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SFP#9: I Love Free Software Day


For this episode of the Software Freedom Podcast we talk about the background of the "I Love Free Software Day" and how it all began 11 years ago. Discover together with Bonnie Mehring why Free Software developers, advocates, activists and contributors think this special day is so important for Free Software.

In this ninth episode, Bonnie Mehring and Matthias Kirschner cover one of the oldest FSFE campaigns: "I Love Free Software Day". Together, they explore the early days of the campaign and dive into the many special moments it has provoked. For this episode Bonnie has invited prominent members of the Free Software community to share their thoughts on the importance of saying thank you to Free Software contributors. These include Lydia Pintscher from KDE, Greg Kroah-Hartmann from the Linux Foundation, Florian Effenberger from The Document Foundation, Miriam Ballhausen from the FSFE's Legal Network, Pamela Chestek also from the Legal Network and member of the OSI Board, Polina Malaja from the FSFE's CARE Team and CENTR, and Greg Farough from the Free Software Foundation.

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