Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

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Informačný bulletin

FSFE Newsletter - July 2017


The FSFE now provides Git hosting for its supporters

Sharing one's knowledge and enhancing collaboration are core principles of the Free Software community. Therefore, the FSFE is happy to now provide its supporters and registered volunteers a platform to create and manage Git repositories with a comfortable web interface under git.fsfe.org.

With git.fsfe.org, the FSFE allows its supporters to share and collaborate on a platform that fully respects their freedoms. And while users are free to use this platform for their private purposes, we encourage every activist and local group of the FSFE to host code they are using for their FSFE activities, and to share minutes or other documents of FSFE group meetings, as well as any other publicly interesting information. This way, we would like to facilitate and stimulate collaboration, feedback and creativity inside our pan-European community.

Official teams and working groups of the association of the FSFE will also strive to migrate as much code and relevant files as possible to this new platform. For example, future website development, promotional material, and helpful scripts for the organisation's day-to-day work. For Git beginners we explain the service in detail in the FSFE wiki. Advanced users are welcome to help extending guides for the most common Git workflows.

Find us and use, study, share and improve at git.fsfe.org.

R2D2 loves Free Software

Help us grow and make a difference in 2017 https://fsfe.org/join/nl2017-07

What else have we done? Inside and Outside the FSFE

Not to be missed! Upcoming events with the FSFE

Help us to improve our newsletter

If you see some news you think that should be included, forward it to us. If you'd like to share any thoughts, send them to us. As always, the address is newsletter@fsfe.org. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks to all the volunteers, supporters and donors who make our work possible.

Your editor,
Erik Albers

[**] In the picture: R2D2, who was visiting the FSFE booth during Maker Faire in Berlin.
Do you have a nice picture of a FSFE booth (and crew) that you like to share with our community? Please send it to contact@fsfe.org. We love booth pictures <3