News Archive for 2003
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20 December 2003
Im Ausblick auf das kommende Jahr ruft die Free Software Foundation
Europa (FSFE) zu Spenden für die Sicherung und Ausweitung ihrer Arbeit
auf. Die Ziele des gemeinnützigen Vereins im Bereich Freier Software
gehen weit über Technik hinaus und erfordern deshalb eine solide
finanzielle Basis.
15 December 2003
(Geneva) From December 10th until 12th, 2003 the World
Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) took place in Geneva,
Switzerland, adopting on United Nations level a Declaration of
Principles and Plan of Action towards a global information
01 December 2003
(Geneva) During the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS),
the Civil Society Patents, Copyright, Trademarks (PCT) Working Group
is holding a workshop "Free Software, Free Society" with a group of
top speakers, including Richard Stallman and Lawrence Lessig.
The workshop will take place December 10th, 2003 from
17:00-20:00 in the Palexpo building in Geneva, Switzerland.
20 October 2003
A patent gives the owner a temporary monopoly on an invention, preventing economic
appropriation from third parties. Article 52 of the 1973 Munich Convention excludes
the patentability of computer programs.
01 October 2003
On the 24th of September the European Parliament voted for the first time
the new directive on the patentabilitiy of computer-implemented inventions.
The text (passed with 364 votes in favour, 153 against and 33 abstentions)
includes several amendments that hold back the threat of unlimited patentability,
envisaged by MEP Arlene McCarthy's initial report.
01 October 2003
Accepting the invitation for the 2003 edition of SMAU (Milan, 2-6 October)
by Firenze Tecnologia and Media Innovation Unit, Free Software Foundation
Europe will take part in the "Free Software, Patents and Information
Technology. The upcoming future" meeting, on 3rd October at 14.30, at
Sala Ambasciatori, Palazzo Cisi (2° stage).
24 September 2003
In its plenary vote on the 24th of September, the European Parliament
approved the proposed directive on "patentability of
computer-implemented inventions" with amendments that clearly restate
the non-patentability of programming and business logic, and uphold
freedom of publication and interoperation.
22 September 2003
The Italian Government signed the "Government Security Program" agreement with
Microsoft; moreover, the "Microsoft Partners in Learning" initiative aims at providing 1.500
Italian schools with discounted software, recycled hardware and less restrictive licenses.
16 July 2003
FSF Europe, Associazione Software Libero and PLIO (
Italian Language Project) sign an open letter to Letiza Moratti (Italian
Minister for Education, University and Research), concerning the agreement
between the Ministry and Sun Microsystems about the adoption of StarOffice
in Italian schools. The authors acknowledge a step towards interoperability
and the use of free and documented formats, furthermore they ask the
Ministry to equally promote the suite, whose truly free
licence provides broader rights to its users.
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12 July 2003
Vom 15. bis 18. Juli findet in Paris eine Vorbereitungskonferenz für
den World Summit on the Information Society statt, bei dem im Auftrag
der UN Hauptversammlung über die Zukunft und Richtung der
Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft beraten werden soll.
Nominiert vom Koordinierungskreis der deutschen Zivilgesellschaft zum
WSIS, wird Georg Greve, Präsident der FSF Europe als Mitglied der
deutschen Regierungsdelegation am Treffen teilnehmen.
10 July 2003
FSF Europe was heard by the Commission on free software in the public
administration, set up by the Italian Ministry for Innovation and Technology.
Two documents are available: a transcription of the presentation held by the FSF
Europe during the hearing, and the answers given by the FSF Europe to the
questionnaire submitted by the Commission.
03 July 2003
Der Verband der deutschen Softwareindustrie (VSI), eine Interessenvertretung der hauptsächlich proprietären Softwareunternehmen, hat kürzlich eine Studie zu den rechtlichen Fragen Freier Software herausgegeben. Diese zeigt, dass auch der VSI nun damit beginnt, sich mit Freier Software zu beschäftigen. Die FSF Europe begrüßt diesen Schritt des VSI, leider weist die Studie jedoch zum Teil erhebliche fachliche Mängel auf.
24 June 2003
Letztes Wochenende veranstaltete die Free Software Foundation Europe
im italienischen Mailand ihre jährliche Mitgliederversammlung
für das Jahr 2003. Nach zwei Jahren Arbeit war es an der Zeit
ein erstes Resümee zu ziehen und Wahlen abzuhalten.
21 June 2003
The 2003 general assembly of the FSF Europe in Milano, Italy on June
21st 2003 seems like a good opportunity to briefly recap some of the
activities during the first two operational years of the FSF Europe.
02 June 2003
After the Free Software Foundation Europe was proclaimed with a
"Declaration of Intent - Free Software Foundation Europe" [1] in which
all interested Free Software advocates from all over Europe were
invited to participate in the creation of this common vision, the FSFE
officially began its work March 10th, 2001 and finished the
founding process April 24th, 2001.
31 May 2003
Italian Ministry for Innovation and Technology launched project "Vola
con Internet" ("Fly with the internet"), setting apart
93 million Euros for the IT training of Italian young people turning 16
in 2003.
FSF Europe, which is developing and promoting free information
technology for a better society, agrees on the goals of the project,
and asks the Government that investments do not discriminate Free Software,
which laid the foundations for the development of the internet.
24 March 2003
Uncorrect and misleading information is being given to the
160,000 enrolled into For TIC (Training Plan for Information and
Communication Technology Teachers).
FSF Europe Italy, heard by the Italian Government Commission on free
software in the public administration, asked Minister Moratti not to
hinder schools from adopting free software, which is more suitable than
proprietary software to both teachers and students.
19 March 2003
FSF founder and GNU Project leader will attend the
"Liberi e binari. Software libero, movimenti sociali e diritto
internazionale" conference, taking place on March 20th 2003 at
9.30am, at the Centro Congressi dell'Università di Roma
"La Sapienza", via Salaria 113, Rome.
The following subjects will be discussed during the day:
national laws on copyright and licenses in the globalisation age;
free software, copyright and proprietary licenses; free software as
a goal and as a tool for democratic transnational movements;
free software programmers and cyber-activists: hackers vs
11 February 2003
Ein Gespräch von Peter Felixberger mit Georg C. F. Greve über die Free Software-Bewegung in Europa: " Software ist längst nicht mehr nur ein technisches Randphänomen für
einige wenige. Software hat sich zu einem großen Teil bereits in unser
Leben eingebettet. Studien aus den USA zeigen, dass jeder Mensch
täglich 150-mal mit irgendeiner Software interagiert. Das bedeutet,
dass Software einen erheblichen Einfluss auf unser tägliches Leben
nimmt. Der Zugriff auf Software bestimmt deshalb immer mehr unsere
Bildung, Kommunikation und Arbeitswelt. Was können wir lernen, mit wem
können wir reden, welchen Job können wir ausüben?"
Unseren Experten informieren Sie zu aktuellen Neuigkeiten,
Veranstaltungen, Aktivitäten und wie Sie dazu beitragen können.
(Unsere Datenschutzrichtlinie)
11 February 2003
Free Software — especially the GNU/Linux operating system — and the
FSF Europe have recently become more visible on the political
agenda. This article will seek to explain some of the larger economic,
social and political benefits that Free Software offers the European
countries and Europe as a whole. It will also give an insight into the
work of the FSF Europe.
08 February 2003
Press-release of the Free Software Foundation: "Brussels,
Belgium - Saturday, February 8, 2003 - The Free Software Foundation
(FSF) bestowed today its fifth annual FSF Award for the Advancement of
Free Software. FSF President and founder, Richard Stallman, presented
the award to Professor Lawrence Lessig for promoting understanding of
the political dimension of free software, including the idea that
'code is law'. Lessig has also promoted ideas similar to free
software in other related fields."
04 February 2003
Presse-Mitteilung der FSF Europe: "Die Free Software
Foundation Europe freut sich, die erste öffentlich verfügbare
Version ihrer Treuhänderischen
Lizenzvereinbarung (FLA) ankündigen zu können; einer
Vereinbarung, die helfen wird, das juristische Fundament Freier
Software zu stärken, indem sie es der FSF Europe erlaubt, zum
Treuhänder Freier Software-Autoren und -Projekte zu werden."
02 February 2003
Interview von Oliver Tolmein mit Georg C. F. Greve auf dem Deutschlandfunk im Rahmen
der Sendereihe: "Geistiges Eigentum - eine umstrittene Ressource" Das vollständige Interview
ist als Audio-Datei beim Deutschlandfunk verfügbar.
30 January 2003
FSF Europe press release:
"On the occasion of the American Microsoft Corporation President's speech
at the sala Zuccari, Free Software Foundation Europe offers the Senators a
short introductory note on the subject of free software, in order to help
lawmakers, while respecting their free mandate, to acknowledge different
approaches to technology."
26 January 2003
FSF Europe press release:
"On January 31st, President Silvio Berlusconi will be asking Bill Gates for advice about
technological modernisation of our country; we invite him to ask us too."
17 January 2003
FSF Europe press release:
"Microsoft grants to Governments the right to watch (but not to touch)
the source code of their software. Italian Free Software community is
very critical of this fact."