List of pages tagged "general-purpose-computing"
- [2015-05-06]Eine Einschränkung von technischen Einschränkungen
- [2012-11-20]FSFE begrüßt das Eckpunktepapier der Bundesregierung zu „Secure Boot“
- [2012-08-31]Für IFA-Besucher: Broschüre zur Digitalen Rechte-Minderung (DRM)
- [2012-06-01]Analysis - "Secure Boot": Who will control your next computer?
- [2014-05-08]Talk "An endangered species: computer as a universal machine" at Linuxtag in Berlin, Germany
- [2014-05-07]Talk "An endangered species: computer as a universal machine" at 2nd Cyber Security Day 2014 Dortmund, Germany
- [2014-03-16]Vortrag "Vom Aussterben bedroht: die Universalmaschine Computer" in Chemnitz
- [2013-07-26]Workshop about "Secure Boot" at German Ministry of Economics, Berlin, Germany
- [2013-07-09]Libre Software Meeting, Brussels, Panel discussion on Technology, Power and Freedom
- [2012-12-11]Talk: FreeYourAndroid - The right to install Free Software on any device
- [2012-12-04]Talk: FreeYourAndroid - The right to install Free Software on any device
- [2012-11-15]Talk: An endangered species: computer as a universal machine