Event Archive for 2018
27 – 30 December 2018
As in previous years, the FSFE will be present with an assembly during the Chaos Communication Congress from December 27 to 30 in Leipzig, Germany. The FSFE assembly will be part of the cluster "about:freedom" and running its own track. In this track the we have Susanne speaking about her self-made "smartphone" (video), Katharina Nocun about data collecting Amazon (video) and Erik Albers about the best of Fdroid (video).
13 December 2018
Die Hamburger FSFE Supporter und Free Software Interessierte treffen sich am Donnerstag den 13.12. ab 19:00 zum monatlichen Stammtisch. Dieses mal im Cafe Sternchance.
Details finden sich wie immer auf
05 December 2018
Am Mittwoch, 05. Dezember um 19:00 Uhr, trifft sich die FSFE-Gruppe Rhein/Main im Café Albatros in Frankfurt. Wir freuen uns auf rege Teilnahme.
17 – 18 November 2018
Bits&Bäume is a conference to bring together actors of different sustainability and digital right movements. Erik Albers will talk about software as a digital resource, Christian Nähle about Free Software in municipalities und Bernhard Reiter about paying for freedom. The FSFE will also be present with a booth both days and is looking forward to discuss with you sustainable aspects of Free Software.
15 – 17 November 2018
From November 15 to 17, part of the FSFE team will be present at the SFScon in Bolzano, Italy. The FSFE's president Matthias Kirschner will give a talk and our EU public policy programme manager Alexander Sander will host a policy workshop. Also, we will run a booth, where we will present the findings of the REUSE software study - carried out by the University of Bolzano. If you are around, do pass by: we look forward to meeting you.
14 November 2018
The FSFE Supporters in Hamburg, Germany meet up again on Wednesday, November 14th, at Roxie, Rentzelstr. 6, 20146 Hamburg. More details in German can be found at our wiki page:
10 November 2018
In the third consecutive year, the FSFE will run a booth at OSHWDem, a faire about Free Software and free hardware. OSHWDem is well known in A Coruña with plenty of visitors from the city and also outside, counting with the presence of lot of Free Software and hardware advocates. We look forward to many interesting talks and hopefully also find people to start a local FSFE group and/or a local language translation group.
27 October 2018
The FSFE Local Group Milano will celebrate the Italian Linux Day event in Milan together with local associations about Free Software and open source culture. The topic of Linux Day this year is the world wide web and FSFE we will be present with two talks. Stefano Costa will talk about "Libera il tuo router!" (Free your router) and Lorenzo Losa from Wikimedia Italia about "Discussion and implications about new EU copyright directive". The event will be located at University Bicocca Milano, Building U7 with free entry and no registration needed. For more info and questions about logistics, please refer to the event website.
27 October 2018
Linux Day Italy will be organized by FSFE Sicilia Local Group, in cooperation with the GNU/Linux User Group Free Circle, As special guest we welcome the participation of Giuseppe Bonocore, member of local group FSFE Milano. The talk will start with an introduction of Free Software Foundation Europe, going on the state of the art of Free Software for "Microservices, devops and silverbullet". There will be a booth of FSFE, so pass by and get to know us!
16 October 2018
Die Hochschulgruppe "Freie Software Freies Wissen" der TU Dresden organisiert für das Wintersemester 2018 eine Ringvorlesung mit dem Titel "Freie Software und Freies Wissen als Beruf". Die Veranstaltung steht allen studierenden der TU Dresden, der HTW und der Bürgeruniversität offen. Am 16. Oktober wird Björn Schießle, FSFE's Deutschland-Koordinator, im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung eine Einführung in Freie Software geben. Die Veranstaltung findet an der HTW Dresden, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, Zentralgebäude Raum Z254, 2. Etage um 17:00 Uhr statt.
26 September 2018
FSFE's president Matthias Kirschner will give a talk
at the Kernel Recipes conference about the importance of Free Software for our society and it's role in protecting democracy.
It will also be followed by a charity auction in favor of the FSFE. This year the conference will take place on 26-28 September in Mozilla building in Paris.
Entrance to the conference is free of charge but with prior registration required. In the evening social events will be held to have some more discussions with attendees and speakers.
15 September 2018
The Dutch Linux user group (NLLGG) is celebrating Software Freedom Day 2018 with a series of talks and the FSFE will be there with a booth. Location: Kranenburg Praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Time: 10.00-16.00.
14 – 16 September 2018
Max Mehl, FSFE Program Manager, and Albert Dengg, FSFE System Administrator, will participate in BalCCon. Albert will give a Free Your Android workshop while Max will give a talk about "Public Code with Free Software". BalCCon is one of the largest events on Free Software, hacker culture and technology in the region. We are looking forward to explore new communities and meeting up with you.
13 September 2018
Egal ob im öffentlichen oder im privaten Sektor, bei Studien oder in großen Projekten wie der Wikipedia – überall wird mit sogenannten "Geographischen Informationssystemen" (GIS) hantiert, um Kartenmaterial mit Daten zu befüllen. Wer schon immer mal wissen wollte, wie man Freie Tools wie QGIS und OpenStreetMap richtig einsetzt, um aus den Rohmaterialien eine informative Karte zu erstellen, sollte diesen Workshop nicht verpassen. Als Referenten haben wir Christopher Stark (Diplom-Geograph) eingeladen, uns eine erste Einführung in die Thematik zu geben.
Darüber hinaus gibt es in der E-LOK wie immer gutes Essen und Getränke zu angenehmen Preisen. Gute Stimmung bringt Ihr erfahrungsgemäß zuhauf mit. Da der Workshop etwa 90 Minuten dauern wird, beginnt das Treffen bereits um 19 Uhr zum Ankommen und gemeinsamen Abendschmaus. Der Workshop fängt dann um 19:30 Uhr an.
25 – 26 August 2018
FrOSCon is a Free Software conference, organised by the
computer science department of the University Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and
other local initiatives. Visitors will be offered an exciting
program with talks and workshops for visitors of all ages. As usual, the
FSFE will be present with a booth. We are looking forward to have a chat
with you about Free Software, technology, and politics.
18 August 2018
Am Samstag, 18. August ab 14:00 Uhr, informiert die lokale FSFE-Gruppe Rhein/Main auf dem Rotlintstraßenfest in Frankfurt über Freie Software und die Free Software Foundation Europe. Wir freuen uns auf interessante Gespräche!
10 August 2018
Am Freitag, 10. August um 19:00 Uhr, besucht die FSFE-Gruppe Rhein/Main die Critical Mass Ffm an der Alten Oper in Frankfurt. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen mitzukommen.
11 July 2018
Die Hamburger FSFE Supporter und Free Software Interessierte treffen sich am Mittwoch 11.7. ab 19:00 zum monatlichen Stammtisch.
Details auf
07 – 09 July 2018
The Libre Software Meeting (LSM) is maybe the biggest community-driven Free Software meeting in France and in 2018 also serves as host of the FSFE community meeting. It takes place in Strasbourg and the FSFE will organise its own track on the first days of LSM, from 7 to 9 of July. A detailed agenda and more information to come soon.
13 – 14 June 2018
On June 13 and 14 there is the first FOSS Backstage event happening in Berlin, Germany. FOSS Backstage intends to become a platform to discuss and learn about all non-technical aspects of open source development. The FSFE will be present with a booth set up by local FSFE supporters and we are looking forward for people to pass by, ask about Free Software and get to know us in person.
12 June 2018
Die Hamburger FSFE Supporter und Free Software Interessierte treffen sich am Dienstag 12.6. ab 19:00 zum monatlichen Stammtisch. Details auf
07 – 08 June 2018
Max Mehl will give a keynote talk and attend a panel at OW2Con about modernisation of public digital infrastructure with Free Software, following the direction of our Public Money? Public Code! campaign. The conference takes place on 7 and 8 June. Entrance is free of charge but with prior registration required.
06 – 07 June 2018
From June 6 to 7 there is the Open Expo in Madrid. Erik Albers will speak about Public Money? Public Code! and why the campaign matters for Spain. The FSFE will also be present with a booth set up by local FSFE supporters and we are looking forward for people to pass by, ask about Free Software and get to know us in person.
25 – 27 May 2018
IT-tinkering is only possible with Free Software, that's why FSFE is going to be present with an information and merchandise booth on the Maker Fair Berlin from 25.05.2018 till 27.05.2018. On Friday 25 May, Maker Fair is open for school classes and their teachers, free of charge. Maker Fair is a come-together of makers and visitors interested in various DIY-ideas. At FSFE’s booth, visitors can inform themselves about Raspberry Pi as a computer for standard applications especially suitable for education, about how to ‘free’ Android-Smartphones and about email-encryption.
„Public Money, Public Code“ mit Matthias Kirschner in Berlin, Deutschland
16 May 2018
Warum sollte mit Steuergeld finanzierte Software für die öffentliche Verwaltung geteilt und wiederverwendet werden dürfen? Warum sollten sich Demokraten für Freie Software eintreten? Matthias Kirschner wird am Mittwoch den 16.5. zu diesen Fragen referieren Cafe Aufsturz (Oranienburger Straße 67, im hinteren Raum) zum Forum Netzpolitik der SPD. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich und kostenfrei.
15 May 2018
While technology and innovation can be key factors of progress, they can have undesired implications such as increase of inequality, exposure of personal privacy, consumerism etc. The digital revolution needs new paradigms towards sustainability and Erik Albers will join a panel of experts in betahaus Berlin, to explain how Free Software is key for this. Opening is at 19:00 and the panel starts at 20:00. No entrance fee but it is recommended to order tickets in advance.
14 May 2018
Die Hamburger FSFE Supporter und Free Software Interessierte treffen sich am Montag 14.5. ab 19:00 zum monatlichen Stammtisch. Details auf
10 May 2018
The FSFE will be present with a booth at the Open Tech Summit (OTS). The OTS is a conference about technological developments and Free Software. FSFE's booth will in CO.UP in Adalbertstraße 8 in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
05 – 06 May 2018
Corso Leopold is a bi-annual Street Festival on Munich's Leopoldstraße. Because we believe Free Software to be an essential part of a Free and Open Society, FSFE Group Munich will be present at Corso Leopold with a booth, bringing our Message to the public. We are happy to see Munich's FLOSS community growing, and we feel honored to be part of a group of like-minded organizations (together with digitalcourage e.V, Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung and Wikipedia), all present in the same vicinity at the Corso Leopold. Pass by our booth, we're looking forward to meet new people as well as old friends, to thought-provoking discussions as well as nice conversations.
26 – 30 April 2018
The team FSFE Spain will be present with a booth at the Libre Graphics Meeting in Seville, Spain. Pass by to pick up merch and promotion material and get to know the peole behind FSFE.
26 April 2018
Am Donnerstag wollen wir im Rahmen des FSFE Gruppentreffens Berlin/Brandenburg ab 19:30h über die Frage diskutieren, ob die GPL noch zeitgemäß ist. Einleitend dazu wird es einen Impulsvortrag als Diskussionsgrundlage geben.
Das Treffen findet dieses Mal in der Brückenstrasse 5A (unweit vom Bhf Jannowitzbrücke) in den Räumen von endocode statt.
20 April 2018
In April 2018, the Vienna Fellowship meeting will be in the Metalab, located in the Rathausstraße 6 in the 1st district of Vienna. We'll be there from 18:30, with agenda related discussions starting at 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!
12 April 2018
Die Hamburger FSFE Supporter und Free Software Interessierte treffen sich am Donnerstag 12.4. ab 19:00 zum monatlichen Stammtisch. Details auf
31 March 2018
3rd meeting of FSFE's local group in Madrid, Spain
It will be in La Ingobernable,
in the hacklab, room 3.01. We'll meet new people, inform about
FSFE, debate and plan new activities.
24 March 2018
"Merge-it" is an italian conference that links all communities about digital freedom, around many aspects such as Free Software and Open Source. FSFE will be present with a session about Public Money Public Code campaign and the state of its implementation in Italy and EU. No entrance fee and no registration. Pass by for a chat and get to know the people behind the FSFE.
10 – 11 March 2018
Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage sind eine der größten Freie-Software-Konferenzen in
Deutschland und finden am 10. und 11. März im zentralen Hörsaal- und
Seminar-Gebäude der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, Reichenhainer
Straße 90, statt. Die FSFE ist mit einem Informationsstand vertreten,
und Björn Schießle, FSFE's Deutschland-Koordinator, spricht
am Sonntag, dem 11. März um 10:00 Uhr im Raum V2
über Freie Software im Zeitalter der Cloud.
Der Eintritt zur gesamten Veranstaltung ist frei.
05 – 09 March 2018
Erik Albers and Polina Malaja run a session "Public money - public infrastructure - public code" at the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia. In addition, they will present FSFE with a info booth. Join the session and pass by for a chat and get to know the people behind the FSFE.
03 March 2018
Erik Albers, employee of the FSFE is in Madrid for the T3chfest and likes to visit the new group in Madrid, give insights about the FSFE, local organisation and running campaigns. Le podemos preguntar lo que nos interesa sobre la FSFE y su implicación local. We meet at 19:00 in "la Ingobernable" ( C/ Gobernador, 39 around the corner of Paseo del Prado, sala 3.8. There will be promotion material and we like to get to know each other, debate and think about future meetings.
01 – 02 March 2018
T3chfest is a two-day conference about different technologies and FSFE will be present with a booth to promote Free Software and our association. No entrance fee. Pass by for a chat and get to know the people behind the FSFE.
Local meeting of FSFE Milan, Italy in Milan, Italy
27 February 2018
Meeting of FSFE Local Group Milano to restart activities in the zone and the country with FSFE Italy members. Daniel Pocock, FSFE Fellowship Representative, will be also present to help the local group with its activities. We meet at 20:00 at "Ostello Bello Grande" Via Roberto Lepetit, 33. There will be promotion material and we like to get to know each other, debate and think about future meetings.
22 February 2018
We start a local group of FSFE in Madrid with our very first meeting on Thursday 22nd of February at 19:00 in "la Ingobernable" ( C/ Gobernador, 39 around the corner of Paseo del Prado, sala 3.8. There will be promotion material and we like to get to know each other, debate and think about future meetings.
19 February 2018
Die Bonner FSFE-Community-Meetings ("Fellowship-Meetings") finden jeweils um 19 Uhr am zweiten Montag eines Monats (Ausnahme: 19. Februar wegen Karneval!) im BonnLAB statt. Details zum Termin auf
13 February 2018
Die Hamburger FSFE Supporter und Freie Software Interessierte treffen sich am Dienstag 13.2. ab 19:00 zum monatlichen Stammtisch.
Details auf
13 – 14 February 2018
13.02.2018, 14.02.2018 18:00h - 20:30h
For the third consecutive year we celebrate ILOVEFS, the day of love and affection for Free Software. Datalab joins us with an activity that is part of the Data Journalism Workshop 2018 with a talk on the history of GNU/Linux distros and working tables on different technologies.
03 – 04 February 2018
Die FOSDEM, Europas größte Konferenz rund um Freie Software, findet am
3. und 4. Februar im Solbosch-Campus der Freien Universität Brüssel (ULB)
statt. Der Eintritt ist frei.
Wie jedes Jahr ist die FSFE mit einem Info-Stand vertreten und präsentiert
neben aktuellen Informationen zu ihrer Arbeit und einem reichhaltigen
Sortiment an Informationsmaterial, Stickern und Postkarten auch die
neueste FSFE-Mode.
03 – 04 February 2018
The FSFE is partnering with our supporters in Gothenburg to host foss-north, a free software conference covering both software and hardware from the technical perspective. Hosted in Gothenburg between Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm with an international airport, it provides a meeting place for the Nordic foss communities.
27 January 2018
Am 27.01.2018 findet um 18:00 Uhr im FFT Düsseldorf, Juta,
Kasernenstraße 6, 40213 Düsseldorf, in Kooperation mit der FSFE ein
Gespräch rund um Games, Theater und Freie Lizenzen statt.
Die FSFE wird an diesem Abend durch Dr. Michael Stehmann vertreten,
der etwas über Lizenzen Freier Software und Freie Lizenzen sonstiger
Werke erzählen wird, sowie für das anschließende Gespräch zur Verfügung
20 January 2018
The FSFE Netherlands team is meeting in Utrecht to look back at past events from T-Dose 2017 and to look forward to 2018, including FOSDEM as well as everything else. We meet in Kranenburg Praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ, Utrecht from 10:30-11.00 as part of day of NLLGG Dutch Linux user group meeting.
08 January 2018
Die Hamburger FSFE Supporter und Free Software Interessierte treffen sich am Montag 8.1. ab 19:00 zum monatlichen Stammtisch.
Details auf