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A decade of Freedom: FSFE turns 10


Free Software Foundation Europe is ten years old this March. FSFE was founded in 2001 as "an organization dedicated to Free Software activities in Europe" and "the official sister organization of the Free Software Foundation in the United States" in Europe.

Today, FSFE works across Europe and around the world. The organisation has grown into a focal point for the European Free Software community and an important voice for Free Software in politics.

"As we look back on a decade of hard work, we would like to thank everyone who has helped to make FSFE what it is today. We have come a long way, and we're immensely proud of what we have achieved together," says FSFE's president Karsten Gerloff.

"Yet there is so much more work to do. If you love Free Software, we invite you to support FSFE, help us with your time and skills, or join the Fellowship!"

Throughout the month of March, we will highlight important events in FSFE's history. Follow us on identi.ca, catch our RSS news feed and subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay informed.

Please read our excerpt of FSFE's history.