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SFP#5 about regulation with Professor Lawrence Lessig


For our Software Freedom Podcast we talk with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In this episode, we talk with Professor Lawrence Lessig, founder of Creative Commons, about regulation of society, offline as well as online, about the different means of regulation, and shed light on regulations through code.

This fifth episode of the Software Freedom Podcast covers the complicated topic of regulation. Our guest is Professor Lawrence Lessig from the Harvard Law School. Lessig is a former board member of the Free Software Foundation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, as well as founder and present Board member of Creative Commons. Lessig has published several books, including the influential and often-quoted "Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace". In this episode we discuss with Professor Lessig the different types of regulation that affect society both online and offline, such as laws, norms, the market, or architecture. In this respect we also touch upon code as a means of regulation. Enjoy learning about the positive and negative effects that some of these regulations can have on society, as well as the further development of ideas.

Katharina Nocun, Lawrence Lessig and Matthias Kirschner while recording the Software Freedom Podcast
Katharina Nocun, Lawrence Lessig and Matthias Kirschner while recording the Software Freedom Podcast.

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