love Free Software Day message

"I Love Free Software Day" 2025: Hidden Projects

28 February 2025

In the week of the 14th of February we celebrated the I Love Free Software Day 2025. This year we marked this special day with 19 events in 11 different European countries. Even more, hundreds of people and many organisations joined us in the Fediverse - with a special "Thank you!" note for Free Software projects and contributors. To all who joined us this time: "Thank you" for participating in this 15th edition of the "I Love Free Software Day" ❤️❤️❤️! 

Lucas Lasota key note speech at FOSDEM 2025. Shot from the back of the stage, where Lucas is staying with a microphone and you can see the attendees from his perspective

FOSDEM: Celebrating 25 years of community and Free Software

20 February 2025

Some ocassions are too special to miss, like the FSFE February trip to FOSDEM, where we connected with the Free Software community. Even when things don’t go as planned, it was an energizing boost against the winter blues. Thanks to everyone who joined our DevRooms, attended our talks including our keynote on the Apple litigation, came to our women's breakfast, and stopped at the booth. Your support means a lot!  

Software Freedom Podcast illustration: a blue gradient background with the three starts from the FSFE logo in red and the words Software Freedom Podcast.

SFP#30: The App Fair Project with Marc Prud'hommeaux

14 February 2025

At FOSDEM, Bonnie Mehring and Marc Prud'hommeaux met to talk about Marc's Free Software initiative, The App Fair Project. This project is a marketplace for all devices and especially also for iOS devices that only distributes Free Software applications. Its goal is to foster a more accessible and inclusive Free Software ecosystem.  

Collage with FOSDEM logo, a picture from our booth at FOSDEM and a small picture of one of our talks there. There is also a picture about IloveFS and one from a German government building with the sentence 'Give Free software a chance'

German elections +++ I Love FS Day +++ DMA, Ada, Router Freedom

12 February 2025

February started with FOSDEM! It was great to meet some of you there before we meet again for “I Love Free Software Day”! In recent weeks, we shared our demands for the coming German elections, great news about Router Freedom, and an update about DMA. Moreover, the Ada movie is now available in French and we published two podcast episodes.  

German parliamentary buildings. The Bundestag on the background and in the foreground, another German parliament building with the sentence Give Free Software a chance projected on that builiding walls

German Elections 2025: We demand public code, secure funding for Free Software, and transparent measurement of progress!

06 February 2025

The next German government must finally push for the controllability, security, and sovereignty of the public digital infrastructure. As Free Software is a prerequisite for this, the FSFE is making 4 key demands: "Public Money? Public Code!", securing long-term funding for Free Software, deepening Free Software knowledge in administrations, and monitoring progress. 

FSFE Booth during FOSDEM 2024: FSFE team and volunteers, male and female, posing behind the FSFE booth full of stickers and info material. One person, male, is also posing before the booth, with one of this arms on the booth table.

Join us at FOSDEM 2025!

27 January 2025

FOSDEM 2025 is almost here, and guess what? We want you to be, once again, part of it! Mark your calendars for 1 and 2 February 2025. The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) will be there with a keynote on our Apple court case, talks, devrooms, workshops, and of course, a booth where you can meet us, chat and share ideas. Stop by and say hello! 

Cinema screening of Ada and Zangemann. The picture is showing some rows of red sits and in the screen in the background of the picture, an image from the illustrated movie Ada & Zangemann

The FSFE launches 'Ada & Zangemann' movie in French as Open Educational Resource

21 January 2025

The Free Software Foundation Europe is releasing the animated film ‘Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream’ in French as an Open Educational Resource. Originally a highly successful illustrated book, now available in 10 languages and counting, the story has been adapted into a film that can be freely used in schools.  

Ilustration showing what looks like a snake in the shape of an apple in black with a red shadow

The FSFE calls for broader interoperability by Apple under the DMA

16 January 2025

The Free Software Foundation Europe, alongside civil society organizations, developers and researchers, submitted its position to the European Commission’s public consultation on measures requiring Apple to ensure compliance with the Digital Markets Act’s interoperability provisions. The FSFE stressed the urgent need for Apple to provide effective, free-of-charge interoperability. 

Composición de imágenes con una foto del puesto informativo de FOSDEM 24, el logo de FOSDEM y una foto del desafío del I Love FS. Además hay una ilustración con las siglas Y4HF y la esquina inferior izquierda, una foto con el nombre 38C3.

FOSDEM & DMA +++ YH4F 2025 +++  Nuestra visión para 2048

14 January 2025

El año acaba de empezar, ¡ofreciéndonos 365 días para promocionar el Software Libre! Mientras nos preparamos para FOSDEM y continuamos trabajando en la implementación de la DMA, estamos emocionados de comenzar con la cuarta edición de Youth Hacking 4 Freedom. Cerramos 2024 compartiendo nuestras predicciones para 2048 y participando en el Chaos Communication Congress.  

The facade of the CCH building. There isn't much light and most of it is colorful

The FSFE at 38c3

10 January 2025

The Free Software Foundation Europe, along with over sixteen thousand attendees, took part in the 38th Chaos Communication Congress with a booth, several talks and a lot of stickers. It was a great pleasure to join, once again, the Chaos family for another impressive four-day congress. Thank you all for coming!  

The rocket 'Fairydust' at the entrance of the Hamburg Congress Center

The FSFE at 38C3: let’s talk together about Software Freedom

23 December 2024

The 38th Chaos Communication Congress (38C3), taking place in Hamburg from December 27 to 30, 2024. And we couldn’t miss it! Once again, the FSFE will be at the congress with an assembly and different activities in the Bits & Bäume Habitat. Do not forget to stop by! 

picture with different pieces to build a led sign with the logo of Youth Hacking for Freedom, among them two plastic boards with the logo, a led string, a usb type c cable and stickers

Meet Vinícius and Simon, young hackers from Youth Hacking 4 Freedom

11 December 2024

The 3rd edition of Youth Hacking 4 Freedom (YH4F) has officially concluded, celebrating the impressive talents of young European developers. Two of the participants in the 2024 edition are sharing insights about their projects and experiences: Vinícius developed an automatic telescope while Simon worked on bringing Free Software on the SHC devices.  

Collage with a picture from the Ada premiere in Germany, showing a cinema roon with a screen showing Ada; REUSE logo; and an image from SFSCON

Hearing at the Bundestag +++ Ada Premiere in German +++ REUSE and NGI updates

03 December 2024

As the last month of the year rolls in, thoughts of 2025 are already taking shape. But before we dive into the new year, December is packed with news! We are participating in a hearing at the German Parliament, we keep pushing for long-term funding for Free Software, new versions of REUSE Specification and REUSE tools were released, and more! 

Software Freedom Podcast illustration: a blue gradient background with the three starts from the FSFE logo also in blue and the words Software Freedom Podcast. It also has in white the fsfe website url

SFP#26: Policy and EU: the need of long-term funding and the NGI case

19 November 2024

Join this new episode of our Software Freedom podcast in which Bonnie Mehring and Alexander Sander discussing current topics affecting Free Software in the European Union. In this episode we focus on the 27 million euros cut of funding of the Next Generation Internet initiative (known as NGI). Alex and Bonnie shed some light on the history of this European project and share the newest developments in this case. 

Collage with an illustration of an apple with a worm inside, a picture with FSFE booth and some staffers during SFSCON 2023, router freedom sticker and a picture from the workshop during YH4F award ceremony showing YH4F transparent badges and all the tools needed to tinker with arduino

YH4F 2024 winners +++ Apple litigation page +++ SFSCON ‘24

05 November 2024

It's November and our team heads to Bolzano for SFSCON, still thrilled by the inspiring 2024 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom award ceremony! Last weeks we’ve also launched a new page to keep you updated on the latest developments in our involvement with the Apple vs. EC litigation. Find out the latest updates on Router Freedom, REUSE and more! 

Some members of the FSFE team standing behind the FSFE stand during SFSCON 2023. The picture is showing a table with Ada books, merch and info material. Also, on the left side, there is an FSFE banner with the sentences "Keeping the power over technology in your hands" and on the back a lot of red and blue balloons.

Where the FSFE Shapes the Future: SFSCON 2024!

01 November 2024

We are excited to be back for the South Tyrol Free Software Conference (SFSCON) on 8 and 9 November with talks, workshops and a booth! SFSCON is the place to be if you’re passionate about Free Software and want to dive into discussions on key topics, including the need for sustainable, long-term funding for Free Software projects. Come to Bolzano to learn, connect, and be inspired!. 

Composición que muestra una ilustración del libro Ada & Zangemann, otra de la manifestación en el pueblo; una imagen del edificio de la Comisión Europea; y una ilustración de una manzana con un gusano dentro

Estreno de la película Ada +++ Consulta de la CE +++ Litigio de Apple

09 October 2024

¡La historia de Ada & Zangemann ya está disponible en forma de película de animación! Nos gustaría además dar las gracias a todas las personas que contribuyeron con respuestas a la consulta de la Comisión Europea, urgiendo a los políticos europeos a establecer una financiación sostenible y a largo plazo para el Software Libre. Además, aportamos nuestros argumentos en el actual litigio de Apple. Y otra gran noticia, ¡nuestras sudaderas vuelven a estar disponibles!  

Illustration from  the story 'Ada & Zangemann' showing Ada & Zangemann characters protesting with placards. The illustration has a yellow background.

Premiere of the "Ada & Zangemann" movie on Ada Lovelace Day

02 October 2024

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is celebrating Ada Lovelace Day on October 8 with a special event for its supporters: the global English premiere of the animated film 'Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream'. Originally a highly successful illustrated book, now available in 10 languages and counting, the story has been adapted into a film and is licensed as an open educational resource.  

software freedom in Europe

Software Freedom in Europe 2024

20 September 2024

In 2024, we continued to promote software freedom through our presence at conferences and events across Europe, as well as through our various activities and initiatives. Despite our ongoing financial challenges, we have actively raised our voice in defence of Device Neutrality and are advocating for a dedicated Free Software budget in Europe.  

European Commission building in Brussels

La FSFE exige a la Comisión Europea una financiación sostenible a largo plazo para el Software Libre

11 September 2024

Tras el reciente recorte de 27 millones de euros en la financiación de NGI, la Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) responde a la creciente preocupación participando en una consulta pública de la Comisión Europea. La FSFE insiste en la necesidad urgente de contar con un apoyo financiero sostenible y a largo plazo para el Software Libre, que garantice la independencia tecnológica de Europa.  

European Commission building in Brussels

Bring Back Free Software Funding: Give Your Feedback to the European Commission

11 September 2024

The European Commission has cut important funds for Free Software. The non-transparent decision shows the need for sustainable long-term funding to allow the EU to control its own technology. Raise your voice and take part in an ongoing consultation to ask for sustainable long-term funds for software freedom. We explain why and how. 

Composición de tres imágenes de diferentes tamaños dentro de formas redondeadas y el logo de la FSFE. Una imágen tiene las palabras     Next Generation Internet sobre un mapa azul de la UE, otra es un logo del proyecto ZOOOM y la última es un dibujo de una manzana de color verde con un gusano dentro

Litigio Apple +++ Financiación de la UE para el Software Libre +++ YH4F +++ Proyecto ZOOOM

03 September 2024

Septiembre llega con nuestro boletín. Seguimos solicitando un presupuesto para el Software Libre en Europa tras la decisión de la Comisión Europea de dejar de financiar la iniciativa NGI. También intervenimos en la demanda de Apple contra la Comisión Europea. YH4F consiguió un nuevo patrocinador y su edición 2024 está en su recta final, además el proyecto ZOOOM ha terminado.  

Man sitting on a bench holding a newspaper that is covering his face

Spread your concern about Free Software funding in your local newspaper

28 August 2024

Are you also worried and concerned about the European Commission decision to cut the funding for Free Software projects? Besides contacting European representatives you can also write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper to make their readers aware of the importance of funding Free Software solutions with a long term sustainable funding. 

Illustration showing a rotten apple: an apple with a worm inside

Apple vs Comisión Europea: la FSFE interviene para salvaguardar el Software Libre

12 August 2024

La Free Software Foundation Europe interviene en un litigio interpuesto por Apple contra la Comisión Europea ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea. El caso está relacionado con la Ley de Mercados Digitales, pretendiendo Apple eludir obligaciones relacionadas con su App Store y la interoperabilidad de su sistema operativo. La FSFE pretende responsabilizar a Apple en virtud de la DMA para proteger los intereses del Software Libre frente al control monopolístico de las empresas. 

Illustration showing a rotten apple: an apple with a worm inside

Apple vs EU Commission: the FSFE intervenes to safeguard Free Software

09 August 2024

The Free Software Foundation Europe is intervening in a litigation brought by Apple against the European Commission before the Court of Justice of the European Union. The case relates to Digital Markets Act, with Apple seeking to avoid obligations related to its App Store and the interoperability of its operating systems. The FSFE aims to hold Apple accountable under the DMA to protect Free Software against monopolistic corporate control.  

Illustration with a EU map in the background in blue, the sentence Next Generation Interent in white and some yellow stars

European Commission needs to come up with dedicated budget for Free Software solutions

08 August 2024

After the recent news that funding for the Next Generation Internet initiative would be cut for the next phase of Horizon Europe, the European Commission has expressed vague support for Free Software. Unfortunately it is failing to provide concrete examples on how to do so. This has highlighted the fragility of funding for Software Freedom and the need for change in the long-term. 

Composición de imágenes mostrando una de NGI y una ciudad futurible, la pegatina de la Libertad del Enrutador y una foto con la palabra ciberseguridad con un candado

La UE recorta la financiación del Sofware Libre +++ Libertad del Router +++ SFP

06 August 2024

La Comisión Europea planea recortar su financiación a los proyectos NGI, mientras que en Bélgica un juzgado ha respaldado los derechos de la Libertad del Router de los usuarios. También enviamos nuestros comentarios a la implementación de NIS2; aprendimos sobre Linqa, una plataforma de Software Libre desarrollada con dinero público; y nos reunimos con voluntarios en el Summer Meeting. Escuche un nuevo episodio del SFP.  

Illustration from the PMPC video showing a futuristic city with the city hall building in foreground

Linqa: a Free Software bilingual collaboration platform developed with public money

26 July 2024

Linqa is a bilingual collaboration platform whose code is Free Software and developed using public money. It helps the daily work of the Franco-German Forum for the Future, a public institution that fosters collaboration among actors in France and Germany. We dive into the roots of Linqa with the people behind it. 

Ilustration with the sentence NGI Initiative Internet of Humans, showing a futuristic city with  two arms holding a smartphone in their hand

EC cuts funding support for Free Software projects

19 July 2024

The Next Generation Internet initiative has supported Free Software projects with funding and technical assistance since 2018. Despite its proven success, the European Commission made the decision to cut this funding in the current draft for the Horizon Europe 2025 Work Programme. This decision highlights the larger problem of the lack of motivated and sustainable public funding for Free Software projects.  

Illustration showing a network termination point, consisting in the end-user private network, a router, and the public communication network, the access to the Internet, which is the domain of the ISP

Belgian court’s decision impacts the future of Router Freedom

09 July 2024

In an historic ruling within the EU, a Belgian court has upheld the decision of the country’s regulator to introduce Router Freedom for fiber networks. The objections, raised by a local internet service provider, were deemed unfounded. This landmark decision represents a significant victory for consumer rights, and we urge other national regulators to follow this example. 

Composición de imágenes mostrando una ilustración del YH4F, otra de Ada, un corazón rojo con las cuatro libertades; una ilustración de una serpiente que hace la forma de lo que parece una manzana; y una infografía de REUSE

DMA & Apple +++ Openwashing, Infraestructura de la UE & más

02 July 2024

¡El número de julio viene cargado de noticias!. Seguimos vigilando y planteando nuestra preocupación por el cumplimiento de la DMA. Pedimos a la UE que utilice Software Libre en su infraestructura digital y os preguntamos por vuestras experiencias con el openwashing. Y también te traemos novedades sobre REUSE, YH4F, Ada & Zangemann ....  

Ilustration showing what looks like a snake in the shape of an apple in black with a red shadow

Defending DMA against Apple: The FSFE signs joint position paper

27 June 2024

Together with nine stakeholders organisations, the FSFE has submitted a joint position paper to the European Commission, with whom we are working on the implementation of the Digital Markets Act. This paper, supported by legal and data-backed arguments, addresses Apple’s non-compliance with the law, particularly concerning software freedom, alternative Free Software app stores and interoperability obligations. 

Illustration showing, in an easy way, how REUSE works

Save time and minimise licensing headaches with REUSE

20 June 2024

REUSE helps make a project's licensing and copyright status more transparent, ensure that third-party code is properly attributed, and make the project's code easily reusable. This tool is currently used worldwide and its specification has been adopted by several corporate and institutional projects. We spoke to Matija Šuklje of Liferay International, one of the companies that has adopted REUSE.  

Picture collage with a heart with the 4 freedoms, the SUSE I love FS logo and the thank you i love fs postcard

I ♥ Free Software Day & SUSE OSCC network

10 June 2024

We got an email, a few weeks ago, that caught our attention. It came with a donation explaining that it was made in the name of an employee network at SUSE. We decided to investigate, asked the people responsible, and today we want to share this awesome story with you. (Note - this is also a great idea for an initiative to ask your company about).  

Composición de imágenes mostrando una ilustración de Ada, el logo del software REUSE y una ilustración de un ayuntamiento

Elecciones UE +++ DMA & Apple +++ Herramienta REUSE

04 June 2024

En esta entrega, explicamos nuestros planes para hacer una película de la historia de Ada & Zangemann y estamos pidiendo tu apoyo. Lanzada una nueva versión de REUSE; lee la opinión de la FSFE informada a la Comisión Europea sobre la nueva estrategia de Apple para cumplir con la DMA y su impacto sobre el Software Libre.  

Illustration from the Ada and Zangemann book showing children and adults demonstrating

Ada va al plató: Hagamos una película de animación

15 May 2024

¿Qué tienen en común un Primer Ministro, un profesor del MIT y un niño de Rajastán? Ellos, junto con otras figuras públicas y miles de niños, adoran el libro ilustrado 'Ada & Zangemann: A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream'. Ada ya ha llegado a hogares y bibliotecas de todo el mundo y, ¡ahora necesita tu ayuda para llegar a aún más niños! Ayúdanos a hacer una película de esta historia para despertar el interés de más niños por la programación y el trasteo con la tecnología. 

Composición de fotos mostrando ilustraciones del YH4F, el libro de Ada & Zangemann con un premio francés y la mesa de registro del LLW con su logotipo

LLW 2024 +++ Entrevistas YH4F +++ Ada en Francia

08 May 2024

Mayo viene con noticias legales como el "Legal & Licensing Workshop" y la demanda de Bitcoin sobre la responsabilidad de los desarrolladores de Software Libre. También hablamos con dos participantes del YH4F 2023 y nuestro grupo local danés envió una Carta Abierta a su parlamento. ¿Has visto que Ada & Zangemann ha ganado un premio y que ya está disponible la versión francesa en ebook?  

Image showing a bitcoin with a blue tech background

Are Free Software developers at risk?

17 April 2024

Free Software is everywhere, with studies estimating that it is present in about 96% of the applications that we use. But what are the responsibilities and liabilities of the Free Software developers? A potential threat to Free Software developers looms in the form of an ongoing lawsuit in the UK involving Bitcoin and its core developers. 

Illustration done with a computer showing the parliament of the city with people and buildings around

Let’s advocate together for Free Software in the European Elections

21 March 2024

European citizens will hit the ballot boxes from 6 to 9 June 2024 to choose their next representatives in the European Parliament. As the campaign heats up, it is important to get active and ensure Software Freedom is part of the larger political debate. How can you do this? Find practical advice on how to advocate for Free Software in the coming months!  

Collage picture of a DIY IloveFS heart with lights, FSFE staff and volunteers at our FOSDEM 2024 booth, and an image of a phone with a 2FA app on it

Celebraciones del I love FS +++ FOSDEM 2024 +++ Episodio del SFP

05 March 2024

¡Ya está aquí nuestra newsletter de marzo! Acudimos a FOSDEM, y por toda Europa, se celebró el ‘I Love Free Software Day’. Además lanzamos un nuevo episodio de nuestro podcast sobre el estado del software libre y un debate sobre los servicios bancarios y la libertad del software. ¡Echa un vistazo a algunas lecturas interesantes y recomendaciones de eventos!  

Smiling FSFE team members and volunteers at the FSFE booth at FOSDEM 2024

FOSDEM 2024 was a blast!

01 March 2024

At the beginning of February, FSFE volunteers and staffers went back to Brussels to take part in FOSDEM 2024 with a booth and talks. While for some of us this has become an awesome yearly experience, it was the first time for others. Thanks to everyone who came to FOSDEM, visited our booth for a nice chat, and joined us during our social events!  

'I Love Free Software Day' heart shaped badge with LED strip, a group of FSFE volunteers with their personal ilovefs badges

"I Love Free Software Day" 2024: Forging the future with Free Software

26 February 2024

Together with hundreds of people and several organisations, we have celebrated another "I Love Free Software Day" on 14 February! On this day, we reached out to Free Software contributors to say Thank you! To all who joined us this time: Thank you for participating in this 14th edition of the "I Love Free Software Day" ❤️❤️❤️!  

Collage of the Sharepic from Alexander Sander and Karen Sandler on why they loves Free Software

SFP#24: The status of Free Software with Karen Sandler and Alexander Sander

14 February 2024

Have there been any changes for Free Software in Europe or the USA in the last year? How is Free Software viewed by legislators? What can we do to support software freedom? Karen Sandler and Alexander Sander are active in the Free Software movement and share their views on the current status of Free Software in our society.  

A collage of pictures with a screenshot of the final vote results for IEA, ILoveFS “Thank you” postcards, and a group picture with Edulife participants

Celebrate I Love Free Software Day +++ Interoperable Europe Act adopted

13 February 2024

Once again, FOSDEM did not disappoint! Meeting the Free Software community in Brussels is always one of the best moments of the year! And just before we meet again to celebrate I Love Free Software Day with the news of the Interoperable Europe Act being adopted! This newsletter also includes our first interviews with 2023 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom participants… and more! 

Infographic of the final vote

Interoperable Europe Act adopted, close monitoring vital

06 February 2024

Today the Interoperable Europe Act has been adopted in plenary with 524 votes in favour, 18 against and 97 abstentions. Although some of the potential of the regulation got undermined, the Act as a whole is an important opportunity for Free Software and its community to contribute to an interoperable Europe. The FSFE will closely monitor its implementation. 

Image collage with an illustration of a heart in a screen with 1 and 0; the router freedom sticker and the software freedom podcast logo

Podcast episodes +++ Router Freedom tech wiki +++ Become our policy intern

16 January 2024

We are starting 2024 with a lot of energy, looking for a policy intern and with great news: two new SFP episodes, the Router Freedom tech wiki, the ‘Ada & Zangemann’ ebook is free of charge in French, and we are looking forward to celebrating ‘I Love Free Software Day’ on 14 February!  

Lina Ceballos talking at the European Parliament

SFP#21: Exploring Software Freedom in European Politics with Lina Ceballos

28 July 2023

Listen to our new Software Freedom Podcast episode with Lina Ceballos. Lina and Bonnie talk about everything related to Free Software in European Politics. Learn more about Lina's work at the Free Software Foundation Europe and how political decisions come to pass in the EU. Discover how best to advocate for Free Software, and especially, what the Interoperable Europe Act is all about and why the Free Software communities need to be on the lookout for the protection of software freedom.  

Hugo Roy

SFP#16: Free Software in France with Hugo Roy

09 September 2022

In this episode of the Software Freedom Podcast, Bonnie Mehring speaks with Hugo Roy about his long involvement with the FSFE. Hugo is also very active in the French Free Software community and gives us an overview of the standing of Free Software in France.  

Till Jaeger sitting on some stairs

SFP#12: Enforcement of the GNU GPL with Till Jaeger

22 September 2021

With our 12th episode of the Software Freedom Podcast we dig into the history and the beginning of enforcing Free Software licences, especially the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). Together with Till Jaeger, who has been working alongside Harald Welte for enforcing the GNU GPL in the first court cases in Germany, we talk about the long way we have come since those early days.  

Podcast recorder and headphones with a rose and ballons in the background

SFP#9: I Love Free Software Day

11 February 2021

For this episode of the Software Freedom Podcast we talk about the background of the "I Love Free Software Day" and how it all began 11 years ago. Discover together with Bonnie Mehring why Free Software developers, advocates, activists and contributors think this special day is so important for Free Software.  

Three different sizes of coin piles with seeds growing on top of them

SFP#8: How to tell my mother that Free Software can cost money?

04 December 2020

In this Software Freedom Podcast episode Bonnie Mehring and Matthias Kirschner talk about the monetary costs of Free Software. On the example of a conversation Bonnie had with her mother, both discover ways of explaining the world of Free Software and how to answer common questions and misunderstandings about software freedom.  

Logo of the Software Freedom Podcast

SFP#5 acerca de la regulación con el Profesor Lawrence Lessig

09 April 2020

Para nuestro Podcast de la Libertad del Software hablamos con personas que tienen ideas inspiradoras acerca de la libertad del software. En este episodio, conversamos con el Profesor Lawrence Lessig, fundador de Creative Commons, acerca de la regulación de la sociedad, en la vida real y en internet, sobre diferentes medios de regulación, y nos aclara las normativas a través del código.  

Logo of the Software Freedom Podcast

SFP#4 about REUSE with Carmen Bianca Bakker

21 January 2020

In the monthly Software Freedom Podcast we talk with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In this episode, we talk with Carmen Bianca Bakker about the REUSE project. By this we are covering the very broad topic of software licensing and the problems there, which REUSE is able to solve with three simple steps.  

Logo of the Software Freedom Podcast

SFP#2 about KDE with Lydia Pintscher

12 November 2019

We are back with the second episode of our Software Freedom Podcast! Once a month, we talk with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In this episode, we talk with Lydia Pintscher from KDE about the development of the KDE community, the different KDE projects and the issues they will be tackling over the next two years.  

Logo of the Software Freedom Podcast

SFP#1 on Day Against DRM with Cory Doctorow

12 October 2019

We have a Podcast! Starting with this episode, we will talk once a month with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In our first episode of our Software Freedom Podcast, we address the issue of Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) together with Cory Doctorow, a British-Canadian writer, political activist, and co-editor of the blog Cory Doctorow is a prominent supporter of software freedom and a less restrictive copyright law. His books are published under Creative Commons licenses.  

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