"L'interoperabilità del DMA viola i diritti fondamentali” sostiene Apple. La FSFE non è d'accordo. Se anche voi pensate che l'interoperabilità sia fondamentale per la libertà del software, sosteneteci!

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Nico Rikken

Coordinator Netherlands

Nico joined the FSFE in 2014 and currently holds the position of Country Coordinator for the Netherlands. License policies locked him out of software and documents a couple of times in his youth. This made him choose Free Software and Open Standards to stay in control. He joined FSFE to act on the insight that control over technology is fundamental to individual rights and democracy in a digital world. Here he found a vibrant community of friendly people with similar values and drive.

Nico helped organize activities and spread the word on Free Software and the FSFE. He has a particular interest in hardware and governmental policies.

Contact and details

Pronouns: he/him
Languages: Dutch, English, German
E-mail: nico.rikken@fsfe.org
GnuPG: 1A3C51D11C81AB68
Website: nicorikken.eu
Mastodon: @nicorikken@mastodon.nl