News Archive for 2007
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21 December 2007
"Microsoft should be required openly, fully and faithfully to
implement free and open industry standards," is the message of a
letter by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) to European
Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes. To help achieve this goal, FSFE
offered its support for a possible antitrust investigation based on
the complaint of Opera Software against Microsoft. The complaint was
based on anti-competitive behaviour in the web browser market.
20 December 2007
El caso terminó y la interoperabilidad ganó. El Tribunal Europeo dejó
claro que la información para la interoperabilidad no debe mantenerse
secreta, y el acuerdo demuestra que Microsoft no vio posible continuar
la obstrucción de la interoperabilidad en este campo. Esto establece una
norma que, de ahora en adelante, cualquiera tendrá que cumplir.
09 November 2007
«La dependencia de un proveedor se ha convertido en el principal problema para las
decisiones en TI en general y en la adopción de Software Libre en particular.
Esto distorsiona el mercado y niega a las soluciones basadas en Software Libre
el acceso a una libre competencia basada en méritos. El problema se debe a que
muchas de las dependencias de un proveedor son invisibles, por ejemplo la
necesidad de protocolos propietarios o la necesidad de emplear ciertos
formatos de documentos. Certified Open hace visible estas dependencias y
permite a los usuarios medir su grado de libertad respecto al proveedor.»
17 September 2007
"Microsoft can consider itself above the law no longer," says Georg
Greve, president of the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE).
"Through tactics that successfully derailed antitrust processes in
other parts of the world, including the United States, Microsoft has
managed to postpone this day for almost a decade. But thanks to the
perseverance and excellent work of the European Commission, these
tactics have now failed in Europe."
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27 July 2007
Los términos de la GPL de GNU han sido ratificados de nuevo, un tribunal alemán
falló contra Skype por no cumplir sus obligaciones como distribuidor. La FSFE
quiere ayudar a otros distribuidores a entender las obligaciones de la GPL de GNU.
16 July 2007
Artículo publicado en «La traducción entre el formato
de Microsoft Office OpenXML (MS-OOXML) y el formato independente
Open Document Format (ODF), ha sido propuesta por Microsoft y sus
asociados como una solución a los problemas ocasionados por los esfuerzos
de Microsoft para impulsar en el mercado un formato que se opone a los
formatos abiertos existentes. [...] Si estos traductores
fueran capaces de hacer lo que prometen, serían innecesarios.»
11 July 2007
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) has always helped the community
through providing pro bono advice, and through this has discovered
that businesses often require additional personal assistance. For
this reason, FSFE is offering businesses a chance to get individual
consultancy regarding Free Software issues at its Zurich, Switzerland
11 July 2007
Featured article by Georg Greve and Joachim Jakobs
about the need for Open Standards in archival, and why using MS-OOXML risks future data loss:
"Digital information could potentially be stored without loss of quality for a very long time to come.
But without knowledge about the encoding, our documents will become a meaningless series of ones and zeroes to future generations, just like cave paintings are too often meaningless bits of colour on stone to us."
05 July 2007
Version 3 of the GNU GPL has been released, after eighteen months of
public consultation and discussion. Version 3 provides better
internationalisation, more protection against software patents, and
does a better job of ensuring that Free Software users can install
modified software on their computers.
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30 June 2007
Six years after its start in 2001, the Free Software Foundation Europe
(FSFE) has now grown into an organisation of 9 employees equalling 6.7
full-time staff plus two interns. The European Core Team is fast
approaching 30 people and there are active people in more than nine
European countries. This report will try to summarise some of the key
milestones of the past two years of activity.
26 June 2007
The following six questions relate to the application of the
ECMA/MS-OOXML format to be accepted as an IEC/ISO
standard. Unless a national standardisation body has conclusive
answers to all of them, it should vote no in IEC/ISO and request
that Microsoft incorporate its work on MS-OOXML into ISO/IEC
26300:2006 (Open Document Format).
18 May 2007
En un intento de atemorizar, crear incertidumbre y duda en los centros
financieros mundiales, Microsoft alega que el Software Libre infringe varias
patentes de software, según un artículo publicado en la revista Fortune
23 April 2007
The FSFE criticises the proposed "second Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement
Directive" (IPRED2) for sweeping criminalisation across various areas of law
and loosely described areas of activity, including for 'attempting, aiding or
abetting and inciting.' The proposed text criminalises these acts for
infringement of many dissimilar laws including copyright, trademark, and
17 April 2007
The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is committed to working
with lawyers throughout Europe to maximise the legal security of Free
Software and is aware that as the community matures it is important to
be able to locate professional legal advice. For this reason FSFE has
introduced a new policy for recommending legal experts in individual
La libertad en la sociedad de la información necesita tu contribución financiera.
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24 February 2007
«La comunidad del Software Libre se basa en el principio de cooperación entre
partes muy diferentes. La Free Software Foundation Europa (FSFE) trabaja
para el beneficio de toda la comunidad, incluyendo las
compañías que hacen uso del Software Libre», explica Georg Greve, presidente
de la FSFE. «Nos es grato realizar este trabajo y nos entusiama hacerlo,
siempre tenemos presente que en gran parte este trabajo es posible gracias a
aquellos que trabajan con nosotros y nos dan su apoyo, en particular al gran
número de Fellows de la FSFE».
01 February 2007
Today FSFE has released the Fiduciary Licence Agreement (FLA) under the
terms of the GNU Free Documentation Licence (GFDL) and the Creative
Commons Attribution/Share-alike (CC by-sa) licence. The FLA is a
copyright assignment that allows Free Software projects to bundle their
copyright in a single organisation or person. It enables projects to
ensure their legal maintainability and can be used to either assign
copyright to FSFE's Fiduciary Program or to assign the rights to
another organisation set up by the project team itself.
30 January 2007
Para la FSFE esto es una oportunidad única: con el lanzamiento de Vista, los
usuarios necesitarán actualizar a un nuevo sistema operativo que tendrá un
aspecto diferente y para el que se requerirá de algún tiempo para
familiarizarse con las nuevas funcionalidades. Lo mismo vale para cualquier
distribución moderna de GNU/Linux.Es aproximadamente la misma inversión de
esfuerzo, pero le dará el control sobre sus propios datos.
23 January 2007
The OpenSwarm Project will be protected by FSFE's Freedom Task Force
(FTF). Shane Coughlan, FTF Coordinator, explains "The Freedom Task
Force is here to help strengthen the legal foundation of the Free
Software eco-system. The Fiduciary licence Agreement is part of this.
It provides a clear way for projects to consolidate their copyright.
In the case of OpenSwarm, FSFE is acting a legal guardian for the
project and ensuring that the developers can focus on maturing an
exciting development platform."
09 January 2007
In this talk, Richard Stallman explains why Free Software is
defined the way it is, the technical and political choices that
have gotten the Free Software movement to where it is today, and
what we have to do to prepare for what's ahead. With more than
20 years of practice, Stallman also entertains while telling the
This transription work was undertaken by FSFE due
to the very positive feedback from the transcripts about GPLv3.