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FSFE seeking legal department coordinator and staff members


Job description

FSFE was established in 2001 as a multi-cultural distributed organisation with volunteers and staff distributed across various European countries. Its approach is that of a result driven NGO with emphasis on constructive dialogue for lasting political and legal change. As an environment FSFE has grown out of the Free Software community and is ideally suited to motivated individuals capable of driving projects and initiatives forward.

FSFE is seeking applicants for coordinator and staff positions in our legal department, the Freedom Task Force. The FTF coordinator and staff work in cooperation with a mixed team of volunteers and employees to support FSFE's mission.


Required qualifications:

Useful experience would include:

It would be beneficial to have:

Working Conditions


Further Information

How to apply

If you are interested in the position, please direct your application to the FSFE Executive Council at council -- AT -- fsfeurope.org, including a current CV and a letter of motivation. Please provide all information in Open Standards and do not send Microsoft Word documents.

We will review all applications and seek personal interviews with the most promising applicants.