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The Brave GNU World has been discontinued in 2004. This information is kept here for archiving purposes.

 [image of a Brave GNU World]

Brave GNU World

Started in January 1999, the Brave GNU World is a monthly column which has been released in nine languages[*] on the web and printed in the German "Linux-Magazin," the "Linux Magazine" U.K., "Microsoftware" (a large computer magazine in Korea) and the "Linux-Magazine" in France. That might just make it the monthly column with the widest distribution worldwide.

The column was written by Georg Greve, at that time President of FSFE, also for people with limited technical background or limited knowledge about Free Software and the GNU Project backgrounds and tried to give insights into different projects or developments from the GNU point of view.

The home page of Georg's Brave GNU World can be found at http://www.gnu.org/brave-gnu-world/

[*] English, German, French, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Portugese, Italian and Chinese.