"L’interopérabilité du DMA viole les droits fondamentaux", Apple conteste. La FSFE n'est pas d'accord. Si vous pensez également que l'interopérabilité est essentielle à la liberté des logiciels, soutenez-nous !

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And the winner of the election for FSFE's Fellowship GA seat is…


Election results

… Mirko Boehm! The election period for this year's Fellowship GA seat has ended on April 29, 2016. There was just one candidate running for the Fellowship GA seat this time. The more we are happy that still 18,9% of our Fellows took their chance to support Mirko Boehm in running for the seat.

Thanks to all Fellows who participated and congratulations to Mirko!

Please see FSFE's wiki for more background about 2016's elections and Condorcet Internet Voting Service for detailed Fellowship elections results.

Result details

1. 2.
1. Mirko Boehm - 190
2. I am not a candidate 13 -