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And the winner of the election for FSFE's Fellowship GA seat is…


Election results

… Nicolas Dietrich! The election period for this year's Fellowship GA seat has ended on March 13, 2015. FSFE is proud to have had three outstanding candidates that were running for office this time. Now, Nicolas Dietrich is happy to take over the GA's Fellowship seat from former representative Heiki "Repentinus" Lõhmus.

Thanks to all Fellows who participated in the whole process and made this a valuable experience for the Fellowship and for FSFE. We had a voter participation of 21,35% this time.

Please see FSFE's wiki for more background about 2015's candidates and Condorcet Internet Voting Service for detailed Fellowship elections results.

Result details

1. 2. 3.
1. Nicolas Dietrich - 141 145
2. Felix Stegerman 121 - 137
3. Max Mehl 118 126 -