Changing the
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the 16 specialized agencies of the United Nations system of organisations. Its role is administrating 23 international treates dealing with different aspects of limited monopolies on knowledge.
According to its own web page, it is
"an international organization dedicated to promoting the use and protection of works of the human spirit. These works -- intellectual property -- are expanding the bounds of science and technology and enriching the world of the arts. Through its work, WIPO plays an important role in enhancing the quality and enjoyment of life, as well as creating real wealth for nations."
As explained in articles such as "Fighting intellectual poverty" or "On 'Intellectual Property' and Indigenous Peoples" on FSFEs web page -- as well as many others on the net -- the statement above did not match reality in the past. The Geneva Declaration states clearly how in the past WIPO has had a history of "intellectually weak, ideologically rigid, and sometimes brutally unfair and inefficient policies."
For anyone involved in questions of freedom in a digital age, such as Free Software Foundation Europe, WIPO is often at the root of current threats, such as software patents, the European Copyright Directive (EUCD) and others. When these come to a European or national level, we often find that little room for change exists.
Instead of reacting to legislative projects individually when they are passed down, Free Software Foundation Europe is proactively facilitating more useful legislation at its root, the global level, in which WIPO is one key player. For that reason, FSFE has requested observer status to WIPO in 2003, which was granted during the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO from September 27 to October 5, 2004.
Together with a global coalition of other players with similar goals, FSFE will work to change the "World Intellectual Property Organization" into a "World Intellectual Wealth Organisation."
FSFE's statement on the project on "IP and competition policy" at WIPO CDIP/6 (2010-11-24)
Statement to the 2010 WIPO 6th session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), November 22, 2010 to November 26, 2010.Written submission on the project on open collaborative projects, contained in document CDIP/6/6 at WIPO CDIP/6 (2010-11-24)
Written submission to the 2010 WIPO 6th session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), November 22, 2010 to November 26, 2010.FSFE's statement on the relation between standards and patents at WIPO SCP/15 (2010-10-13)
Statement to the 2010 WIPO 15th Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), 10-15 October 2010. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE president Karsten Gerloff)FSFE's oral intervention to the SCP/14 on Oppositions systems (2010-01-27)
Statement to the 2010 WIPO 14th Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), 25-29 January 2010. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE president Karsten Gerloff)FSFE's oral intervention to the SCP/14 on Free Software and technology transfer (2010-01-27)
Statement to the 2010 WIPO 14th Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), 25-29 January 2010. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE president Karsten Gerloff)FSFE's oral intervention to the SCP/14 (Opening Statement) (2010-01-25)
Statement to the 2010 WIPO 14th Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), 25-29 January 2010. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE president Karsten Gerloff)FSFE's written intervention to the CDIP/3 on ICTs and the Digital Divide (2009-05-01)
Statement to the 2009 WIPO 3rd Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), 27 April - 1 May 2009. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE founder Georg Greve).FSFE's written intervention to the CDIP/3 (2009-04-30)
Statement to the 2009 WIPO 3rd Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), 27 April - 1 May 2009. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE founder Georg Greve)FSFE's oral intervention to the CDIP/3 (2009-04-30)
Statement to the 2009 WIPO 3rd Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP), 27 April - 1 May 2009. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE founder Georg Greve)FSFE's written intervention to the SCP/13 on future work (2009-03-27)
Statement to the 2009 WIPO 13th Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, 23 March - 27 March 2009. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE founder Georg Greve)FSFE's oral intervention to the SCP/13 on patents and standardisation (2009-03-25)
Statement to the 2009 WIPO 13th Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, 23 March - 27 March 2009. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE founder Georg Greve)FSFE's oral intervention to the SCP/13 on exceptions and limitations (2009-03-24)
Statement to the 2009 WIPO 13th Standing Committee on the Law of Patents, 23 March - 27 March 2009. (Note: Originally published on the weblog of FSFE founder Georg Greve)FSFE's written statement to the 2007 General Assembly (2007-09-28)
Statement at the 2007 Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, 24 September - 3 October 2007WIPO statement (2006-06-28)
Statement at the second Provisional Committee on a Development Agenda (PCDA) for WIPOFree Software Essentials Reference Sheet (2006-06-28)
Handout prepared for the second Provisional Committee on a Development Agenda (PCDA) for WIPOWIPO statement (2006-02-23)
Statement at the first Provisional Committee on a Development Agenda (PCDA) for WIPOWIPO statement (2005-09-30)
Statement of the Free Software Foundation Europe and the Free Software Foundation Latin America towards the 2005 WIPO general assembliesWIPO statement (2005-07-21)
Statement on behalf of the WSIS Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks (PCT) Working Group of Civil Society at the third Inter-Sessional, Inter-Governmental Meeting (IIM) on a Development AgendaWIPO statement (2005-06-20)
Statement at the second Inter-Sessional, Inter-Governmental Meeting (IIM) on a Development AgendaWIPO statement (2005-04-15)
Statement at the Permanent Committee on Cooperation for Development related to Intellectual Property (PCIPD)WIPO statement (2005-04-13)
Statement at the Inter-Sessional, Inter-Governmental Meeting (IIM) on a Development AgendaA cél a „Szellemi Vagyon Világszervezet” (2004-10-14)
A Genfi Deklaráció támogatásáraOn "Intellectual Property" and Indigenous Peoples (2004-02-09)
An essay by Georg Greve about questions raised for Indigenous Peoples by the "intellectual property" ideology
- Free Software Foundation Europe supports the Development Agenda -- IIM/3 NGO Statement for the third Inter-Sessional, Inter-Governmental Meeting (IIM) on a Development Agenda, 20 July 2005
- Statement in Support of the Geneva Declaration: Towards a 'World Intellectual Wealth Organisation'
- Article: Analysis on balance: Standardisation and Patents
- Article: Fighting intellectual poverty
- Article: On 'Intellectual Property' and Indigenous Peoples
- Project page: World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
- Project page: Software Patents
- Project page: European Copyright Directive (EUCD)