Event Archive for 2007
Incontro della Fellowship a Vienna
21 December 2007
Il diciottesimo incontro della Fellowship austriaca si terrà il 21 dicembre
a Vienna. C'incontreremo verso le 18:00 nella Sala della Biblioteca al Metalab,
Rathausstraße 6, primo distretto. L'agenda "ufficiale" avrà inizio alle 19:00.
Come al solito, quest'invito è rivolto a tutti gli interessati
alla FSFE od al Software Libero. Ci aspettiamo molti partecipanti!
10 – 11 December 2007
Shane Coughlan, coordinatore della Freedom Task Force alla FSFE, terrà un corso di due giorni dal titolo: 'Licenze di Software Libero ed altre questioni' alla Digicomp Academy Zurich in Svizzera. Il corso è inteso per gestori di progetto, sviluppatori e tecnici che vogliono acquisire maggiori conoscenze sulle opzioni per distribuire codice.
07 – 08 December 2007
FSFE organizza la Free Software Conference Scandinavia (FSCONS), che avrà luogo a Goteborg in Svezia, il 7 e 8 dicembre 2007.
Nella regione è la prima conferenza del suo genere ispirata dal fermento sempre più crescente intorno al Software Libero.
04 December 2007
Il 4 dicembre, la Free Software Foundation Europe organizzerà un workshop facente parte del
progetto STACS. Il workshop porterà ricercatori e società civile insieme per incentivare la formazione
di nuovi progetti di ricerca unificati in questo campo.
Fellowship meeting in Düsseldorf
28 November 2007
The Duesseldorf Fellowship group proudly announces its next meeting on
28 November at 19:30 in the Pub "Südstern", Bilker Allee 66 in
Düsseldorf. Shane Coughlan, the coordinator of the Freedom Task Force,
will talk about Free Software licensing, business processes, and how the
Free Software movement has moved deep into the mainstream of ICT
deployment. Werner Koch will report about a public debate in the
parliament of NRW regarding Security versus Freedom.
Fellowship meeting in Nijmegen/NL
26 November 2007
Shane Coughlan, FSFE's Freedom Task Force
coordinator will be in Nijmegen on the 26th of November and we wish to
propose a Fellowship Meeting at 6:00 pm that evening in
Cafe Jos.
Shane Coughlan will talk about the work of the
Freedom Task
Force, and discuss current events in Free Software legal activities
in Europe.
Rainer Kersten, a fellow from Duesseldorf will talk about the
experiences of the Rheinland Fellowship group.
If you would like to attend that meeting please send a short
note to contact (at)
16 – 21 November 2007
Come nel 2006, anche quest'anno la SFScon – l'annuale conferenza
altoatesina sul Software Libero – sarà seguita dal meeting della
Fellowship della FSFE.
Entrambi gli eventi avranno luogo a Merano, in Alto Adige, dal 16 al 17
Novembre e dal 18 al 21 Novembre rispettivamente.
L'entrata è gratuita; è gradita la
Fellowship meeting in Vienna
16 November 2007
The seventeenth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 16 November
in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Library Room at the Metalab,
Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or
Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!
IGF side events
11 – 13 November 2007
A number of Free Software related events will happen around the Internet
Governance Forum in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.
On 11 November, a discussion oriented conference with the title
"Digital Inclusion:
Accelerating Global Participation and Access through Open ICT
Standards" takes place from 8:30 to 17:30.
The Dynamic Coalition on Open Standards
sponsors an Open Workshop titled "The Intersection of Open ICT Standards,
Development, and Public Policy" on 12 November from 15:30 to 17:00, and a
Best Practice Workshop on "Open ICT Standards for Greater Citizen Access:
Best Practices in Government Policy and Procurement Practices" on 13
November from 16:30 to 18:00.
All these events take place in the Windsor Barra Hotel.
10 – 11 November 2007
FSFE will have a booth at the Come2Linux, which takes place from 10 to 11
November in Essen, Germany. Michael Kesper from the German team and Dr
Michael Stehmann from FTFs legal network will be available to answer
questions. Also, T-shirts and other merchandise will be sold at the event
as usual.
Implementazione strategica del Software Libero
08 November 2007
L'8 novembre la FSFE e la sua Freedom Task Force (FTF),
in collaborazione con l'Internet Academy in Svezia,
terranno un corso sull'Implementazione strategica del Software Libero nelle aziende.
Il corso si svolgerà a Stoccolma e tenuto prevalentemente in svedese.
Internetdagarna a Stoccolma, Svezia
05 – 06 November 2007
La FSFE parteciperà con uno stand ad Internetdagarna a
Stoccoma, il 5 e 6 novembre.
La FSFE informerà i visitatori sui diversi aspetti del Software Libero, quali la Freedom Task Force, i brevetti sul software, il progetto SELF, la GPLv3, e la Fellowship della FSFE.
03 November 2007
On the 3rd of November, Shane Coughlan from FSFE will speak at elce2007 about the business advantages inherent in Free Software and describe the licences that facilitate the freedoms it delivers. He will discuss the processes that help companies ensure they maximise benefit and minimise liability in Free Software deployment. He will also outline how Free Software and Open Standards work together to ensure a competitive marketplace.
02 November 2007
On the 2nd of November, the FSFE and M6-IT are organising Free
Software as a Social Innovation in London. This day long event
will inform participants about Free Software and demonstrate its
use in civil society organisations.
31 October – 01 November 2007
Shane Coughlan terrà due interventi al LinuxWorld NL. Il primo avrà luogo il 31 ottobre e descriverà il lavoro della
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) e alcuni dei suoi progetti attuali. Shane offrirà anche una panoramica
sulla licenze del Software Libero, consigli pratici per la conformità, l'importanza di standard realmente aperti
ed il lavoro della Freedom Task Force di FSFE.
Discorso sul Software Libero in azienda al NLUUG/NLLGG, Olanda
31 October 2007
Shane Coughlan terrà un discorso, durante l'evento unificato di NLUUG/NLLGG, sull'impegno sulla qualità, affidabilità d'impresa
e miglioramenti del Software Libero per garantire la compatibilità con le necessità delle imprese. L'evento avrà luogo nelle stesso posto
del LinuxWorld NL, inizierà alle 18:30 e continuerà fino alle 20:30.
OpenFest, Sofia, Bulgaria
27 – 28 October 2007
FSFE president Georg Greve and vice-president Jonas Öberg will participate
in the 5th annual OpenFest in Sofia, Bulgaria, to talk about the FSFE
and the SELF project.
27 October 2007
Ciaran O'Riordan chiarirà alcuni aspetti delle licenze per Software Libero,
i rischi di incompatibilità e gli insegnamenti appresi durante il processo di revisione pubblica della GPLv3 e il tentativo di
renderla la miglior licenza possible.
25 October 2007
Ciaran O'Riordan sarà il relatore d'apertura a questo evento,
spiegherà la storia della GNU GPL e le ragioni del suo successo nell'adozione e nel
proteggere le libertà fondamentali.
Fellowship meeting in Krems
23 October 2007
The sixteenth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 23 October in
Krems. We meet at 18:30 in the Restaurant Klinglhuber, Wiener Straße
10. A separate room is reserved for "BG Rechte Kremszeile".
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or
Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!
17 – 18 October 2007
On the 18. October from 14:00 to 15:30 Matthias Kirschner, FSFE's
German deputy coordinator, will take part in a panel discussion at the
Sustainable-IT conference. The topic of the discussion is "IT
sustainability -- international. How can software contribute to
resource protection and a fair distribution of knowledge". It takes
place at the Kalkscheune, Johannisstraße 2 in Berlin. Registration
on their website is required. Admission fee is 25 EUR, reduced 15 EUR.
I Forum de Software Livre
12 – 13 October 2007
On the 12th and 13th of October, the University of Lisbon will host the I Forum de Software Livre, where both academia and businesses will share their experiences with Free Software as a strong and credible technological alternative suitable for small, medium and big businesses. Georg Greve will be present, promoting the merits of Free Software, and its adequacy to modern technological needs.
Free Software licenses for developers (= non-lawyers)
26 September 2007
On Wednesday 26 September 2007 at 19:30, Dr. Michael Stehmann gives a
speech with the following topics:
- Why licenses?
- Criteria for Free Software licenses
- Which licenses do exist?
The event takes place in the Restaurant "Mi Dang", Fürstenwall 120, 40217
Düsseldorf and was organised by the local Fellowship group. After the
speech, there will be an open discussion. Admission is free, although
donations are of course welcome.
GPLv3 in Malmö, Sweden
25 September 2007
On the 25th of September, Jonas Öberg, vice president of the FSFE, will
talk about and present the GNU General Public License version 3 at
a meeting of the Swedish Computer Association in Malmö, Sweden.
19 – 20 September 2007
Georg Greve, president of the FSFE, will be a keynote speaker at OpenExpo, a Free Software Exposition aimed at a corporate and technical audience. He will talk about the significance and strategic importance of Free Software and Open Standards in the business world.
Strategic implementation of Free Software
18 – 19 September 2007
Between the 18th and 19th of September, the FSFE in collaboration
with the Internet Academy in Sweden will give a course on the
strategic implementation of Free Software in Stockholm, Sweden.
The course will be given in Swedish.
10 – 11 September 2007
Shane Coughlan, Freedom Task Force coordinator at FSFE, will deliver a two day course entitled 'Free Software licenses and other questions' at the Digicomp Academy Zurich, Switzerland. The course is intended for project managers, developers and technicians who wish to become more knowledgeable regarding code distribution options.
3rd Living Knowledge Conference
30 August – 01 September 2007
Between the 30th of August and 1st of September, the Fondation
Sciences Citoyennes organises the 3rd Living Knowledge Conference
where FSFE Swedish Team member Mathias Klang will participate to
give a presentation on the SELF project.
2nd Froscon, St.Augustin, Germany
25 – 26 August 2007
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg is organising a conference all about Free Software in 2007 again with help of Fachschaft of Computer Science, LUUSA and FrOSCon e.V.
FSFE will again maintain a booth. Coordination is done via the booth@ mailing list.
Fellowship meeting in Vienna and Dornbirn
17 August 2007
The fifteenth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 17 August
in Vienna and in Dornbirn. We meet around 18:00 in the
net.culture.lab Vienna in Museumsquartier, q21, Haupthof, the door
vis-à-vis Museum Leopold, and in the net.culture.lab Dornbirn,
Marktstraße 4. Both places will be connected via live stream.
The "official" agenda will start at 19:00.
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or
Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!
Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre
07 – 11 August 2007
Between the 7th and 11th of August, Georg Greve, Jonas Öberg
and members of the SELF project
will participate in and give speeches at the 7th Jornadas
Regionales de Software Libre in Córdoba, Argentina, as part of the
work to promote the SELF project in the region.
Fellowship meeting in Vienna
20 July 2007
The fourteenth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 20 July
in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Library Room at the Metalab,
Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or
Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!
11 July 2007
Shane Coughlan, Freedom Task Force coordinator at FSFE, will present a lunch briefing at the Digicomp Academy Zurich, Switzerland focused on Free Software in business and licensing issues.
Swedish Fellowship meeting in Göteborg
04 July 2007
On Tuesday the 4th of July at 17.00, the FSFE is organising a
summer Fellowship meeting at its offices in Göteborg. The
FSFE will inform about its activities and provide an opportunity
for Fellows to meet each other.
28 – 30 June 2007
On Thursday June 28th at 21h00, there will be the first Benelux
meeting of the Fellowship. The aim will be to get to know each
other and to discuss what each person would like to get active
on in the coming year. There will also be a social session on
the night of Saturday June 30th. Details about venues will be
on the Fellowship site as the information becomes available.
25 – 26 June 2007
Shane Coughlan, Freedom Task Force coordinator at FSFE, will deliver a two day course entitled 'Free Software licenses and other questions' at the Digicomp Academy Zurich, Switzerland. The course is intended for project managers, developers and technicians who wish to become more knowledgeable regarding code distribution options.
Incontro dell'associazione a Vienna
22 June 2007
Il tredicesimo incontro dei Fellow austriaci avrà luogo il 22 giugno
a Vienna. Ci incontreremo intorno alle 18:00 nella sala della biblioteca al Metalab,
Rathausstraße 6, primo distretto. L'agenda "ufficiale" partirà alle
Come al solito, questo invito è indirizzato a tutte le persone interessate al FSFE o
al Software Libero. Speriamo in un alta partecipazione!
21 – 22 June 2007
Free Software Foundation Europe in collaboration with the European
Training Centre for Social Affairs and Public Health (EIPA-CEFASS)
is organising an International Conference: "FLOSS: A Valuable
Opportunity for Public Administrations".
The Conference is designed for Civil servants, Senior Civil Servants
(Directors & Unit Heads), lawyers and politicians in EU Member States
and countries surrounding the EU who are involved in the procurement of
IT solutions and in strategic decisions about innovation and
eGovernment, and who provide legal advice on copyright and patents.
The conference will be held in Milan on 21-22 June 2007. Please find
the full program and the registration form online at:
07 June 2007
Presso la cattedra di Comunicazione mediata dal computer della
facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione alla Sapienza di Roma,
professore Arturo Di Corinto, il giorno 7 giugno alle ore 9:30,
Richard Stallman, il fondatore del movimento del Free Software e
Bruce Perens, il padre dell’Open Source, terranno una lezione
magistrale sull’etica e la pratica del software libero.
Organizzato in collaborazione con la Free Software Foundation
Europe, l’Associazione per il Software Libero, il Linux User
Group della Sapienza, Wikimedia Italia, l'evento sarà l’occasione
per discutere con studenti, esperti e appassionati, per ascoltare
dalla voce dei suoi protagonisti la storia e l’evoluzione del
free, open source software.
L’evento, gratuito e aperto al pubblico, avrà luogo giovedì 7
giugno dalle 9:30 alle 13:30 presso l’Aula Magna della Caserma
Sani in via Via Principe Amedeo, 184. Il luogo è raggiungibile a
piedi dalla Stazione Termini oppure dalla fermata della
Metropolitana di Piazza Vittorio Emanuele.
È prevista la trasmissione dell'audio via Internet.
07 – 10 June 2007
Richard Stallman, fondatore della Free Software Foundation e del Progetto GNU,
parteciperà questa settimana a due eventi in programma a Roma (7 giugno) e
Padova (10 giugno). L'appuntamento di Roma è organizzato in collaborazione
con Free Software Foundation Europe; entrambi sono ad ingresso libero e gratuito.
31 May 2007
The biggest event in this year's Austrian Linuxwochen series takes place
from 31 May to 2 June 2007 in the Urania building in Vienna. The FSFE is
there during the whole event with a booth to inform people about its work
and about Free Software in general.
On 31 May at 17:00 Reinhard Müller holds a speech titled "Free Software
for a free society".
Admission is free for the whole event.
30 May – 02 June 2007
FSFE will be present with a booth at LinuxTag 2007, which takes place
at Berlin's Expo Center under the Funkturm. FSFE will inform visitors
about various aspects of Free Software, like the Freedom Task Force,
software patents, the SELF project, GPLv3, or the Fellowship of FSFE.
Also it is planned to sell T-Shirts from FSFE and books about Free
Software. Please take the opportunity to get informed about Free
Software and FSFE.
19 May 2007
On Saturday 19 May 2007 at 9:30, Reinhard Müller holds the keynote for
the Linuxwochen event at the University of Applied Sciences "Johanneum"
in Graz.
At 11:00 he gives another speech titled "Free Software for a free
society" there.
As a part of the same event, the twelfth Austrian Fellowship meeting
takes place at 15:00. As usual, all people interested in FSFE or Free
Software are invited to this meeting.
The FSFE also has a booth at the event where it informs about its work
and about Free Software in general.
Admission is free for the whole event.
18 – 19 May 2007
The eLiberatica Conference is the most important romanian event
concerning Free Software. It will be held on the 18th and the 19th
of May, in Braşov, Romania, and is organized by ROSI, a romanian
assocition advocating Free Software, and by Agora Media, a romanian
media group. eLiberatica's purpose is to unify pomotion of Free
Software throughout Romania, and encouraging its adoption by business
through grassroots organization. The conference therefore addresses
programmers, university students, and business people. Georg Greve
will deliver a talk on Open Standards and Free Competition.
Copyright vs Community
17 May 2007
On thursday the 17th of may, the FSFE and Digifri, Sweden,
invites you to attend a lecture by Richard Stallman on
Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks. The
lecture will take place at Linköping University, room C4
at 17.00.
16 May 2007
On Wednesday the 16th of may, the FSFE and Göteborg University, Sweden,
invites you to attend a lecture by Richard Stallman on
Free Software and Beyond: Human Rights in the Use of Software and
Other Published Works. Stallman will speak about the history and
philosophy of the Free Software Movement, address how the ideas of Free
Software do or don't extend to other kinds of published
works and explain what the Pirate Party must change in its program
to avoid unintended negative consequences in the software field.
12 May 2007
On Saturday 12 May 2007 at 13:45, Karin Kosina gives a speech titled
"Free Software for free people" as a part of the Linuxwochen event at
the University of Applied Sciences in Eisenstadt. Admission is free.
11 – 13 May 2007
La FSFE parteciperà alla prima conferenza italiana sul Software Libero.
E' il primo di una serie di incontri annuali per favorire la diffusione
del Software Libero in Italia incrementando la consapevolezza sia sui
suoi risvolti economici e tecnici, che su quelli etici, sociali
e filosofici.
Vuole inoltre essere un punto di incontro di tutti i soggetti che sono
coinvolti nella diffusione e nell'uso del Software Libero in Italia,
ovvero imprese, enti pubblici, universita', sviluppatori, ricercatori
ed appassionati, per conoscersi e avviare collaborazioni e progetti.
Obiettivo degli organizzatori e' proporre la prima Conferenza Scientifica
sul Software Libero Italiano.
La conferenza e' organizzata dal Centro di Ricerca su Tecnologia ed
Innovazione Hacklab Cosenza e dalla Free Software Foundation Europe,
con la collaborazione dell'Universita' della Calabria.
10 – 11 May 2007
Georg Greve and Ciaran O'Riordan will speak at the Libremeeting 2007
--the 1st International Free Knowledge Meeting of Madrid--. Georg will present the
FSFE while Ciaran's speech will be about the GPLv3.
The event is organized by our associated organization the Free Knowledge Foundation.
An overview of Free Software licensing and the Freedom Task Force
07 May 2007
On Monday 7 May 2007 at 19:30, Shane M. Coughlan gives an introduction to
Free Software Licensing and the Freedom Task Force in the Restaurant
"Philipp" in Düsseldorf, Fürstenwall 120. The event was organised by the
local Fellowship group. Admission is free.
Fellowship meeting in Vienna
27 April 2007
The eleventh Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 27 April
in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Library Room at the Metalab,
Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or
Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!
27 – 29 April 2007
On April 27th-29th 2007, the weekend of World "Intellectual Property Day", the Yale Information Society Project will hold its Second Annual Access to Knowledge (A2K) Conference. This A2K conference program focuses on mobilizing Industry, Civil Society, Governments and Technologists, around human rights, human development and the public interest in the domain of innovation and information policy, as well as understanding the theoretical underpinnings of access to knowledge issues. Georg Greve will be present, advocating Free Software, and will act as a moderator in the Mobilizing Technologists Panel.
Introduction to Free Software for ETH Zurich students
27 April 2007
Shane Coughlan, FSFE Freedom Task Force coordinator, will deliver
a speech entitled 'Introduction to Free Software' at ETH Zurich during
the "Linux-Day V" event for students. Shane will be speaking at
13:15 on the 27th of April at ETH Zentrum HG E33.1.
Evening of freedom in digital society
04 April 2007
On April 4th, 18:00 pm, Georg Greve and Jonas Oberg will give three
public talks. Georg will present the FSFE, and Free Software issues
in e-government, and Jonas will talk about the SELF project. This
event will take place in Belgrade, it will also be an opportunity
for the Free Software community in Serbia to meet, with people also
coming from Macedonia and Croatia.
01 April 2007
On Sunday April 1st, at 17h00, in Brussels, Richard Stallman
will present the current status of the global project to update
Free Software's keystone licence: the GNU GPL. This talk will
be Stallman's first since the release of discussion draft 3 -
the draft crafted to block patent deals such as that of
Novell+Microsoft. This draft has also been simplified, and the
DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) and tivoisation clauses
have also been altered significantly.
The Fellowship card and its practical use
28 March 2007
The Fellowship group in Düsseldorf has invited GnuPG's principal author
Werner Koch to speak about the Fellowship crypto card and its practical
use. The event starts on 28 March 2007 at 19:00 in the "Gaststätte
Phillip" in Düsseldorf. Admittance is free, although donations for the
FSFE are of course welcome.
First Franconian Fellowship meeting
24 March 2007
The first Franconian Fellowship meeting takes place on 24 March 2007 in
Forchheim. We meet at 16:00 in the restaurant "Roter Ochs". Jutta
Horstmann speaks about Content Management Systems, Rainer Kersten from
FSFE's office will give some info about FSFE, and the following
discussion will certainly be interesting :-).
Fellowship meeting in Bonn
20 March 2007
This will be the second meeting of fellows in the region of Bonn and
Cologne. It will take place on 2007-03-20 at 19 o'clock (open end) in
the restaurant/bar
Aktuell Nachrichtentreff.
Everyone living in the region, please subscribe to the new
Rheinland mailinglist
where discussion about topics will take place as well as other things
interesting for fellows in the "Rheinland" region.
If you want to come, please
drop me a line
so I can adjust the reservation.
Fellowship meeting in Vienna
16 March 2007
The tenth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 16 March
in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Library Room at the Metalab,
Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at
A major topic this time is the planning of FSFE's participation in this
year's Linuxwochen event series in Austria
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or
Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!
"Trusted Computing" and DRM
28 February 2007
The Fellowship group in Düsseldorf has invited Marcus Brinkmann to speak
about restricted trust in computer systems. The event starts on 28
February 2007 at 20:00 in the "Gaststätte Phillip" in Düsseldorf.
Admittance is free, although donations for the FSFE are of course
24 – 25 February 2007
La FSFE sarà presente al FOSDEM 2007, che si svolgerà il 24 e 25 febbraio
a Bruxelles. Il FOSDEM è una conferenza europea di sviluppatori di
software libero organizzata da volontari.
La FSFE avrà uno stand in cui i visitatori potranno informarsi sulle
attività recenti, sul software libero e sulla Fellowship della FSFE.
Come al solito, non mancheranno le magliette della FSFE.
L'evento promuove la diffusione del software libero, permettendo agli
sviluppatori e alle comunità di incontrarsi, conoscere altri progetti e
lavorare per lo sviluppo delle soluzioni basate su software libero.
"WIPO Provisional Committee on Proposal Related to a WIPO Development Agenda (PCDA)--terza Sessione, Geneva (Svizzera)
19 – 23 February 2007
Georg Greve, presidente della FSFE, e' stato invitato a partecipare come osservatore alla terza sessione del Provisional Committee on Proposal Related to a WIPO Development Agenda (PCDA); egli ha gia' in precedenza preso parte alla prima e seconda sessione. Il meeting si terra' a Ginevra, dal 19 al 23 febbraio, 2007.
Fellowship meeting in Vienna
19 February 2007
The nineth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 19 February
(note: this is a Monday, not a Friday as usual)
in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Library Room at the Metalab,
Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or
Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!
16 – 18 February 2007
La FSFE sarà rappresentata da Ciaran O'Riordan a questa conferenza
di informatica. Ciaran parlerà del progetto GPLv3, presentando lo stato
attuale e il lavoro ancora da fare.
Freedom Task Force to be represented at the LIFT conference, Geneva (Switzerland)
07 – 09 February 2007
Shane Coughlan, Freedom Task Force (FTF) coordinator, will attend the LIFT conference in Geneva, Switzerland. LIFT is a conference to explore the challenges and opportunities of technology in society. Shane will participate in the 'Legal issues and perspectives' workshop hosted by the Swiss lawfirm BCCC.
26 January – 14 February 2007
During the second leg of the SELF project, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR will organise the second BOARD meeting in Mumbai, India.
The issues that will be discussed are related to SELF Support Programme (SSP), Finances and budget, Expert groups, and other strategic plans. The week long meeting comprises of two days workshop sessions, three days board meeting, one day SELF conference and one day for a social event.
George Greve and Jonas Oberg, president and vice president of the FSFE, will be part of the Legal Experts Group.
Fellowship meeting in Vienna
19 January 2007
The eigth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 19 January
in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Library Room at the Metalab,
Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or
Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!