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Event Archive for 2021

rC3 - Public Money? Public Code! During Corona (online)

28 December 2021

Alexander Sander, FSFE's Policy Consultant will talk about the developments of the past year and give an outlook on how we can better face future crises through the use of Free Software and what role governments, public bodies and administrations and the principle of “Public Money? Public Code! play in this. 

Public Money? Public Code! at Trantor Tech Talks (online)

16 December 2021

Lina Ceballos, FSFE's Project Manager, will participate in an online session about Public Money? Public Code! and the current status in Spain and in Europe. This talk will be part of the second season of Trantor Tech Talks, a space to talk about current topics around technology and more. The session will be held in Spanish. There will be a recording later in our FSFE video instances.

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

15 December 2021

On the 15th of December, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

Treffen der FSFE Community Bonn in Bonn, Deutschland

13 December 2021

Am Montag den 13. Dezember, um 19 Uhr (CET) findet das monatliche Treffen der Bonner FSFE-Community statt. Die Bonner FSFE-Community-Meetings ("Fellowship-Meetings") sind regelmäßige Treffen, die jeden zweiten Montag im Monat stattfinden. Aktueller Treffpunkt ist das Dotty's im BTHV, Christian-Miesen-Straße 1, 53129 Bonn. Die Treffen sind offen für alle, die Interesse an Freier Software haben. 

Launch event – "Public Money? Public Code!" Spanish Brochure (online)

13 December 2021

On Monday, 13th of December, the FSFE is organising the launch event of the recently translated Spanish "Public Money? Public Code!" brochure. The event will start at 18:00 o'clock and end at 19:30 o'clock, CET. We have invited numerous experts, like Luis Falcón, founder of GNUHealth, Ricardo Muñoz from Lliurex, Alexis Puente Montiel from Pica Pica HackLab, Ana Albalat Martínez and Francesc Busquets in representation of Linkat, and Aleix Pol Gonzalez, president of KDE for our upcoming launch event. Together with our experts we will explore the already implemented good practices, but also the challenges that lie ahead to modernise the public digital infrastructure with public code in Spain. For more information have a look at our agenda for the event. The event will be held in Spanish. Registration for the event is mandatory (but no costs are involved). After registration we will send you the invite link to the BBB instance.  

Public Money? Public Code! in the midst of Corona - talk at GHCon21 (online)

10 December 2021

Lina Ceballos, FSFE's Project Manager, will participate at GnuHealthCon21. In her online talk, she will take a look at the role that Free Software played in the last crisis and how it could help overcoming future ones, by pointing to the the principle of "Public Money? Public Code!" and the role that governments, public bodies, administrations have in this. This talk will be held in English and it's planned to start at 18:45 CET on Friday 10 December 2021. Registration for the event is needed but there are no costs involved. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

23 November 2021

The monthly meeting of the FSFE Women is fast approaching. Our next meeting will take place on the 23rd of November at 7:30 pm (CET). The FSFE Women meet once in a month to discuss topics related to Free Software, IT and about any aspects of being a women* in tech. For our upcoming meeting we will continue working on our logo and look at some drafts Marlene has created for us. Please be aware that this group is women-centric and transgender and non-binary friendly. If you identify as a man, we kindly ask you to reach out to the coordinators of the FSFE Women to let them know you would like to join. For more information about the FSFE Women have a look at our team site. The group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

17 November 2021

On the 17th of November, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on the wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code.  

FSFE with sustainability track and talks at SFSCon, Italy

12 – 13 November 2021

The FSFE will be present at SFScon, the South Tyrol Free Software Conference, where we organise a dedicated Sustainability track. Within this track Erik Albers speaks about "4 principles for a sustainable digital society", Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss from KDE about "Sustainable Software & Blauer Engel Eco-Certification", Anne Mollen from AlgorithmWatch about "Measuring the Sustainability of AI", Ugo Vallauri from the Restart Project about "The role of software for a universal Right to Repair", and Stefano Zacchiroli about Software Heritage - The Great Library of Source Code.

Other speakers from the FSFE are Max Mehl who speaks about "Reuse - Gold Standard for Free Software licensing", Alexander Sander about "Public Money? Public Code! During Corona", and Lucas Lasota about "Protecting Router Freedom within the EU reform of telecom law" 

Treffen der FSFE Community Bonn in Bonn, Deutschland in Bonn, Deutschland

08 November 2021

Am Montag den 8. November, um 19 Uhr (CET) findet das monatliche Treffen der Bonner FSFE-Community statt. Die Bonner FSFE-Community-Meetings ("Fellowship-Meetings") sind regelmäßige Treffen, die jeden zweiten Montag im Monat stattfinden. Die letzten Monate hat Jakob an einer Archlinux-basierten Mobil-Distro mitgearbeitet und wird uns darüber berichten. Aktueller Treffpunkt ist das Dotty's im BTHV, Christian-Miesen-Straße 1, 53129 Bonn. Die Treffen sind offen für alle, die Interesse an Freier Software haben. 

FSFE Legal Education Day (LED) (online)

06 November 2021

The FSFE is organizing the first Legal Education Day (LED). It will take place on Saturday 6th of November 2021 from 12:00 to 17:30 CET. This webinar is open for all to attend free of charge.

It aims to spread basic legal education on the legal context of Free Software, so that licensing your project, understanding copyright, and meeting legal obligations in your software project will be less of a daunting task! We will explain basic legal concepts such as license, copyright law, and its practical application into your projects with our REUSE initiative. Trademarks, Patents, and Containers are more advanced parts of our agenda.  

Oktobertreffen der Berliner Fellowship-Gruppe (online)

28 October 2021

Auch am Donnerstag, 28.10. findet wieder unser Edu-Treffen statt. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen euch um 19:30 Uhr in den Konferenzraum einzuloggen und mit uns über "Freie Software und Bildung" zu diskutieren, Erfahrungen auszutauschen und daran zu arbeiten, Wissen und Bildung in Berlin und darüber hinaus zu befreien. Dieses Mal wollen wir uns mit Musik beschäftigen. Der Entwickler der Freien Software Jamulus, David Kastrup, wird uns das Projekt vorstellen, das es erlaubt räumliche Entfernungen in Lichtgeschwindigkeit zu überbrücken und ohne lästige Verzögerungen, wie man sie von anderen Konferenzplattformen her kennt, zu musizieren. Nach dem Vortrag inklusive Demonstration, freuen wir uns bereits auf einen angenehmen Ausklang des Abends. Es sind alle Freien Software Enthusiasten willkommen und für die Teilnahme ist keine Registrierung notwendig. Teilt die Ankündigung gerne auf den bekannten Plattformen und folgt uns auf Friendica, um die aktuellsten Informationen zu unseren Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten zu bekommen. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

20 October 2021

On the 20th of October, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and most of us stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found in the local group wiki. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an e-mail to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the invite link and access code. 

Treffen der FSFE Community Bonn in Bonn, Deutschland in Bonn, Deutschland

11 October 2021

Am Montag den 11. Oktober, um 19 Uhr (CEST) findet das monatliche Treffen der Bonner FSFE-Community statt. Die Bonner FSFE-Community-Meetings ("Fellowship-Meetings") sind regelmäßige Treffen, die jeden zweiten Montag im Monat stattfinden. Aktueller Treffpunkt ist das Dotty's im BTHV, Christian-Miesen-Straße 1, 53129 Bonn. Die Treffen sind offen für alle, die Interesse an Freier Software haben. 

ANSOL's 20 years anniversary (online)

09 October 2021

On 9 October from 15:00 to 18:00 Lisbon time (UTC +1 hour) our associated organisation ANSOL will celebrate its 20th anniversary. At 16:30 local time, FSFE's president Matthias Kirschner, will give a short talk about the FSFE's work during the last 20 years and highlight joint activities with ANSOL. The online event is open to all Free Software supporters who would like to celebrate together with ANSOL.  

FSFE20 get together with FSFE's president by Berlin group, Berlin, Germany

23 September 2021

On 23 September at 19:00 (CEST), the local FSFE Berlin group hosts a get together to celebrate 20 years FSFE together with the FSFE's president Matthias Kirschner. The meeting takes place on the premises of the youth club E-Lok in Laskerhöfen, Laskerstraße 6-8, 10245 Berlin at the corner to Markgrafendamm (location is accessible). Invited is everyone who wants to celebrate 20 years of the FSFE. We will meet in the outdoor space there, so bring some warm clothes. To access the building you need to wear a mask. Baverages to toast and food to feed hungry Free Software hackers will be available. 

Simplify code licensing for package maintainers with REUSE (online)

19 September 2021

At this presentation, FSFE's Max Mehl will introduce REUSE and its benefits for Free Software developers and users, especially for package maintainers at operating system distributions. Thanks to this initiative and its best practices, copyright and licensing has become much easier for everyone involved. The talk, held in English, will start at 09:30 CEST.

The presentation is part of EuroBSDCon. Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required to access the video platform (BBB). 

"Public Money? Public Code!" (online)

17 – 18 September 2021

Am Samstag, den 18. September um 14:00 Uhr (MESZ), wird Bonnie Mehring, die Junior-Projektmanagerin der FSFE, den Vortrag "Public Money? Public Code! Ein Kampagne zur Förderung der Softwarefreiheit" auf den Kieler Open Source und Linux Tagen vorstellen. Die Initiative "Public Money? Public Code!" ermöglicht es Menschen in ganz Europa, Softwarefreiheit in ihrer lokalen öffentlichen Verwaltung zu fördern. Mehr als 200 Organisationen und mehr als 31.000 Einzelpersonen fordern, dass öffentlich finanzierte Software unter einer Freien und Open Source Software-Lizenz veröffentlicht wird. Gemeinsam haben wir Politiker:innen, Entscheidungsträger:innen und Beamt:innen auf allen Ebenen - von der Europäischen Union und den nationalen Regierungen bis hin zu Bürgermeister:innen - auf diese Forderung angesprochen. Dies hat nicht nur zu wichtigen Diskussionen über Softwarefreiheit mit Entscheidungsträger:innen geführt, sondern auch bereits zu konkreten politischen Änderungen. Die Iniative "Public Money? Public Code!" wird bereits von Verwaltungen aus Spanien, Schweden und Deutschland unterstützt. In dem Vortrag wird Bonnie Mehring erläutern, wie die Kampagne genutzt werden kann, um sich für Freie Software einzusetzen; sei es in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, in Bibliotheken, Universitäten, Städten, Regionen oder Bundesländern. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos und jeder ist herzlich eingeladen, daran teilzunehmen. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

15 September 2021

On the 15th of September, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on our localgroup wiki-page. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

Treffen der FSFE Community Bonn in Bonn, Deutschland

13 September 2021

Am Montag den 13. September, um 19 Uhr (CEST) findet das monatliche Treffen der Bonner FSFE-Community statt. Die Bonner FSFE-Community-Meetings ("Fellowship-Meetings") finden jeweils um 19 Uhr am zweiten Montag des Monats statt. Aktueller Treffpunkt ist das Dotty's im BTHV, Christian-Miesen-Straße 1, 53129 Bonn. Die Treffen sind offen für alle, die Interesse an Freier Software haben. Dieses Mal wird Johannes über GNURadio berichten. 

FSFE booth at the "Veganmania" in Vienna, Austria

27 – 29 August 2021

From Friday, the 27th of August, till Sunday, the 29th of August 2021, the annual Veganmania summer festival will be taking place again. The festival features many stalls with delicious street food and information stalls from NGOs. The Viennese FSFE volunteers team has long been taking part in the festivals and will also be happy to welcome you all back to this year's Veganmania. The Veganmania festival is visited by thousands of visitors with very diverse backgrounds and it welcomes everyone who is interested in a sustainable future. Entrance is free and there is no registration required, but in order to take part you will be asked for a recent negative Corona test or to be already fully vaccinated. 

Deutschland zwischen Palim! Palim! und Zoom: Public Money? Public Code! in Zeiten von Corona, FrOSCon (online)

22 August 2021

Am Sonntag, den 22. August um 10:00 Uhr (CEST) spricht Alexander Sander, FSFEs politischer Berater, über die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der Digitalisierung der Verwaltungen und wagt einen Ausblick auf die Zeit nach der Bundestagswahl. Dabei folgen immer mehr Verwaltungen dem Prinzip „Public Money? Public Code!“ und setzen auf Freie Software. Im letzten Jahr wurde jedoch deutlich, dass noch ein langer Weg vor uns liegt. In dem Vortrag wird untersucht, welche Rolle das Prinzip Public Money? Public Code! während des letzten Jahres spielte und welchen Herausforderungen wir in den nächsten Jahren gegenüberstehen. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

18 August 2021

On the 18st of August, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. More information can be found on our localgroup wiki-page. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code. 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

22 July 2021

On July 22nd at 8:00 pm (CEST) the montly meeting of the FSFE women group will take place. The FSFE women group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software and technology. The meetings are casual and provide an open space to discusse recent development in the area of Free Software as well as to focus on one specific topic. For the meeting on the 22nd Lina Ceballos and Bonnie Mehring will present FSFE's Public Money? Public Code! campaign and what the plans are with respect to the upcoming election campaign of the federal parlament in Germany. The meeting will take place online. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online) (online)

21 July 2021

On the 21st of June, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code.

How do we shape and grow a green tech sector? (online)

28 June 2021

The European Parliament's group Greens/EFA organise a series of roundtable discussions, to discuss questions at the heart of building a green and digital society. In the first round table "How can we shape and grow a green tech sector?" Erik Albers, our Programme Manager on Software Sustainability, will talk about the role software design plays in the environmental impact of digital technologies from hardware lifetime to architecture to energy consumption. 

Round Table on Cybersecurity, Human Rights and Digital Sovereignty (online)

23 June 2021

On 23 June, 14:15 CEST, Lucas Lasota, FSFE Deputy Legal Coordinator and an Research Associate at Humboldt University of Berlin, will moderate a discussion on cybersecurity, human rights, and digital sovereignty together with Katerina Yordanova and Elisabetta Biasin from the KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law. Entrance is free but access is limited. The panel will be held in English. For enrollment, please send an email to sekretariat.zech(at) 

FSFE Women monthly meeting (online)

23 June 2021

On June 23rd at 7 pm (CEST) the montly meeting of the FSFE women group will take place. The FSFE women group is open for all women* who are interested in Free Software and technology. The meetings are casual and provide an open space to discusse recent development in the area of Free Software as well as to focus on one specific topic. For the meeting on the 23rd Irmhild Rogalla will talk about "Video conferencing platform for all. Aspects of accessiblity of video conferencing tools". The meeting will take place online.

Make licensing easier for everyone with REUSE at OW2con (online)

23 June 2021

At this presentation, FSFE's Max Mehl will introduce REUSE and its benefits for Free Software developers and users. Thanks to this initiative and its best practices, copyright and licensing has become much easier for everyone involved. The talk, held in English, will start at 15:45 CEST.

The presentation is part of OW2con, the annual conference of one of our associated organisations. Attendance is free of charge, but registration is recommended. Questions can be asked via the conference chat system. 

20 Years FSFE: The long way for software freedom (online)

19 June 2021

Matthias Kirschner, FSFE's President, presents "20 Years FSFE: The long way for software freedom" at the openSUSE Conference on Saturday 19th June, at 13:00 am (CEST). Since 2001 the FSFE has been working to empower users to control technology through activities as "Public Money? Public Code!", Router Freedom, Radio Equipment Directive, simple help with licensing, and Free Your Android. The talk will give a short overview of the work of the FSFE, with some examples from the areas of: public awareness, policy work and legal work on Free Software (Open Source). On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Free Software Foundation Europe, this talks helps you better understand the FSFE's work as an independent organisation and how to get involved. To attend the event registration is needed, but it is free of charge. 

"Public Money? Public Code!": A campaign framework to promote software freedom (online)

18 June 2021

On Friday, 18th June at 14:00 pm (CEST), Bonnie Mehring, FSFE's junior project manager, will present "Public Money? Public Code!: A campaign framework to promote software freedom" at the openSUSE Conference. The campaign framework of "Public Money? Public Code!" enables people all over Europe to promote software freedom in their local public administration. More than 200 organisations, and more than 29,000 individuals demand that publicly financed software should be made publicly available under Free Software licenses. Together we contacted politicians, decision makers, and civil servants on all levels -- from the European Union and national governments, to city mayors and the heads of public libraries about this demand. This did not just lead to important discussions about software freedom with decision makers, but also already to specific policy changes. Already, we have administrations from Spain, Sweden and Germany supporting "Public Money? Public Code!". In the talk, Bonnie Mehring will explain how the campaign framework can be used to push for the adoption of Free Software friendly policies in your area; be it your public administration, your library, your university, your city, your region, or your country. Registration for the event is needed, but it is free of charge. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

16 June 2021

On the 16th of June, the FSFE Netherlands will have another online localgroup meeting. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code.

Free Software, Router Freedom and Digital Rights at Impropedia Show (online)

04 June 2021

FSFE's Deputy Legal Coordinator, Lucas Lasota, will participate at the Impropedia show to talk about Free Software, Router Freedom, and Digital Rights. The event will be hosted by KuZe Potsdam and will be broadcasted by the KuZe's channel in YouTube. The language is English.

The talk will start 20:00 CEST. No registration in required. 

106. Netzpolitischer Abend (online)

01 June 2021

FSFE's Alexander Sander hält am 01. Juni 20:00 Uhr einen Vortrag über die Public Money? Public Code! Kampagne und erklärt, warum es jetzt keine Ausreden mehr gibt, das Konzept politisch umzusetzen.  

Digital Soverenity: How do we become independant with Free Software (online)

27 May 2021

On the 27 May the Green party Hamburg will organise a panel discussion about digital soverenity and how to become independant with Free Software. Matthias Kirschner will participate for the FSFE discussing what digital soverenity means, and what Hamburg can can do, and how Hamburg can support Free Software contributors and companies offering Free Software. No registration nor attendence fee is necessary to participate. The panel discussion will be in German. It will be recorded with Jitsi and live-streamed on YouTube. We will try to publish a recording on PeerTube afterwards as well. 

Bildungstreffen der Berliner Fellowship-Gruppe (online)

27 May 2021

Am Donnerstag, den 27ten Mai um 19:30 (CEST), findet wieder das Edu-Treffen der Berliner Fellowship-Gruppe statt. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen über "Freie Software und Bildung" zu diskutieren, Erfahrungen auszutauschen und daran zu arbeiten, Wissen und Bildung in Berlin und darüber hinaus zu befreien. Als Referenting haben wir Miriam von der "Die Lernwerkstatt" eingeladen. Miriam wird in ihrem Kurzvortrag den Verein "Die Lernwerkstatt" vorstellen und mit uns gemeinsam über digitales Lernen diskutieren. Miriam beschäftigt sich dabei vor allem damit, wie digitales Lernen gestaltet werden kann und welche Platformen bzw. Techniken wir dafür verwenden können. Die Treffen der Berliner Fellowship-Gruppe finden online statt. Es sind alle willkommen und es ist keine Registrierung notwendig. 

Why Free Software and how to procure? (online)

26 May 2021

More and more public administrations are using Free Software (also known as Open Source). The benefits are obvious: digital sovereignty, tax savings, fostering innovation and much more. In this talk by FSFE's Alexander Sander you will learn why and how pubic administrations should use Free Software and how public administrations, economy and society can benefit from the use of Free Software. Current procurement models and an outlook for the coming years will be discussed. 

MERGE-it (online)

22 May 2021

MERGE-it is the online Italian conference that brings together different Italian organizations who take care of culture and digital freedom. It is a platform to get to know each other and to talk about their work on Free Software. The event will take place on the 22.05.2021 from 10:00 to 18:00, it's completely free and people do not need to register. The event start in the morning, from 10:00 to 13:00 (CEST), with an overview of the Italian Free Software communitie will be given by introducing the different organisations who take part in the event. In the afternoon, from 14:30 to 18:00 (CEST), there will be two sessions of three slots each with round tables, during which the communities will discuss different topics related to Free Software. Patrick Ohnewein, FSFE's Financial Officer and Deputy Coordinator for Italy, will participate together with Libreitalia and Developers Italia, in a round table about "Open Source in Public Administration" from 16:30 to 18:00 (CEST). The round table is open for the public and questions can be asked through the chat. Details of the conference will be available on the webpage on the day of the confernce. The whole event will be in Italian. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

19 May 2021

On the 19th of May, the FSFE Netherlands will have another localgroup meeting. Like last few times it will be held online, so that despite missing our regular physical meeting we keep in touch. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. At the meetings we abide by the FSFE Code of Conduct. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code.

European approaches towards a Sustainable Digitalization (online)

06 May 2021

In a Workshop we will address several question on how to engage civil society to work on EU level. How can civil society increase pressure on the EU and its member states to make digitalization more sustainable? How can an integrated agenda for sustainable digitalization carried by European civil society organizations look like? What could be joint activities? FSFE's Alexander Sander will talk about advocating on EU level.  

Digital souveräne Gesellschaft (online)

05 May 2021

Seit letztem Jahr fordern zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen, darunter die FSFE die Politik auf: Aus der Krise lernen - Digitale Zivilgesellschaft stärken! Mit vier Forderungen zeigt das Netzwerk, wie Digitalisierung für eine digital souveräne Gesellschaft gelingen kann – und fordert die Parteien im Hinblick auf die Bundestagswahl auf, Digitalisierung für das Gemeinwohl zur zentralen Prämisse zu machen.

Am Launch-Event am 5. Mai 2021 um 18:00 Uhr diskutieren Julia Reda (Forscherin, Aktivistin und ehem. Mitglied des EU-Parlaments), Henning Tillmann (Softwareentwickler und Co-Vorstand von D64) und Julia Kloiber (Co-Gründerin Superrr Lab) // über die vier Forderungen. Anschließend öffnen wir von 18.45-19:30 Uhr für alle Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit, sich in vier Themenräumen zu Lösungen, Maßnahmen und Handlungsaufforderungen auszutauschen. Alexander Sander von der FSFE wird den Themenraum Öffentliches Geld, öffentliches Gut moderieren und u.a. auf die Public Money? Public Code! Kampagen der FSFE eingehen. 

Linux aus der Tüte auf Mobiltelefonen (online)

03 May 2021

Austausch von Erfahrungen im täglichen Gebrauch von GNU/Linux auf Mobiltelefonen: Was geht, was geht nicht, mögliche Geräte die verwendet werden können sowie Distributionen und Tookits, usw.

Die Veranstaltung ist offen für alle und findet statt am Montag, 3. Mai um 19 Uhr online im BBB der FSFE. 

eGovernment Kommunal 2021 - Virtual Conference (online)

28 April 2021

Von Zentralisierung zu Standardisierung – Wie können wir aus einer heterogenen digitalen Verwaltungslandschaft eine Einheit formen? In welchen Bereichen bietet sich Zentralisierung an? In welchen Standardisierung? Ist der IT-Planungsrat das richtige Standardisierungsgremium? Ein Blick in die Wirtschaft: Wie macht man es dort?
Alexander Sander wird die Perspektive zu Offenen Standards und Freier Software auf dem Panel mit einbringen.


Open Education Day, Vortrag zu "Lernen wie die Profis" (Online)

24 April 2021

Mit einer breiten Palette von Referaten, Workshops und Kurzpräsentationen vermittelt die Tagung Wissen und Erfahrung zu Open Source Technologien, Open Content, Medienbildung und Informatik-Kompetenzen im Schweizer Lehrplan 21. Ralf Hersel, Koordinator Lokalgruppe Zürich wird in der Lightning Talk-Session um 15:05 einen Vortrag zu Lernen wie die Profis halten. Lernen wie die Profis informiert über Digitale Souveränität, erklärt professionelle Ansätze und bietet konkrete Vorschläge. Für den Open Education Day ist eine kostenlose Registirierung erforderlich. Die Anmeldefrist endet am Donnerstag, 15. April 2021. 

Digitale Demokratie (online)

24 April 2021

Digitale Technologien sind heute Kernbestandteil unseres alltäglichen Lebens. Doch auch in der Infrastruktur moderner Staaten spielen sie eine wichtige Rolle. Schlüsselelement ist hier Freie Software, die den Schutz der Privatsphäre und Souveränität über die eigenen Daten garantiert. Auch, dass Technologien dezentral organisiert sind, ist wichtig, damit große Tech-Konzerne keine absoluten Monopole errichten können und somit eine starke Abhängigkeit an sich. Bedeutend ist dies, da es neben der Sicherstellung von Kontrolle auch um Fragen der Sicherheit und Effizienz geht. Und darüber hinaus auch um die Verteilung von Macht in Form von Einfluss. Alexander Sander wird einen Einblick in dieses Themenfeld geben und steht für Fragen und Anmerkungen bereit. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online) in Online, Netherlands

21 April 2021

On April 21st, the FSFE Netherlands will have another localgroup meeting. Like the last few times it will be held online, so that despite of missing our regular physical meeting we keep in touch. The meeting will be from 20:00 to 21:00 CEST on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code.

"Digitale Souveränität in Europa – Freie Software als Schlüssel" - Vortrag und Diskussion (online)

15 April 2021

Seit einigen Jahren ist der Begriff "Digitale Souveränität" in aller Munde und dabei sehr dehnbar geworden. Max Mehl, Programmmanager der FSFE, besinnt sich in dieser Diskussion auf die Ursprünge: Software, und wie Staaten und ihre Bürger diese selbstbestimmt nutzen können – denn dort liegt noch vieles im Argen. Max Mehl verschafft einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Zusammenhänge und diskutiert pragmatische Möglichkeiten anhand bestehender Beispiele, um öffentliche digitale Infrastruktur auf moderne Beine zu stellen.

Der Vortrag findet um 19:30 Uhr (CEST) auf Einladung von Europe Direct Dortmund statt und kann online besucht werden. Es wird keine Registrierung benötigt. 

Regular bi-weekly edu meeting fsfe group Berlin (online)

25 March 2021

On the 25th of March, at 19:30 (CET), the local FSFE Berlin group hosts one of their regular meetings. This time it is themed around "Free Software in the educational sector" (edu) meeting. Together they discuss the state of Free Software in the educational sector. The meeting is open for everybody and needs no registration. It will be held online

LibrePlanet talk: Public Money? Public Code! A campaign framework to promote software freedom (online)

21 March 2021

Matthias Kirschner will be delivering a talk, "Public Money? Public Code! A campaign framework to promote software freedom," on Sunday, 21 March 2021, from 16:05 CET to 16:50 CET, at the all-online LibrePlanet 2021 conference. LibrePlanet is a conference about software freedom, happening 20 to 21 March 2021. The event is hosted by our sister organisation, the Free Software Foundation (FSF), and brings together software developers, law and policy experts, activists, students, and computer users to learn skills, celebrate Free Software accomplishments, and face upcoming challenges. Newcomers are always welcome, and LibrePlanet 2021 will feature programming for all ages and experience levels. Registration is required.  

REUSE: Simple steps to declare your copyright and licenses (online)

21 March 2021

Max Mehl, Programme Manager, will be giving a presentation about REUSE in "REUSE: Simple steps to declare your copyright and licenses" on Sunday, 21 March 2021, from 16:10 CET to 16:55 CET, at the LibrePlanet 2021 conference. In this presentation Max Mehl will talk about how Free Software licensing can be made easier with the REUSE initiative. Through software licensing developers are setting the conditions for the use and reuse of their code. In three easy steps, you can make sure that all files are labelled clearly. No matter how complex you project is, REUSE keeps you covered. With the additional documents and tools, you can increase the time you spend coding. Join the session to learn about the principles and see a live demo of how we make a project REUSE compliant. Registration for the LibrePlanet 2021 conference is required. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

17 March 2021

On the 17th of March, Dutch election day, the FSFE Netherlands will have another localgroup meeting. Like last few times it will be held online, so that despite missing our regular physical meeting we keep in touch. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code.

20 Jahre FSFE: Der lange Weg für Software-Freiheit (online)

13 – 14 March 2021

Am Samstag, 13. März, um 12:00 Uhr (MEZ), wird Matthias Kirschner, Präsident der FSFE, auf den diesjährigen Chemnitzer Linux-Tagen über die Arbeit der Free Software Foundation Europe sprechen. Public Money? Public Code! Router Freiheit, Radio Equipment Directive, einfachere Hilfen bei der Lizenzierung oder Free Your Android. Das sind einige der Aktivitäten mit denen die Free Software Foundation Europe seit 2001 Menschen einen selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik ermöglichen will. Der Vortrag gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die FSFE mit einige Beispiele aus den Bereichen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Policy Arbeit und der rechtliche Arbeit zu Freier Software. Zum 20. Jährigen Geburtstag der Free Software Foundation Europe, soll ein besseres Verständnis zur Arbeitsweise der FSFE vermittelt und Möglichkeiten zur Mitarbeit aufgezeigt werden. Eine Registrierung für das Event ist nicht erforderlich. 

»Public Money? Public Code!« (online)

13 – 14 March 2021

Am Sonntag, 14. März, um 14 Uhr (MEZ) hält Bonnie Mehring auf den diesjährigen Chemnitzer Linux-Tagen, einen Vortrag über die langjährige "Public Money? Public Code!" Initiative. Sie wird erklären, wie der Rahmen der Kampagne genutzt werden kann, um die Einführung Freier Software-freundlicher Politik auf lokaler Ebene voranzutreiben.

Mit "Public Money? Public Code!" fordern mehr als 200 Organisationen und mehr als 29.000 Einzelpersonen, dass öffentlich finanzierte Software unter Freien Software-Lizenzen öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden sollte. Gemeinsam haben wir Politiker, Entscheidungsträger und Beamte auf allen Ebenen - von der Europäischen Union und nationalen Regierungen bis hin zu Bürgermeistern und Leitern von öffentlichen Bibliotheken - auf diese Forderung angesprochen. Dies führte nicht nur zu wichtigen Diskussionen über Softwarefreiheit mit Entscheidungsträgern, sondern auch bereits zu konkreten politischen Veränderungen. Wir haben bereits Verwaltungen aus Spanien, Schweden und Deutschland, die "Public Money? Public Code!". Eine Registrierung für das Event ist nicht erforderlich. 

"Free Software development: Freestyle, Duty or Burden for the Administration?" (online)

17 February 2021

On 17 February 10:30 to 12:00 CET, Matthias Kirschner will participate in a panel discussion about opportunities, hurdles with and incentives for Free Software in the public administration. The panel is part of the event "digital state online", focusing on topics like digital administration, digital society and digital sovereignty. Patron of the event is the German Federal Chancellor's Office. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

17 February 2021

On the 17th of Februari the FSFE Netherlands will have another localgroup meeting. Like last few times it will be held online, so that despite missing our regular physical meeting we keep in touch. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code.

Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #31 #ilovefs (online)

14 February 2021

Wikidata users Ainali and Abbe98 are doing some live editing on Wikidata (in English), and discuss their thought process of what they are doing and why they do it. In this episode, since it is I Love Free Software Day​, they will both look at Free Software already described in Wikidata and also how you can add more to Wikidata. You need no prior knowledge of Wikidata to follow along in this episode. Sunday, February 14, 19.00 UTC.

Fellowship-Treffen Berlin (online)

14 February 2021

Am Sonntag, 14. Februar 2021 findet wieder der alljährliche "I Love Free Software"-Tag (womöglich auch als “Ick lieb’ dir, Freie Software”-Tag bekannt ;-) statt! Dieser internationale Tag wird jedes Jahr begangen, um all den fleißigen Menschen zu danken, die für uns ihre Zeit opfern, damit wir coole Freie Software nutzen können. Dieses Mal möchten wir Euch die Gelegenheit geben, ein für Euch nützliches, schönes, skurriles, besonderes oder sonstwie interessantes Stück Freier Software vorzustellen. Alle Details findet ihr auf der Veranstaltungsseite. Wir treffen uns online, am Sonntag den 14.02.2021 um 15:00 Uhr. 

FSFE with booth, talks and dev room at FOSDEM

06 – 07 February 2021

The FSFE will be present at FOSDEM, the biggest annual Free Software happening in Europe. While FOSDEM normally takes place in Brussels, this year it will happen online. Max Mehl gives a talk about the "Best practices for declaring copyright and licenses" and Lucas Lasota will speak about "Net Neutrality and Free Software: The Case of Router Freedom in Europe". The FSFE will also be present with a digital booth that you can visit to talk with people.

Apart from the digital booth, for the first time the FSFE will co-organise the Legal and Policy Issues Devroom at FOSDEM. We will also continue with our traditional pre-FOSDEM meeting the day before FOSDEM. This is our community get-together which will be kicked-off with a keynote by Cory Doctorow. 

FSFE Netherlands online get-together (online)

20 January 2021

On the 20th of January the FSFE Netherlands will have another localgroup meeting. Like last few times it will be held online, so that despite missing our regular physical meeting we keep in touch. The meeting will be from 20:00 until 21:00 CET on the conference server. It is usually quite 'gezellig' and so most stay until 22:30, but you can leave whenever you see fit. The meeting is open for everybody, and we'll switch to English if not everybody understands Dutch. To join the meeting please send an email to country coordinator Nico Rikken (nico[dot]rikken[at]fsfe[dot]org), he will send you the meeting link and access code.