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I love Free Software

I love Free Software Day Artwork

I love Free Software Banner

Here you can find banners for our online campaign "I love Free Software" held on Valentine's Day, 14th of February. Thank you very much for your support!

This is a selection of banners made by Markus Meier, that are free to use (CC0) to show your support for Free Software. Please be aware, that this is just a selection and you can find a lot of more banners (in different styles and sizes) in our download section.

Banner with hearts in modified FSFE logo saying “I love Free Software!”

Banner with hearts saying “I love Free Software!”

Banner with 1 and 0 showing “I love Free Software!”

Banner with hashtag #ilovefs

Banner with heart including the hashtag #ilovefs

Banner with fsfe hearts logo and 'I love Free Software' message

Banner with hearts saying “Show you love for Free Software – I love Free Software!”

Transparent heart with “I love Free Software! – Show your love”

Microbutton saying “#ilovefs”

We also have the graphics available in scalable SVG format if you need to make adjustments. And if you are looking for translations of these banners, here you can find translations in German, Spain, French, Hungarian, Italy, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, and Romanian. If you like to translate these banners into your own language or already did this, please send your translations to translators@lists.fsfe.org