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Dortmund relies on Free Software – This paves the way for Public Money? Public Code!


With a groundbreaking resolution, Dortmund has committed itself to the use of Free Software. With an overwhelming, cross-faction majority, the city council has paved the way for "Public Money? Public Code!” In the future, software developed or commissioned by the administration will be made available to the general public.

Back in February, the city council approved a motion previously submitted by the SPD, Bündnis90/Die Grünen, CDU, Die Linke+ and FDP/Bürgerliste. In the future, Free Software is to be used wherever possible and software developed or commissioned for development by the administration is to be made available to the general public. Dortmund is thus following the principle of "Public Money? Public Code!" - code paid for by all should be available to the people! The minutes of the meeting published today show with what unity the council stands behind the principle: The motion passed unanimously. (Although the FDP/Bürgerliste abstained from the vote due to a different amendment on a different point, but introduced the motion and is still in favor). The result was made possible by the consistent efforts of the DO-FOSS initiative, which also supported the "Public Money? Public Code" campaign of the FSFE.

Matthias Kirschner, President of the Free Software Foundation Europe states: "We are happy that the DO-FOSS initiative was able to convince the city of Dortmund of the principle of "Public Money? Public Code". Free Software gives everyone the right to use, study, share and improve software for any purpose. These freedoms also benefit administrations. Public administrations that follow this principle can benefit from numerous advantages: Collaboration with other government agencies, independence from individual vendors, potential tax savings, innovation and a more solid basis for IT security. The Council's decision means that there is now the political backing to gradually break down dependencies on proprietary vendors. We will accompany the implementation and at the same time call on other administrations in Germany and Europe to follow Dortmund's example."

The "Public Money? Public Code!" initiative aims to establish Free Software as the standard for publicly funded software. The "Public Money? Public Code!" initiative of the Free Software Foundation Europe is supported by over 200 organizations and administrations. Learn more here: publiccode.eu