"L'interoperabilità del DMA viola i diritti fondamentali” sostiene Apple. La FSFE non è d'accordo. Se anche voi pensate che l'interoperabilità sia fondamentale per la libertà del software, sosteneteci!

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Tobias Diekershoff

Tobias studied Physics at the University of Potsdam and worked there as a tutor and technical assistant in the basic laboratory of the Physics Institute. He has been a Free Software enthusiast since the mid-90s and joined the Berlin group of the FSFE as a volunteer around 2012. In his free time, Tobias is part of the Friendica development team.

Since 2022 he works as a System-Hacker for the FSFE, specifically as webmaster and supporting the FSFE community with technical questions about the services provided by the FSFE.

You can reach him @tobiasd on various FSFE communication platforms ( email, XMPP, Matrix ).

OpenPGP Key: tobiasd(at)fsfe.org
Fingerprint: 23EE F484 FDF8 291C BA09 A406 25FE 376F F176 94A1

Omemo Fingerprints