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SFP#13: Free Software game "0 A.D. Empires Ascendant" with Stanislas Dolcini


The upcoming "I Love Free Software Day" will focus on Free Software Games. One of the most famous Free Software games is "0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant". In this episode Bonnie Mehring talks with Stanislas Dolcini, the project leader of 0 A.D., about the game itself, the project, and how the game became Free Software.

This podcast episode takes you on a journey through the game's development and its history of becoming one of the most famous Free Software games. You can also learn about how to participate and contribute to 0 A.D. Discover together with Stanislas and Bonnie how the community behind one of the best known Free Software games works, where support is needed, and the different types of developers and contributors. Bonnie and Stanislas also tell the success story of releasing 0 A.D. under a Free Software licence and talk about the positive side of developing a Free Software game.

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If you clicked on the image of the "Kush City Center" to come to this page, this image is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and created by 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant, Wildfire Games.