Les Logiciels Libres sont la clé d'une concurrence loyale. Nous plaidons pour une application stricte et efficace de la loi sur les marchés numériques (Digital Markets Act) adaptée aux développeurs. Aidez-nous en faisant un don !

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Internship opportunity at FSFE


Are you willing to do something to improve our society? Do you think that our society development relies on a fair and transparent digital sphere? Do you want to increase our society's freedom? FSFE has one internship position available, starting February 2013. We are looking for bright, motivated, innovative people who want to make a real difference towards a free information society. Apply.

Do you want to join us but your background is not computer science? We are working at the political, educational, legal level: our labour is at the point where technology, society and politics meet. So whether your background is political science, law, communications... we welcome your application.

"FSFE is a multidisciplinary non-profit organisation where you will be improving your skills and acquiring new knowledge at the same time you feel you are really helping to make our world a better place. And they are willing to hear your new ideas and opinion" (Ana Galán, Intern 2012)

-> Apply now